Suspender (to suspend) conjugation

73 examples

Conjugation of suspender

Present tense
I suspend
you suspend
he/she suspends
we suspend
you all suspend
they suspend
Present perfect tense
tenho suspendido
I have suspended
tens suspendido
you have suspended
tem suspendido
he/she has suspended
temos suspendido
we have suspended
tendes suspendido
you all have suspended
têm suspendido
they have suspended
Past preterite tense
I suspended
you suspended
he/she suspended
we suspended
you all suspended
they suspended
Future tense
I will suspend
you will suspend
he/she will suspend
we will suspend
you all will suspend
they will suspend
Conditional mood
I would suspend
you would suspend
he/she would suspend
we would suspend
you all would suspend
they would suspend
Past imperfect tense
I used to suspend
you used to suspend
he/she used to suspend
we used to suspend
you all used to suspend
they used to suspend
Past perfect tense
tinha suspendido
I had suspended
tinhas suspendido
you had suspended
tinha suspendido
he/she had suspended
tínhamos suspendido
we had suspended
tínheis suspendido
you all had suspended
tinham suspendido
they had suspended
Future perfect tense
terei suspendido
I will have suspended
terás suspendido
you will have suspended
terá suspendido
he/she will have suspended
teremos suspendido
we will have suspended
tereis suspendido
you all will have suspended
terão suspendido
they will have suspended
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha suspendido
I have suspended
tenhas suspendido
you have suspended
tenha suspendido
he/she has suspended
tenhamos suspendido
we have suspended
tenhais suspendido
you all have suspended
tenham suspendido
they have suspended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have suspended
(if/so that) you will have suspended
(if/so that) he/she will have suspended
(if/so that) we will have suspended
(if/so that) you all will have suspended
(if/so that) they will have suspended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver suspendido
I will have suspended
tiveres suspendido
you will have suspended
tiver suspendido
he/she will have suspended
tivermos suspendido
we will have suspended
tiverdes suspendido
you all will have suspended
tiverem suspendido
they will have suspended
Imperative mood
let's suspend!
Imperative negative mood
não suspendas
do not suspend!
não suspenda
let him/her/it not suspend!
não suspendamos
let us not suspend!
não suspendais
do not suspend!
não suspendam
do not suspend!

