Massacrare (to massacre) conjugation

43 examples
This verb can also mean the following: make mincemeat out of, make, slaughter, murder

Conjugation of massacrare

Present tense
I massacre
you massacre
he/she/it massacres
we massacre
you all massacre
they massacre
Present perfect tense
ho massacrato
I have massacred
hai massacrato
you have massacred
ha massacrato
he/she/it has massacred
abbiamo massacrato
we have massacred
avete massacrato
you all have massacred
hanno massacrato
they have massacred
Past preterite tense
I massacred
you massacred
he/she/it massacred
we massacred
you all massacred
they massacred
Future tense
I will massacre
you will massacre
he/she/it will massacre
we will massacre
you all will massacre
they will massacre
Conditional mood
I would massacre
you would massacre
he/she/it would massacre
we would massacre
you all would massacre
they would massacre
Past impf. tense
I used to massacre
you used to massacre
he/she/it used to massacre
we used to massacre
you all used to massacre
they used to massacre
Past perfect tense
avevo massacrato
I had massacred
avevi massacrato
you had massacred
aveva massacrato
he/she/it had massacred
avevamo massacrato
we had massacred
avevate massacrato
you all had massacred
avevano massacrato
they had massacred
Future perfect tense
avrò massacrato
I will have massacred
avrai massacrato
you will have massacred
avrà massacrato
he/she/it will have massacred
avremo massacrato
we will have massacred
avrete massacrato
you all will have massacred
avranno massacrato
they will have massacred
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I massacre
(if/so that) you massacre
(if/so that) he/she/it massacre
(if/so that) we massacre
(if/so that) you all massacre
(if/so that) they massacre
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia massacrato
I have massacred
abbia massacrato
you have massacred
abbia massacrato
he/she/it has massacred
abbiamo massacrato
we have massacred
abbiate massacrato
you all have massacred
abbiano massacrato
they have massacred
Imperative mood
let's massacre!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei massacrato
I would have massacred
avresti massacrato
you would have massacred
avrebbe massacrato
he/she/it would have massacred
avremmo massacrato
we would have massacred
avreste massacrato
you all would have massacred
avrebbero massacrato
they would have massacred

