Masacrar (to massacre) conjugation

62 examples

Conjugation of masacrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I massacre
you massacre
he/she/it massacres
we massacre
you all massacre
they massacre
Present perfect tense
he masacrado
I have massacred
has masacrado
you have massacred
ha masacrado
he/she/it has massacred
hemos masacrado
we have massacred
habéis masacrado
you all have massacred
han masacrado
they have massacred
Past preterite tense
I massacred
you massacred
he/she/it massacred
we massacred
you all massacred
they massacred
Future tense
I will massacre
you will massacre
he/she/it will massacre
we will massacre
you all will massacre
they will massacre
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would massacre
you would massacre
he/she/it would massacre
we would massacre
you all would massacre
they would massacre
Past imperfect tense
I used to massacre
you used to massacre
he/she/it used to massacre
we used to massacre
you all used to massacre
they used to massacre
Past perfect tense
había masacrado
I had massacred
habías masacrado
you had massacred
había masacrado
he/she/it had massacred
habíamos masacrado
we had massacred
habíais masacrado
you all had massacred
habían masacrado
they had massacred
Future perfect tense
habré masacrado
I will have massacred
habrás masacrado
you will have massacred
habrá masacrado
he/she/it will have massacred
habremos masacrado
we will have massacred
habréis masacrado
you all will have massacred
habrán masacrado
they will have massacred
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I massacre
(if/so that) you massacre
(if/so that) he/she/it massacre
(if/so that) we massacre
(if/so that) you all massacre
(if/so that) they massacre
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya masacrado
I have massacred
hayas masacrado
you have massacred
haya masacrado
he/she/it has massacred
hayamos masacrado
we have massacred
hayáis masacrado
you all have massacred
hayan masacrado
they have massacred
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have massacred
(if/so that) you have massacred
(if/so that) he/she/it have massacred
(if/so that) we have massacred
(if/so that) you all have massacred
(if/so that) they have massacred
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have massacred
(if/so that) you have massacred
(if/so that) he/she/it have massacred
(if/so that) we have massacred
(if/so that) you all have massacred
(if/so that) they have massacred
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera masacrado
I had massacred
hubieras masacrado
you had massacred
hubiera masacrado
he/she/it had massacred
hubiéramos masacrado
we had massacred
hubierais masacrado
you all had massacred
hubieran masacrado
they had massacred
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese masacrado
I had massacred
hubieses masacrado
you had massacred
hubiese masacrado
he/she/it had massacred
hubiésemos masacrado
we had massacred
hubieseis masacrado
you all had massacred
hubiesen masacrado
they had massacred
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have massacred
(if/so that) you will have massacred
(if/so that) he/she/it will have massacred
(if/so that) we will have massacred
(if/so that) you all will have massacred
(if/so that) they will have massacred
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere masacrado
I will have massacred
hubieres masacrado
you will have massacred
hubiere masacrado
he/she/it will have massacred
hubiéremos masacrado
we will have massacred
hubiereis masacrado
you all will have massacred
hubieren masacrado
they will have massacred
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's massacre!
Imperative negative mood
no masacres
do not massacre!
no masacre
let him/her/it massacre!
no masacremos
let us not massacre!
no masacréis
do not massacre!
no masacren
do not massacre!

Examples of masacrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Pelea sin deseo" Me dices que olvide mis deseos pero me incitas a combatir y masacrar.You say: forget desire, seek detachment, yet you urge me to battle, to massacre.
"Voten contra los infames bolcheviques que quien masacrar a los pobres barones. "Vote "against the Bolsheviks who want to massacre the poor barons."
..enviarte aqui a masacrar a personas massacre innocent people.
Alguien que pueda usar el poder del sol para masacrar a los impuros.Someone who can use the power of the sun to massacre the unclean.
Cuando Roslin use los soldados de Adama para masacrar las personas de esta nave, prisioneros y rehenes. La gente en la flota nunca, pero nunca los perdonarán.Once Roslin uses Adama's soldiers... to massacre the people on this ship... prisoners and hostages alike... people in the fleet will never forgive them.
Pilato ya masacro a cientos de judios.Pilate has already massacred hundreds of Jewish people.
¡Este es el hombre que masacro mi familia!This is the man who massacred my family!