Examples of suspender

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Dr. Blackwell... Se continua com estes disparates vou ter de a suspender.- Dr. Blackwell-- if you keep up this nonsense I'm going to have to suspend you.
A Empresa ameaçou suspender a tua licença médica a menos que abandonasses Qresh.The Company threatened to suspend your medical license unless you left Qresh.
A decisão de suspender a investigação não foi minha, Jimmy.It wasn't my call to suspend the investigation, Jimmy.
A directora irá suspender-te se não parares com isso agora.Principal Holland threatened to suspend you if you don't stop this right now.
A sua decisão de suspender a Posse Comitatus não faz nada o seu género.Your decision to suspend posse comitatus... That's not like you.
Algum sarilho, suspendo-vos.Any trouble, I'll suspend you.
Caso contrário, suspendo-te por insubordinação.You do anything else, I'll have you on insubordination and I will suspend you.
Depois suspendo-o?And then I go and get suspended?
Mas suspendo a minha sentença.But I suspend my sentence
Não estarás a dizer isso porque foste suspendo por lhe bateres na cara?Tha- - You wouldn't just be saying that because you got... suspended for hitting him in the face?
A cláusula 209 suspende a nossa amizade e diminui o "Acordo de Colegas de Casa" aos mínimos essenciais.Clause 209 suspends our friendship, and strips down the Roommate Agreement to its bare essentials.
Inclui a morte por enforcamento de Judas, com o seu rosto virado para o ramo que o suspende.It includes the death by hanging of Judas, his face upturned to the branch that suspends him.
O Comité do concurso Mastermind decidiu suspende-te... do jogo dos quartos de final por acções impróprias?The Collegiate Mastermind Committee hereby suspends you... from the semi-final match of this year's Final Four for actions unbecoming?
Concordámos com as inspecções da IAEA, suspendemos a produção de urânio enriquecido.We have agreed to IAEA inspections, suspended production on enriched uranium.
Desculpa, não fomos claros quando suspendemos os protocolos de recrutamento?I'm sorry, were we not clear when we suspended your recruitment protocols?
Diz-nos onde está o Faubert, e nós suspendemos a expulsão.Give us Faubert, we'll suspend it.
Então os protestantes furam a lei e nós suspendemos a vigia?So stick to the Protestants suspend the law and we watch?
Mal suspendemos as operações Stargate, tira isto do chapeu.The moment we suspend Stargate operations, you pull this out of your hat.
A real tragédia é que o avião foi golpeado ao tentar aterrar minutos após a FAA ter suspendido todo o tráfego aéreo na América do norte por causa da tempestade de meteoritos originou um dos mais trágicos dias na história moderna.The real tragedy is that the aircraft was struck while trying to land minutes after the FAA suspended all air traffic in Northern America because of the meteor storm that has turned this into one of the most tragic days in modern history.
Deviam ter-me suspendido depois de ter testemunhado.They should have suspended me after I testified.
Devido ao estado delinquente da sua conta o seu serviço telefónico foi suspendido.Due to the delinquent status on your account your phone service has been suspended.
Estavas bêbado e chateado por teres sido suspendido do casoYou were drinking and got angry at being suspended
Estou contente por terem suspendido o Milhouse.I'm glad they suspended Milhouse.
- Caramba! Acabei de falar com a Gail Shaffer e o Conselho diz que suspendem o layoff se votarmos a favor hoje.I just talked to Gail Shaffer, and the control board has agreed to suspend the layoffs if we vote to comply tonight.
Cirurgicamente extraem o cérebro e o suspendem em um recipiente de fluido que desenharam engenhosamente.They surgically extract the brain and suspend it in a fluid-filled cylinder they have ingeniously engineered.
E, se não me sair bem, ele diz, vocês suspendem-me.And if I don't make it with the hefty man, he says the word you suspend me.
Estamos com sorte que não suspendem os jogadores neste campeonato!We're lucky they're not suspending players from this tournament! Excellent!
Os do campeonato; suspendem-na?will they suspend her from the championship?
- Por isso que suspendi o projecto.-That's why I suspended the project.
Até lá, suspendi os teus privilégios.Until then I've had your privileges suspended.
Então os suspendi por uma semana.So I suspended them for a week.
Eu suspendi o sistema, mas só por 15 minutos.I suspended the systems, but only for 15 minutes.
No que toca ao Quinn, suspendi-o para proteger o teu irmão.As far as Quinn goes, I suspended him. To protect your brother.
Tu suspendeste o House, porque seria muito perigoso em mantê-lo na chefia, mas ao saber a opinião dele...You suspended housebecause it'd be dangerous having him in charge,but getting his opinion--
- Ele suspendeu-te?- So did he suspended you?
- O FBI suspendeu a?- Are you saying the FBI suspended the...?
A CIA suspendeu todas as missões com relação a isto.The Agency has suspended all tactical missions on this front.
A CMVM suspendeu a troca de acções da Westworld Air em virtude de um anúncio.The SEC has suspended trading of Westworld Air pending an announcement.
A Federação do Comércio bloqueou Pantora e suspendeu todo o comércio com o sistema.The Trade Federation has blockaded Pantora and suspended all commerce with the system.
"Explique-me porque é que quando Raciti morreu, eles suspenderam o campeonato e hoje as jornadas vão decorrer normalmente.Explain why, when Raciti died, they suspended all the games and instead, today the games are on.
- Não sei. Vamos verificar. Mas precisavam culpar alguém, então suspenderam a Gina.We're looking into that now, but Bureau needed a fall guy, so they suspended Gina.
