Suspender (to suspend) conjugation

104 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to flunk, to fail to pass an exam or class, flunk

Conjugation of suspender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I suspend
you suspend
he/she/it suspends
we suspend
you all suspend
they suspend
Present perfect tense
he suspendido
I have suspended
has suspendido
you have suspended
ha suspendido
he/she/it has suspended
hemos suspendido
we have suspended
habéis suspendido
you all have suspended
han suspendido
they have suspended
Past preterite tense
I suspended
you suspended
he/she/it suspended
we suspended
you all suspended
they suspended
Future tense
I will suspend
you will suspend
he/she/it will suspend
we will suspend
you all will suspend
they will suspend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would suspend
you would suspend
he/she/it would suspend
we would suspend
you all would suspend
they would suspend
Past imperfect tense
I used to suspend
you used to suspend
he/she/it used to suspend
we used to suspend
you all used to suspend
they used to suspend
Past perfect tense
había suspendido
I had suspended
habías suspendido
you had suspended
había suspendido
he/she/it had suspended
habíamos suspendido
we had suspended
habíais suspendido
you all had suspended
habían suspendido
they had suspended
Future perfect tense
habré suspendido
I will have suspended
habrás suspendido
you will have suspended
habrá suspendido
he/she/it will have suspended
habremos suspendido
we will have suspended
habréis suspendido
you all will have suspended
habrán suspendido
they will have suspended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I suspend
(if/so that) you suspend
(if/so that) he/she/it suspend
(if/so that) we suspend
(if/so that) you all suspend
(if/so that) they suspend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya suspendido
I have suspended
hayas suspendido
you have suspended
haya suspendido
he/she/it has suspended
hayamos suspendido
we have suspended
hayáis suspendido
you all have suspended
hayan suspendido
they have suspended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have suspended
(if/so that) you have suspended
(if/so that) he/she/it have suspended
(if/so that) we have suspended
(if/so that) you all have suspended
(if/so that) they have suspended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have suspended
(if/so that) you have suspended
(if/so that) he/she/it have suspended
(if/so that) we have suspended
(if/so that) you all have suspended
(if/so that) they have suspended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera suspendido
I had suspended
hubieras suspendido
you had suspended
hubiera suspendido
he/she/it had suspended
hubiéramos suspendido
we had suspended
hubierais suspendido
you all had suspended
hubieran suspendido
they had suspended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese suspendido
I had suspended
hubieses suspendido
you had suspended
hubiese suspendido
he/she/it had suspended
hubiésemos suspendido
we had suspended
hubieseis suspendido
you all had suspended
hubiesen suspendido
they had suspended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have suspended
(if/so that) you will have suspended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have suspended
(if/so that) we will have suspended
(if/so that) you all will have suspended
(if/so that) they will have suspended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere suspendido
I will have suspended
hubieres suspendido
you will have suspended
hubiere suspendido
he/she/it will have suspended
hubiéremos suspendido
we will have suspended
hubiereis suspendido
you all will have suspended
hubieren suspendido
they will have suspended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's suspend!
Imperative negative mood
no suspendas
do not suspend!
no suspenda
let him/her/it suspend!
no suspendamos
let us not suspend!
no suspendáis
do not suspend!
no suspendan
do not suspend!

Examples of suspender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Desaconsejamos suspender la cooperación... "We don't want to suspend cooperation...
- Disculpen Nos ha llegado una noticia grave, tenemos que suspender la premiación.- Sorry... We have some very serious news, we have to suspend the ceremony.
- Me dirigí al Secretario Conelly para suspender temporalmente la convertibilidad del dollar en oro y otros activos de reserva excepto en unas cantidades y condiciones determinadas por el interés de la estabilidad monetaria y en el mejor interés de los Estados Unidos.- I directed Secretary Conelly to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and the best interest of the United States.
- Quería suspender a los chicos.She wanted to suspend them.
- Sé todas las razones para suspender el programa, lo que me sorprende es que vengan de ti.l know all the reasons to suspend the program, Paul. l'm just surprised to hear it coming from you.
- Sin embargo, suspendo la pena.- However, I shall suspend sentence.
- Te suspendo de tu cargo.I try to be. I'm suspending you from duty.
- Te suspendo formalmente.I'm formally suspending you.
Alto o suspendo a las dos. ¿Qué sucede?High or suspend them both. What happens?
Cory Matthews, por la presente te suspendo de esta universidadCory Matthews, I hereby suspend you from this university for a period of
- ¿Me suspendes?- What? You're suspending me? - Pete, please, you know the rules.
Aquí es donde, debido a mis años del servicio suspendes un momento tu lealtad teutónica con el protocolo...Here's the part where, due to my years of service you suspend for a moment the Teutonic allegiance to protocol...