Ahora, ¿masacra a un puñado de ratas de laboratorio?This time, he massacres a bunch of lab nerds?
No soy un tirano que recluta a niños como soldados y que masacra villas enteras.I'm not some local tyrant who recruits child soldiers And massacres whole villages.
Saben, a ustedes los masacra y tortura toda la escuela ¿Porqué quieren hacerle eso a alguien más?You know, the massacres and torture you throughout the school Why do you want to do that to someone else?
¿Qué si el rey masacra a los inocentes?What if the king massacres the innocent?
Los masacramos.We massacre them.
Nosotros no masacramos.We don't do massacres.
..cuando los Judíos de Israel masacran a nuestros hermanos Palestinos...when Israeli Jews massacre our Palestinian brothers.
A ustedes no les importa. Si ejércitos extranjeros, con los que pactaron en secreto entran y masacran al pueblo, desearían la muerte del pueblo para poder prosperar.You don't care if the foreign armies with whom you're making secret deals march in and massacre the people.
Apenas los salvas, otros los masacran.You barely save one race and another massacres them.
Las víctimas del drama argelino pertenecen a una misma familia herida cuyos miembros se masacran en plena noche sin reconocerse tanteando en la oscuridad y lanzándose en un encuentro ciego.The victims of the Algerian tragedy belong to a single family ... damn ... whose members massacred in the middle of the night without recognizing groping in the dark and throwing himself into a fight blind.
Los lobos masacran nuestros rebaños.Wolves massacred our sheep
Así que los masacré a muchos de ellos.So I massacred the lot of them.
Los masacré porque eran débiles.I massacred them because they were weak.
Yo masacré a los Amalecitas y a las siete naciones de Canaan.I massacred the Amalekites and the Seven Nations of Canaan.
El dijo eso y tu le creiste, viniste aqui y masacraste a personas.He said that and you believed it and just came here and massacred people
Los Silurians te engañaron, aún cuando los masacraste.The Silurians outwitted you, even after you'd massacred them.
Tú y Santa María los masacraste y lo culpaste a él.You have massacred them and blamed it to him.
Así que Rahl masacró a todos los niños.So rahl massacred all the children.
César ha levantado el asedio y masacró a los ejércitos de Ptolomeo.Caesar has lifted the siege and massacred the armies of Ptolemy.
El cártel masacró a toda su familia...The cartel massacred the entire family...
El jueves masacró a 300 soldados rebeldes.On Thursday she massacred 300 rebel soldiers.
Esa noche, conduje con el demonio mientras masacró a los 28 hombres más influyentes de la pandilla.That night, I drove the demon around as he massacred 28 of the most influential people in the gang,
- ¿A quién masacraron?- Who got massacred?
Allí masacraron a mi familia cuando yo tenía nueve años.My family was massacred there when I was 9.
Allí, a Grant y sus Highlanders les masacraron y cortaron las cabelleras.Over there, Grant and his Highlanders were massacred and scalped.
Aquí fue donde... masacraron a una familia de cinco miembrosThis is where... a family of five was massacred.
Bajo sus órdenes, los mercenarios Suizos masacraron a los habitantes de Rapallo.Under his orders, Swiss mercenaries massacred the inhabitants of Rapallo.
¡Xiang Yu masacrará la gente de esta ciudad!Xiang Yu will massacre the people of this city!
Sabías que masacraría a toda mi aldea.You knew I would massacre my entire village.
"Así que tuvimos que llegar a un campamento seguro que era de 30 kilómetros de distancia - '30 Millas que se convirtió en una masacre ".'So we had to reach a safe camp that was 30 miles away - '30 miles that turned into a massacre.'
"Así que tuvimos que llegar a un campamento seguro que estaba a 30 millas de distancia - '30 Millas que se convirtió en una masacre.'So we had to reach a safe camp that was 30 miles away - '30 miles that turned into a massacre.'
"El atardecer finalmente llevó a la masacre a su fin".'Fading light eventually brought the massacre to an end.'
"Es una masacre."It's a massacre.
"Ese día ocurrió una masacre de amor, cuando el reloj deslumbre al maniático actor gay a quién no le gusta trabajar sutil".A Willoughby riddle. "on this day occurred a love massacre, "when the clock struck a manic gay actor
- Desde el momento de las masacres.- At the time of the massacres.
- Se acabaron las masacres.No more massacres.
