Manifestar (to manifest) conjugation

73 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to declare, reveal, display, declare, show, express

Conjugation of manifestar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I manifest
you manifest
he/she/it manifests
we manifest
you all manifest
they manifest
Present perfect tense
he manifestado
I have manifested
has manifestado
you have manifested
ha manifestado
he/she/it has manifested
hemos manifestado
we have manifested
habéis manifestado
you all have manifested
han manifestado
they have manifested
Past preterite tense
I manifested
you manifested
he/she/it manifested
we manifested
you all manifested
they manifested
Future tense
I will manifest
you will manifest
he/she/it will manifest
we will manifest
you all will manifest
they will manifest
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would manifest
you would manifest
he/she/it would manifest
we would manifest
you all would manifest
they would manifest
Past imperfect tense
I used to manifest
you used to manifest
he/she/it used to manifest
we used to manifest
you all used to manifest
they used to manifest
Past perfect tense
había manifestado
I had manifested
habías manifestado
you had manifested
había manifestado
he/she/it had manifested
habíamos manifestado
we had manifested
habíais manifestado
you all had manifested
habían manifestado
they had manifested
Future perfect tense
habré manifestado
I will have manifested
habrás manifestado
you will have manifested
habrá manifestado
he/she/it will have manifested
habremos manifestado
we will have manifested
habréis manifestado
you all will have manifested
habrán manifestado
they will have manifested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I manifest
(if/so that) you manifest
(if/so that) he/she/it manifest
(if/so that) we manifest
(if/so that) you all manifest
(if/so that) they manifest
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya manifestado
I have manifested
hayas manifestado
you have manifested
haya manifestado
he/she/it has manifested
hayamos manifestado
we have manifested
hayáis manifestado
you all have manifested
hayan manifestado
they have manifested
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have manifested
(if/so that) you have manifested
(if/so that) he/she/it have manifested
(if/so that) we have manifested
(if/so that) you all have manifested
(if/so that) they have manifested
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have manifested
(if/so that) you have manifested
(if/so that) he/she/it have manifested
(if/so that) we have manifested
(if/so that) you all have manifested
(if/so that) they have manifested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera manifestado
I had manifested
hubieras manifestado
you had manifested
hubiera manifestado
he/she/it had manifested
hubiéramos manifestado
we had manifested
hubierais manifestado
you all had manifested
hubieran manifestado
they had manifested
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese manifestado
I had manifested
hubieses manifestado
you had manifested
hubiese manifestado
he/she/it had manifested
hubiésemos manifestado
we had manifested
hubieseis manifestado
you all had manifested
hubiesen manifestado
they had manifested
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have manifested
(if/so that) you will have manifested
(if/so that) he/she/it will have manifested
(if/so that) we will have manifested
(if/so that) you all will have manifested
(if/so that) they will have manifested
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere manifestado
I will have manifested
hubieres manifestado
you will have manifested
hubiere manifestado
he/she/it will have manifested
hubiéremos manifestado
we will have manifested
hubiereis manifestado
you all will have manifested
hubieren manifestado
they will have manifested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's manifest!
Imperative negative mood
no manifiestes
do not manifest!
no manifieste
let him/her/it manifest!
no manifestemos
let us not manifest!
no manifestéis
do not manifest!
no manifiesten
do not manifest!

Examples of manifestar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
-Empiezan a manifestar una respuesta.-They begin to manifest a response.
A diferencia de la sesión de espiritismo de los científicos en la década de 1970 nuestro objetivo es manifestar al espíritu en nuestro mundo.Unlike the scientific séance from the 1970s our goal is to manifest the spirit into our world.
Adrian, ¿cuándo se empezó a manifestar este impulso?Adrian, when did this urge begin to manifest itself?
Azzallel trató pero fracasó en manifestar ojos nuevos para su bebé.Now, Azzallel tried but failed to manifest new eyes for his baby girl.