- Ouvi no rádio que suspenderam todos os transportes públicos, então... Sou a vossa a única forma de sair daqui.I heard on the radio they've suspended all public transportation, so I'm your only way out of here.
A Lissa foi apanhada sob o efeito da pastilha que apanhou do chão e suspenderam-na durante duas semanas.Lissa was caught on the Molly that she ate off the floor of that beater and suspended for two weeks.
As entidades oficiais suspenderam a venda de lotaria... até haver uma investigação.State officials have suspended all lottery sales... pending further investigation.
Eu, Jefferson J. Berk suspenderei uma pessoa no ar.I, Jefferson J. Berk will suspend a person in midair.
então, diga ao Walid para entregar o seu sobrinho cobarde, e o General Tariq suspenderá o toque de recolher, os bloqueios de estrada e tudo resto.Then tell Walid to hand over his cowardly nephew... and General Tariq will suspend the curfew... the roadblocks and everything else.
Tinha garantias que a Ilaria suspenderia os trabalhos com o vírus "NARVIK".I had assurances Ilaria would suspend work - on the NARVIK virus.
Agora vêm e paga o resto das tuas dividas, ou vou pedir a chefe que te suspenda por não responderes a uma convocação.Now come in and pay the rest of your debts, or I'm gonna have to ask the chief to suspend you for not answering a summons.
Antes que me dê um murro ou me suspenda, não se esqueça que lhe enviei um SMS assim que ouvi o Ennis entrar no edifício.Well, before you punch me or suspend me, please keep in mind that I texted you the moment I heard Ennis enter the building.
Bote mais uma aí e suspenda a buchada.Another boat around and suspend buchada.
Chegou-me aos ouvidos, que está em liberdade condicional não-oficial, desde então. Mais um erro... é despedido do Chandler Memorial, com a recomendação para a ordem que suspenda a sua licença.It's my understanding you've been on unofficial probation since then-- one more mistake, you're gone from Chandler Memorial, complete with a recommendation to the State Board to suspend your license.
Ele está confuso e cansado, obviamente, Chuck, então suspenda por alguns meses, mas não vamos enterrá-lo.So suspend him for a couple months, but let's not bury him.
Quero que me suspendas até os resultados virem do laboratório.I want you to suspend me until the lab tests come back.
Sugiro que suspendamos as suas aulas até que tenha tido tempo de visitar um bom médico.I suggest we suspend your classes until you've had time to visit a good doctor.
Vais pagar, Orry, ou queres que te suspendamos o serviço?You gonna pay up, Orry, or you want we should suspend our service?
- Certo, por ora, suspendam-no.- Okay, for now, suspend him.
A menos que me suspendam ou me obriguem a responder às vossas perguntas, eu gostava de falar com a minha filha.Unless you're gonna suspend me or compel me to answer your questions, I would like to speak with my daughter.
Apenas não o suspendam por esse tempo todo.Just don't suspend him for that long.
Saia daqui antes que eu faça com que lhe suspendam a licença.Get out of here unless you want your license suspended.
Se te demitires pacificamente, a Liga Árabe pode conseguir que te reduzam ou até suspendam a sentença.If you step down peacefully, the Arab League can get the ICC to reduce or even suspend your sentence.
A partir desse momento, estou suspendendo a investigação da Rachel.As of this moment, I'm suspending the Rachel investigation. It's over.
Depois do último tiroteio no Liceu Columbine os estabelecimentos escolares instauraram a tolerância zero suspendendo e expulsando estudantes por qualquer tipo de comportamento indiciando qualquer risco de violência.Since last spring's shooting, at Columbine High, schools nationwide have extended zero-tolerance policies, suspending and expelling students for all kinds of behaviour considered unruly, or warning signs of violence to come.
Ela queria livrar-se da própria situação suspendendo-me após ela ter estragado aquela negociação com reféns!She was covering her own ass by suspending me after she screwed up that hostage negotiation.
Estou te suspendendo.I'm suspending you.
Você está me suspendendo?You're suspending me?
A pior coisa que te podem fazer é suspenderem-te... por três anos ?The worst thing that they could do to you is that they could suspend you for, what, three years?
Não preciso de uma estrela dourada... Nem que o Platt ou a Torre de Marfim saibam... Caso tentem-me desencorajar, ou até... suspenderem-me.I don't need a gold star, and I don't need Platt or the Ivory Tower knowing, in case they try to talk me out of this or, you know, suspend me.
O Conselho contactará a Ordem dos Médicos para te suspenderem a licença.- The Council will be in touch... with the medical board to have your license suspended.
O Theo ameaça todos que amo se não me suspenderes, eu fico.Theo is a threat to everyone I love. Unless you're suspending me, I'm staying.
Como é que não se vai saber se suspendermos os detectives?How does word not get out once we suspend the detectives?
E se, desta vez, suspendermos os parâmetros do encontro e ficares até mais tarde?What if, just this once, we suspend the date night parameters and you stay later?
Se evacuarmos o edifício e suspendermos as transacções, podemos gerar pânico ou antecipar os ataques.If we clear the building and suspend trading, we could create a panic, or we might trigger the bombings early.
Vinha dizer-lhe que acho melhor suspendermos temporariamente o envio de desperdícios para a fábrica.General, I've come here to tell you that I think we should suspend waste shipments to the plant - For the time being.

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