- Sí. Si este es un homicidio regular en lugar de algo sobrenatural, tal vez podamos darles un día libre del mundo de los asesinatos y las masacres.If this is everyday homicide instead of the supernatural kind, then maybe we can give them the day off from the world of murder and massacres.
...indignidad, desprecio a los ciudadanos, desvío de dinero público, pactos con petroleros, industriales y banqueros, ...colaboración con la CIA, uso ilegal de informaciones secretas, ...responsabilidad en las masacres de Milán, Brescia y Bolonia (al menos por su incapacidad culpable para castigar a los ejecutores) por la destrucción paisajística y urbana de Italia,bribes about oil with industry and bankers, ...collaboration with the CIA, illegal use of secret information, responsibility in the massacres of Milan, Brescia and Bologna by landscape destruction and urban Italy,
/Además de en experiencias personales, /las guerras, /las guerras reales por la droga, /las masacres reales, /la masacre con la sierra,Other than the personal events, the wars... the actual drug wars... the actual massacres, the chainsaw massacre... were all based on real incidents.
Pero si he empezado a cuestionar la interpretación de sus palabras no importa lo que me diga, no creeré que el libro del Origen pida que masacremos a gente inocente y no aceptaré que toda la doctrina de la buena voluntadBut I have begun to question the interpretation of their words. No matter what you say I will not believe the book of Origin asks us to massacre innocent people! And I will not stand by while the holly doctrine of good will and faith that
Apúrate y diles a tus padres que no nos masacren a todos.Now hurry up and warn your parents not to massacre us all!
El capitán no puede dejar que nos masacren. No es humano.The captain can't make us wait here to be massacred, it ain't human.
Hay que quemar tus Stalin antes de que nos masacren.Your Stalins ought to be burnt or they'll massacre the whole house.
Lamento decirles por un lado que la guerra ha terminado y por otro que es muy probable que nos masacren en cualquier momento.I'm sorry to tell you with one breath that the war is over and with the next that we' re all liable to be massacred at any moment.
Permíteme ocultarme aquí hasta que los refuerzos británicos lleguen y masacren a todos los rebeldes.Permit me to hide out here till British reinforcements arrive and massacre the entire lot of rebels.
- Lo han masacrado.- They massacred him.
A los pocos que llegaron a Japón deben haberlos masacrado.The pitiful remnants that reached Japan must have been massacred.
Aunque la mayoría de los estadounidenses permanecían en la oscuridad sobre el país al que estaban invadiendo la verdad se filtraba de vez en cuando como cuando el periodista independiente S. Hersh, lanzó la noticia en noviembre de 1969 de que hacía año y medio, fuerzas estadounidenses habían masacradoThough most americans remained in the dark about the country they were invading the truth occasionally seeped out, as when freelance journalist S. Hersh in nov. 1969 broke the news that a year and a half earlier US forces had massacred up to
Ayer fue masacrado por perros.Yesterday he was massacred by dogs.
De un lado al otro, recorrí todos los hospitales con un hombre que fue masacrado... por un pirata del asfalto y necesita primeros auxilios.From one end to the other I went to all the hospitals with a man that's been massacred by an pirate of the concrete seas and is in need of first aid
Asajj Ventress, el Conde Dooku lanza un brutal contraataque contra las Hermanas de la Noche, masacrando a todo el clan.Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku launches a brutal counterattack against the Nightsisters, massacring the entire clan.
Como represalia, los rusos lanzaron misiones de búsqueda y aniquilación, a menudo bombardeando pueblos enteros, masacrando a cientos de civiles.In response, the Russians launched search and destroy missions, often bombing whole villages, massacring hundreds of civilians.
Debo arreglar el dedo que me estás masacrando.I have to fix the toe that you are massacring.
Es perverso de mí, Freddie, lo sé, pero no tengo ganas de precipitarme a la pocilga para ver a Bottles masacrando ratas.It is perverse of me, Freddie, I know, but I have no desire to "pole down to the sty to watch Bottles massacring rats".
Quiero decir, un minuto dejas que George me arranque la cabeza por el bien de la humanidad, y al siguiente, estás masacrando a 20 de ellos en el vagón de un tren.I mean, one minute you're letting George tear my head off for the sake of humanity, and the next, you're massacring 20 of them in a train carriage.

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