Convencido de que Qui-Gon Jinn lo guía descubre a cinco sacerdotisas que le enseñarán cómo manifestar su conciencia después de morir.Convinced that he is guided by Qui-Gon Jinn, he finds five priestesses who will teach him how to manifest consciousness after death.
"Adjunto con esta misiva el manifiesto del almirante Latouche-Tréville al rey de Nápoles."I enclose within this missive "the manifesto from Admiral Latouche-Tréville "to the King of Naples.
"Ahmed" arrojó un manifiesto en el periódico Washington Union."Ahmed" just dropped off a manifesto Here at the washington union.
"El manifiesto de Brunswick despierta a la Nación".The Brunswick manifesto finally wakes up the nation! Citizens, the sandmen will try to seduce you. Run away.
"El manifiesto del Unicornio declaraba que llevaba una carga de ron y tabaco destinada a Europa pero durante mucho tiempo se dijo que llevaba un cargamento secreto.""The Unicorn's manifest stated" "that it was carrying a cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe," "but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."
"Mano invisible" es que la búsqueda limitada y egoísta de este producto ficticio pondrá de manifiesto por arte de magia el progreso y bienestar humano y social.'Invisible Hand' is that the narrow, self-interested pursuit of this fictional commodity will somehow magically manifest human and social well-being and progress.
"Y como resultado de las deficiencias manifiestas "en todas las áreas"And as a result of manifest deficiencies in every area,
Sí Entonces manifiestas miedo e imágenes de la muerte para mantenerte aquíYeah. So you manifested fears and images of death to keep you here.
Y ya te manifiestas.And you manifest.
la verdadera lealtad sólo se demuestra con acciones manifiestas... generalmente desafiantes, al enfrentar obstáculos insalvables... que pueden ser enemigos belicosos e irracionales.True loyalty can only be demonstrated through the display of manifest actions- often defiant-when confronted by insurmountable obstacles... in the form of confrontational and irrational enemies.
- Se manifiesta como--- It manifests itself...
- Se manifiesta como...- It manifests as borderline...
...por una emoción, pues se manifiesta.... By an emotion, it manifests itself.
Afirma que en los animales e insectos, esta variedad se manifiesta... en una serie de especies diferentes.He claims that in animals and insects, this variety manifests in a series of different species.
Así que incluso si tiene el virus, no hay forma en que se manifiesta como algo más que la gripe nada.So even if she has the virus, there's no way it manifests as anything other than the flu. This is an assassination.
Estamos tratando de contener y atrapar al ente que manifestamos hace unos años.We're attempting to contain and entrap the entity we manifested a few years ago.
Pero dada la oportunidad, manifestamos cada pensamiento más cruel, perverso, vengativo y paranoico posible.But when we got our shot, we manifested every mean... ...distorting,vengeful, paranoid thought you could think of.
Y todos manifestamos síntomas de la toxicidad de ese entorno.And we all manifested symptoms of the toxicity of that environment.
¿Cómo manifestamos nuestra homofobia?How did we manifest our homophobia?
"Podría estar expresando a través de ti hermosas sinfonías sonoras, de color y lenguaje, que se manifiestan como música."I may be expressing' through you beautiful symphonies of sound, color and language, that manifests itself as music.
- Bueno, soy un mago, así que mis terrores nocturnos se manifiestan como criaturas reales que intentan arrastrarme a la muerte en mi sueño.- Well, I'm a wizard, so my night terrors manifest themselves into actual creatures that try to claw me to death in my sleep.
A veces los ataques se manifiestan como risa histérica llanto incontrolable o furia ciega.Other times, the attacks might manifest themselves as hysterical laughter... or uncontrollable crying or a blind rage.
A veces los pacientes manifiestan los síntomas, ...porque es más fácil sentir dolor físico que emocional.Sometimes patients manifest symptoms because it is easier to feel physical pain than emotional.
A ver si puedo conseguir que se manifiestan extendida.See if I can get that extended manifest.