Greg, si tú mismo te suspendes, ¿sabes qué le pasará a tu carrera?Greg, you let yourself get suspended, you know what happens to your career?
Ingeniería de los Señores del Tiempo, sacas la estrella de su órbita, la suspendes en un estado permanente de decadencia.Time-Lord engineering -- you rip the star from its orbit, suspend it in a permanent state of decay.
Lo suspendes en el aire con una soga atando sus manos a la espalda.When you suspend him in the air with a rope tied to his hands that are tied behind his back.
- Cuando hay una gran violación, el servidor la envía y suspende la tarjeta de crédito del violador.- Whenever there's a large violation, the server sends it and suspends the credit card of the violator.
Doctora Martin, he desarrollado una cámara que suspende al viajero FTL en un estado de sueño controlado.Dr. Martin, I have developed a chamber that suspends the FTL traveler in a controlled dream state.
El Tribunal le concede libertad vigilada y suspende el cumplimiento de la condena.And suspends execution of the sentence. That's it.
Esta es la primera pintura conocida de la crucifixión, tallado en una caja de marfil en la Galia alrededor del 400 d.C. Incluye la muerte en la horca de Judas, con la cara vuelta hacia arriba para la rama que lo suspende.This is the earliest known depiction of the Crucifixion, carved on an ivory box in Gaul about A.D. four hundred. It includes the death by hanging of Judas, his face upturned to the branch that suspends him.
Este mandato judicial suspende toda caza del zorro robot durante 24 horas mientras nuestra moción está siendo estudiada.This injunction suspends all robot foxhunting for 24 hours while our motion is under consideration.
Colocamos un cable industrial desde arriba de la torre del reloj y lo suspendemos sobre la calle entre estos dos postes de luz.We run industrial-strength electrical cable from the top of the clock tower... down, suspending it over the street between these two lampposts.
Debido a una falla mecánica... suspendemos el conteo a los 29 segundos.Due to a mechanical failure... we are suspending the countdown at 29 seconds.
Desde mañana al mediodía suspendemos las operaciones.All operations are to be suspended from 12:00 tomorrow.
Digamos que suspendemos este juego de ajedrez entre nosotros.Let's say we suspend this game of chess between us.
Doctora, suspendemos su tratamiento por ahora.Doctor, suspend treatment for now.
- Steve si te suspenden, no podrás dar los finales.- Steve, if you get suspended, you can't take finals.
5 a 1, a que lo suspenden por cerrar la obra de la nueva carcel.5 to 1, he gets suspended for shutting down that jailhouse.
A todo buen policía lo suspenden alguna vez.Every good cop gets suspended at least once.
A vos te dan una palmadita en la mano y a mí me suspenden o expulsan.You'll get a nice slap on the wrist, and I'll get, what, suspended? Expelled?
Además, cuando te pillan haciendo trampas, o bien te sancionan o te suspenden esa clase, ¿verdad?Plus, uh, when you're caught cheating, you're either get suspended or you get an "F" in the class, right?
! - Y suspendí por:And suspended for:
- Por eso suspendí el proyecto.-That's why I suspended the project.
Así que suspendí su trasero por siete días.So, I suspended his ass for seven days.
Así que, lo suspendí por una semana.So I suspended them for a week.
Cuando te suspendí, ¿fue una invitación... a ir a la guerra con la Mafia Rusa o para quedarse en casa?When I suspended you, was it an invitation to go to war with the Russian mafia, or to stay at home?
Cometí el error de pedir a mi casero más tiempo, desde que me suspendiste y me tiró.I made the mistake of asking my landlord for more time, since you suspended me, and he kicked me out.
Pensé que dijiste que suspendiste a Gupta.I thought you said you suspended Gupta.
Te estás olvidando de que me suspendiste por 15 días.You're forgetting that you suspended me for 1 5 days.
Todos los silbidos en el pecho por pulverización catódica y la tos causada por el tabaquismo Cada cucharada de glicodina, pensidil ... Cada pastilla de strepsil, Eritromicina, Augmentine Todas las enfermedades que has sufrido por este hábito Todas las ocasiones en que tu pareja te pide que apagues el cigarrillo Pero suspendiste la sesión para acabar con el humo del tabaco por las pérdidas sufridas!Cigars. Every wheeze, sputter and cough caused by smoking every spoonful of glycodine, phensydyl ...every pill strepsil, Erithromycin, Augmentin every illness brought on by this habit of yours all those occasions when your partner requested you to butt your cigarette out but you suspended the meeting and strode out to finish your smoke the losses you incurred because of that!