Examples of massacrare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Votate contro i bolscevichi che vogliono massacrare i poveri baroni."Vote "against the Bolsheviks who want to massacre the poor barons."
- Questo lo so. Passiamo alla parte in cui l'hai convinto a massacrare undici persone.Skip to the part where you convince him to massacre 11 people.
14 delle 18 province irachene erano controllate dai ribelli... quando il generale Schwartzkopf permise a Saddam Hussein... di usare gli elicotteri da combattimento... per massacrare i ribelli, uomini, donne e bambini.14 of 18 Iraqi provinces... AMBASSADOR DE IRAQ EN THE UNO ... the rebels were controlling them... when general Schwartzkopf it allowed Saddam Hussein... to use the helicopters of combat... to massacre the rebels, men, women and children.
Beh, ho osservato questi figli di puttana cercare di uccidere me e di massacrare un ospedale, e lo sto riferendo.Well, I observed the sons of bitches trying to kill me and massacre hospital, and I'm reporting it.
Con un'alleanza spagnola, possiamo massacrare sia gli svizzeri che i francesi.With a Spanish alliance, we can massacre both the Swiss and the French.
"Cosa sa del video del massacro rilasciato su internet?"What is your knowledge of the massacre video released on the Internet?
"E' un massacro.""it's a massacre. "
"E' un massacro."It's a massacre.
"Il massacro di cristiani"The massacre of Christians
"In questo giorno e' accaduto un massacro d'amore, cosi' com'e' passato il quarto d'ora di celebrita' del simpatico attore gay che non le manda a dire.""on this day occurred a love massacre, "when the clock struck a manic gay actor Who does not like to work subtle."
"..prima che feroci massacri siano compiuti." )"..before the ferocious massacres happen." )
- In che modo? Non sono mai stata forzata a partecipare ai massacri.I was never forced to participate in the massacres.
- Ma c'e' un problema? La settimana scorsa abbiamo ricevuto delle informazioni. Farida avrebbe preso parte a dei massacri, ad opera dei ribelli che la detenevano.Last week we got a report that Farida took part in massacres... carried out by the rebels that held her.
- le carneficine, i massacri?Apeldjus, killings, bloodshed, massacres!
Abbiamo ricevuto notizia di devastioni e di massacri.We've had reports of destruction, massacre
Appena li hai salvati arriva subito un altro che li massacra.You barely save one race and another massacres them.
E se il re massacra gli innocenti?What if the king massacres the innocent?
- Ha massacrato la gente del mio villaggio.He massacred my village.
- Ti aspetti che combattiamo fianco a fianco... coi macellai che hanno massacrato i nostri amici e violato le nostre figlie?You expect us to fight shoulder to shoulder with the butchers who massacred our friends and defiled our daughters?
Avi, ascolta... nel 1915, gli Ottomani hanno saccheggiato i loro villaggi... massacrato gli uomini... stuprato le donne, affogato i bambini e... bruciato le persone nei fienili.Avi, listen, 1915, Ottomans looted their villages. They massacred the men. They raped the women, drowned their kids, and burned people in hay lofts.
Colonnello, alcuni soldati da lei catturati dicono che avete massacrato dei prigionieri indifesi.colonel, stragglers you've captured tell me that helpless American prisoners have been massacred.
Conosco l'uomo che ha massacrato il mio paese, ma L'Aia non vuole emettere un mandato d'arresto internazionale, senza test del DNA che provi che sia lui.I know the man who massacred my village, but The Hague won't issue an international warrant without a DNA match proving it's him.
Dalla scena del crimine delle allieve infermiere massacrate a Chicago.Crime scene snaps from Chicago's student nurse massacre.
E quelle persone di Frog Lake, non meritavano di essere massacrate.And those folks from Frog Lake, they didn't deserve to be massacred.
Gia', sulle streghe massacrate nel corso dei secoli.Yeah, about witches being massacred over the centuries.
Hai dissotterrato molte vittime massacrate?You dig up lots of massacred victims?
Il Talismano è stato sottratto, tutte le sacerdotesse massacrate.The talisman's stolen. All the priests massacred.
A voi non importa... se eserciti stranieri, con i quali complottate, massacrano il popolo.You don't care if the foreign armies with whom you're making secret deals march in and massacre the people.
Guarda quanti sono! Quelli ci massacrano.It's gonna be a massacre.
Le vittime del dramma algerino appartengono a una stessa famiglia dannata i cui membri si massacrano in piena notte senza riconoscersi brancolando nell'oscurità e gettandosi in uno scontro cieco.The victims of the Algerian tragedy belong to a single family ... damn ... whose members massacred in the middle of the night without recognizing groping in the dark and throwing himself into a fight blind.
È diventata rossa col sangue dei Votan per giorni dopo che Joshua Nolan massacrò i miei compagni.It ran red with Votan blood for days after Joshua Nolan massacred my comrades.
20 anni fa... quattro soldati di Escarra massacrarono un gruppo di immigrati onduregni.20 years ago, four Escarra soldiers massacred a group of Honduran immigrants.
Comandante, 80 anni fa, i Lornak massacrarono un clan riVale, i Tralesta.Commander, 80 years ago, the Lornaks massacred a rival clan, the Tralestas.
Dopo che tuo padre lasciò la nave, vennero a bordo... e massacrarono l'intero equipaggio.After your father left the ship, they came on board... and massacred the entire crew.
E come eravamo tristi quando i turchi massacrarono gli armeni.And how distressed we all were when the Turks massacred the Armenians.
l Creek assediarono 400 o 500 persone a ForMims e poi li massacrarono tutti.The Creeks boxed up about 400 or 500 people at Fort Mims and massacred every one of 'em.
Ne massacreranno un gran numero, ma questa predazione, paradossalmente, è vitale per la specie delle cernie le quali, altrimenti, diventerebbero troppo numerose.They will massacre many of the grouper, but this predation, paradoxically, is vital for the grouper as a species, who will otherwise reproduce too fast and become too numerous.
Se quelle stronze la vedono in quello stato, la massacreranno.If those bitches see her like that they will massacre her.
Devo sistemare l'unghia che stai massacrando.I have to fix the toe that you are massacring.
Dopo un tentato omicidio da parte della sua ripudiata apprendista Asajj Ventress, il conte Dooku lancia un violento contrattacco contro le Sorelle della Notte, massacrando l'intero clan.After an assassination attempt by his forsaken apprentice Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku launches a brutal counterattack against the Nightsisters, massacring the entire clan.
Ero di stanza a Ankau durate la rivoluzione, mentre stavano massacrando tutti i Manciù.I was stationed at Hankow during the revolution when they were massacring all the Manchus.
Non risolverai nulla massacrando la gente.You're not solving anything by massacring people.
Persino in guerra mentre i selvaggi ci stavano massacrando a centinaia, bruciando le nostre citta', non abbiamo mai chiesto il suo aiuto.Even in the war when the savages were massacring us by the hundreds, burning our towns, we never asked for his help.

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