Quizá manifesté mi amor por ti en formas que te provocaron vergüenza y hasta repugnancia pero sí te amo.I may have manifested my love for you in ways... that brought you shame, perhaps revulsion, but I do love you.
"El Sr. Singh manifestó múltiples fobias en su primer año en la Universidad de California.""Mr. Singh's multiple phobias manifested his freshman year at USC."
- Año Uno Documenté cómo la depresión se manifestó en la ciudad.- Year One I documented how the Depression manifested itself in my town.
Amí se me manifestó con brotesfaciales constantes.The way it manifested in me wasthat my face was constantly broken out.
Bueno, obviamente, la fuerza innata de Duncan y la resistencia han ido creciendo constantemente desde su nacimiento, pero su natural respuesta a la lucha ha creado un estado de hiper-estímulo, que se manifestó como "Incendia Respiro".Well, obviously, Duncan's innate strength and resilience have been growing steadily since birth, but his natural fight-or-flight response created a hyper-stimulated state, which manifested itself as incendiary respire.
Con respecto a lo que dijiste el otro día sobre tener Havingness creo que la mía se manifestó, así que la aproveché.You know what you said about havingness the other day, I think mine just manifested itself, so I embraced it.
Basados en cuándo los bomberos fueron infectados, qué tan rápido se manifestaron los síntomas... dos horas como mucho.Based on when the firemen were infected, how quickly their symptoms manifested... Two hours at most.
Llevo a esta niña dulce que va a ver a su psiquiatra para discutir los problemas con su papá que se manifestaron como un desprecio por el mundo en general.My fare is this sweet little girl trying to get to her shrink's office so she can discuss her daddy issues and how they have manifested into an unhealthy disdain for the world at large.
Para ella, manifestaron los síntomas como religioso basado en delirios.For her, the symptoms manifested as religiously based delusions.
Tierra a la vista, tienen se manifestaron, han mostrado?Earth in full view, have manifested themselves, have shown themselves?
Debes hallar un modo de canalizar tu enojo de lo contrario, se manifestará en algo...You have to find a way to channel your anger or else it will manifest itself into something like, you know, a rocket ship.
El menú, manifestará todos los colores del espectro, sí.The, uh, menu will manifest all the colors of the spectrum, yes.
Las Barras y Estrellas se quemarán... y desde sus cenizas se manifestará una revolución.The Stars and Stripes will burn, and out of its ashes will manifest a revolution.
Se manifestará en una variedad de maneras diferentes.It will manifest itself in a number of different ways.
Si me han hecho daño en el mundo de los espíritus, la herida se manifestará en mi cuerpo.If I am harmed in the spirit world, the wound will manifest on my body.
Debemos buscar el conocimiento... sin ninguna interferencia de nuestras adicciones... y si podemos hacer eso, manifestaremos el conocimiento en realidad... y nuestros cuerpos lo experimentarán... de nuevas maneras, en una química nueva, en hologramas nuevos... nuevos lugares recónditos de pensamiento... más allá de nuestros sueños más insólitos.We must pursue knowledge... without any interference of our addictions... and if we can do that, we will manifest knowledge in reality... and our bodies will experience it... in new ways, in new chemistry, in new holograms... new elsewheres of thought... beyond our wildest dreams.
En consecuencia, es muy importante lo que deseas, cuales son tus pensamientos, cuales son tus sentimientos, porque se manifestarán.Therefore, it's very important what you wish, what your thoughts are, what your feelings are because it will manifest.
Resolver el campo de Higgs de alguna forma es determinar el universo completo, el estado en que se encuentra, y cómo estas partículas se manifestarán.Turns out the Higgs is actually determining the whole universe in some way, what state it's in, and how these particles will manifest themselves.
Así que hace 20 anos, yo mismo cause mi nacimiento de esta mujer, conociendo que mi divina fortaleza se manifestaría cuando la necesitara.So 20 years ago, I caused myself to be born to this woman, knowing my divine strength would manifest when I needed it.