Wow, habría pensado que me conocerías como el chico al que suspendiste.Wow, would've thought you'd know me as the guy you got suspended.
- Me interesa el idiota que me suspendió.Yes. Which idiot suspended me?
- Mi escuela me suspendió.- My school has suspended me.
- ¿Dice que el FBI suspendió el...?- Are you saying the FBI suspended the...?
- ¿Te suspendió?- So did he suspended you?
-Mt. Gox suspendió las operaciones.Dude,goxsuspendedtrading.
Daniel admitió enviar esas fotos, y lo suspendimos como debimos.Daniel has admitted to sending those photos, and we have suspended him accordingly.
Eso parece pero no pudimos acusar a nadie... así que los suspendimos a todos.Looks like it, but we couldn't point to anyone, so we suspended all of them.
Pero la suspendimos por abandonar el club femenino.We suspended her for abandoning the sority.
Si retomaramos aquello que suspendimos unos meses atras ?If that speech riprendessimo we had suspended a month ago?
"Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York" Se suspendieron las transacciones... cuando fue evidente que las pérdidas eran ficticias... y provocadas por bromistas de computación...Officials suspended trading when it became clear... that the losses were fictitious and caused by computer pranksters.
"me suspendieron" fuera algo que podías contarme?"I got suspended" was something you might share?
- Adivina a quién suspendieron.Guess who's getting suspended from school?
- Cory, ¿los Grizzlies te suspendieron?Cory, have you been suspended by the Grizzlies?
- La suspendieron.NICKI: She's suspended.
Ahora, si no lo haces, te suspenderé.Now, if you don't, then I will suspend you.
Deme el diario, y suspenderé mi investigación sobre usted y su abogado.Give me the diary, and I will suspend my investigation of you and your attorney.
Hace alguna cosa más, y será insubordinación, y te suspenderé.You do anything else, I'll have you on insubordination, and I will suspend you.
La próxima vez, suspenderé mi servicio.Well, next time, I will suspend my service.
Las suspenderé a las dos.I will suspend both of you.
Entonces dile a Walid que entregue a su sobrino cobarde, y el General Tariq suspenderá el toque de queda, las barricadas y todo lo demás.Then tell Walid to hand over his cowardly nephew, and General Tariq will suspend the curfew, the roadblocks and everything else.
¡El Teniente ha prometido que si todo está en orden, suspenderá el castigo! ¡Adelante!If everything is in order, the lieutenant will suspend the punishment.
Así que suspenderemos inmediatamente la participación de las tropas de cyborgs.So effective immediately, we will suspend participation of cyborg troops. - What?
De acuerdo suspenderemos todas las actividades de la Puerta y se quedarán todos donde están. Solo hasta que tengamos una imagen más clara de que fue exactamente lo que mató a Wagner y Johnson.We will suspend any and all gate activity and keep everyone where they are, just until we have a clearer picture of exactly what killed Wagner and Johnson.
Atención, los generadores de reserva... suspenderán las operaciones en 3 minutos.Reserve generators will suspend operation in three minutes.
El polen de pasto marino carga un manojo de feromonas que suspenderán los granos en agua a la profundidad a la que las flores de la planta florecen.Eelgrass pollen carries a bundle of pheromones that will suspend the grains in water at just the depth at which the plant's flowers bloom.
Me garantizaron que Ilaria suspendería el trabajo...I had assurances Ilaria would suspend work
Sé que no debería haberlo hecho, papá, pero creí que me suspendería si no accedía.I know I should not have do, Dad, but I thought that would suspend me if it does not do.
Y eso suspendería la descomposición y prevendría los lamentos de tener que lidiar con el pudrimiento y la eventual putrefacción del cadáver.Since there's a viewing, you can assume that he's been embalmed. And that would suspend decomposition and prevent the mourners from having to deal with the rotting and eventual putrescence of the corpse.
- Se le aseguró que suspenderíamos las pruebas en humanos, nada más.- You were assured we would suspend human testing, nothing more.
Normalmente, suspenderíamos a ambas estudiantes por pelear, así que necesitamos asegurarnos que esto nunca volverá a pasar.Normally, we would suspend both students for fighting, so we just need to make sure that this never happens again.
- No quiero que lo suspenda.- I don't want to suspend him.
- ¿Quieres que te suspenda?- Do you want me to suspend you?
Ahora entra y paga el resto de tus deudas o voy a tener que pedirle a tu jefa que te suspenda por no responder a una citación.Now come in and pay the rest of your debts, or I'm gonna have to ask the chief to suspend you for not answering a summons.
Ahora fuera de mi oficina antes de que suspenda del cargo por ser tan idiota.Now get out of my office before I have you suspended for being such a moron.
Akley ha manipulado al secretario para que suspenda mi pase de seguridad.Akley manipulated the Secretary into suspending my security clearance.
Antes de que me pegues o me suspendas por favor ten en cuenta que te escribí cuando oí entrar a Ennis.Well, before you punch me or suspend me, please keep in mind that I texted you the moment I heard Ennis enter.
Que le defiendas ante la prensa y no le suspendas es tu problema.That you defend him to the press and don't suspend him is your problem.
Que le defiendas y no le suspendas es tu problema.That you defend him and don't suspend him is your problem.
Quiero que me suspendas hasta que tengamos los resultados.I want you to suspend me until the lab tests come back.
Salvo que me suspendas, me quedaré.Unless you're suspending me, I'm staying.
Como psicólogos, estamos todos familiarizados con el concepto de Platt de la trampa social donde individuos que actúan egoístamente dañan el grupo como un todo, por lo que sugiero que suspendamos nuestras campañas solo por esta noche y celebremos el cumpleaños de Hope con dignidad.As psychologists, we're all familiar with Platt's concept of the social trap where individuals acting selfishly harm the group as a whole, so I suggest we suspend our campaigns just for tonight and celebrate Hope's birthday with dignity.
Hay más: como una condición para liberarme el director Devlin insistió en que suspendamos nuestra investigación de El Quinto Profeta hasta que Langley tenga oportunidad de revisar nuestros hallazgos.There's more. As a condition of my release, director Devlin is insisting we suspend our investigation of prophet five until Langley's had a chance to review our findings.
Ya que no tenemos idea de esta enfermedad o cómo se extiende o siquiera si nuestras medidas de contención tienen algún efecto recomiendo que suspendamos todos los viajes por la Puerta inmediatamente.Since we have no idea what this disease does, or how it's spread, or even if our containment measures are having any effect, I recommend we suspend all Gate travel immediately.
sugiero que suspendamos sus clases... hasta que usted haya tenido tiempo para visitar a un doctor bueno.I suggest we suspend your classes... until you've had time to visit a good doctor.
Así que, ¿no vas a intentar que me suspendan?So you're not gonna try and suspend me?
Bueno, cuenta conmigo para el Plan 2... mientras no me suspendan.Well, then, count me in for Phase 2, except I can't get suspended.
Bueno, si queremos que le suspendan, quizás solo deberíamos pedir un año, ¿18 meses?Well, if we want it suspended, maybe we should just ask for a year, 18 months?
Como escaparte de la escuela, excepto que en lugar de que te suspendan, consigues... ¿Qué consigues...?Kinda like ditching school, except instead of getting suspended, you get... what do you get?
Debo advertir a las cortes que suspendan su quiebra y su embargo de fondos...I shall advise the court to suspend your bankruptcy of lack of funds...
"suspended vuestra carrera"suspend your race"
Or you'll be suspendedOr you'll be suspended
To keep me suspended Quedarme suspendida in time with you en el tiempo contigoTo keep me suspended in time with you
Your suspended heartbeat engulfed by the dark.Your suspended heartbeat engulfed by the dark.
♪ Won't you come home, I surrender ♪ I miss my sweet bag of bones, drunk and tender ♪ Why don't you want to stay here suspended♪ Won't you come home, I surrender ♪ I miss my sweet bag of bones, drunk and tender ♪ Why don't you want to stay here suspended
"A menos que un hombre esté suspendido de la competición"...cosa que no estoy..."Unless a man is suspended from competition—" Which I ain't—
"Basado en los argumentos presentados por los señores Johnson, la junta escolar ha decidido cambiar el estado de Jack Johnson de expulsado a suspendido por un período de tres días.""Based on the arguments presented by Mr. and Dr. Johnson, the board has decided to change Jack Johnson's status from expelled to suspended for a three-day period."
"Detective suspendido""detective suspended."
"Ejecutivos sujetos a investigación" Mastroeni fue suspendido.Mastroeni received a suspended sentence.
"El comisiario Goemond habría"... Leo bien: "habría sido suspendido por orden directa del Ministerio del Interior"Commissioner Goémond has apparently been suspended by direct order of the Minister of the lnterior.
# Las señales púrpuras están brillando, suspendiendo mis pensamientos. #The purple signals are shining, suspending my thoughts
- Los estoy suspendiendo a los dos.- I'm suspending you both.
-Porque siquiera ir a la audiencia ¿Si ya me esta suspendiendo?- Why even go to the hearing if you're already suspending me?
-¿Me está suspendiendo?You're suspending me?
Así que en cualquier caso, suspendiendo el trabajo de los Comisionados de la Iglesia, hasta que los rebeldes...So, any case, for suspending the work of church commisioners, until the rebels...

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