La agonía de Vladimir se manifestaría directamente sobre su piel " .Vladimir's agony would manifest directly onto his skin."
No previnimos que la computadora manifestaría esos temores con él.We never anticipated the computer would manifest those fears into him.
Se manifestaría como un cáncer.It would manifest like a cancer.
Yo supongo que en esas circunstancias, ella manifestaría celos.I suppose in such a circumstance she would manifest jealousy.
Pinté un pequeño retrato de ¡o que mis emociones manifestarían si fuera una persona.I painted a little portrait of what my emotions would manifest if it was, like, a person.
A menos que nada más se manifieste en, digamos... un arn, podré levantar el aislamiento con seguridadHence, unless anything else manifests itself in, say... ohh, an arn, I can safely lift lockdown.
A no ser que hablemos de un universo con unas leyes ocultas y un creador oculto que solo se manifieste a gente...Or are we talking about a universe which has some hidden laws and a hidden creator, who manifests himself only to people like
A veces es posible que el cuerpo manifieste cambios físicos que se imagina el cerebro.Although it is possible for the body to manifest Physical changes imagined in the brain
Así que cuando 1918 se manifieste por completo...So when 1918 becomes fully manifest...
Cuanto llevará que se manifieste el coche, la relación, el dinero, o lo que sea que ocurra ?How long it will take to manifest the car, the relationship, the money, whatever it happens to be...
'Sentimientos que él pudiera tratar y enmascarar, pero que se manifiesten por sí mismos, 'de un modo que no pueda físicamente suprimir.''Feelings that he may try and mask emotionally may manifest themselves 'in a way that he cannot physically suppress.'
Bueno, como reducción neurocognitiva, síndromes de dolor crónico que no se manifiesten por días o semanas.Well, like neurocognitive deficits, chronic pain syndromes that may not manifest for days or weeks.
Creemos que es a través de la oración y de la meditación cuando los Hacedores se manifiesten.We believe that it is through prayer and meditation... that the Makers become manifest.
Cuando sus poderes se manifiesten, Peter será un gran hombre.When his powers manifest,peter will become a great man.
Es probable que las cosas a las que te enfrentas en tu vida real se manifiesten en tu sueño.The things you're wrestling with in real life are likely to manifest themselves in your dream.
- Hermanos, ya que queréis contraer santo matrimonio, unid vuestras manos y manifestad vuestro consentimiento ante Dios y su Iglesia.My children, since you will enter holy matrimony, unite your hands and manifest your consent before God and his Church.
"Tengo claro que la maldad no está en mi brazo..." "...pues desde que Charley murió, no he vuelto a experimentar..." "...esas tendencias violentas que se habían manifestado al principio."l do know that evil does not live in my arm, because since Charley has died, l've experienced none of the violent tendencies the arm initially manifested.
A pesar que la paciente dio respuestas coherentes en nuestro primer encuentro, ha manifestado creencias metafísicas... durante su sesión con Faruk.While the patient gave coherent answers during ourfýrst meeting. She has manifested metaphysical beliefs... during hersession with Faruk.
Bueno, la culpa debió haberse manifestado en otra parte.Well, the guilt must have manifested itself elsewhere.
Cada copia ha manifestado diferentes rasgos.Each copy has manifested different traits.
Comportamiento programado, impulsado y manifestado por sugestión.Programmed behavior prompted and manifested by suggestion.
- Algo que estés manifestando.It's not psychological. ...something you're manifesting.
- ¿Cuántos hogares estamos manifestando?- How many homes are we manifesting?
A pesar de la conciencia que Olivia parece estar manifestando ahora, no es quien tú crees que es.Whatever consciousness Olivia appears to be manifesting now, she's not who you think she is.
Debo decir, Señor pequeño, que no parece que esté manifestando muchos síntomas de depresión postparto.I must say, Mrs. small, you don't seem to be manifesting many symptoms of postpartum depression.
Dr. Morgan era tu cerebro manifestando inseguridad.Dr. Morgan was your brain manifesting insecurity.

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