Es degradante maltratar al mentalmente discapacitado. | It's degrading to mistreat the mentally disabled. |
La Ley no me permite maltratar a estos criminales, ...así que uso el anisete. | The law does not allow me to mistreat these criminals, so I use the aniseed. |
Y no, nunca sería tan maldito como para maltratar a mi hijo. | And no, I never drink enough to mistreat my son. |
¿Por qué no puedes encontrar a en este país que te pueda maltratar? | Why can't you ever find anybody at home to mistreat you? |
"¿Cuánto más tiempo podemos permitir que nuestros ciudadanos sufran este maltrato?" | How much longer can we allow our citizens to endure this mistreatment?" |
- En la parte siete de nuestro informe... analizaremos en mayor detalle... el maltrato a los humanos atrapados en Babylon 5. | - In part seven of our continuing report... we will examine in greater detail... the mistreatment of humans trapped on Babylon 5. |
- Estoy de cubierto, investigando casos de maltrato en el ala de psiquiatría, pero ahora parece estar dentro la cuenta atrás de un secuestrador | -I'm undercover, researching the mistreatment of psych-ward patients, but now it's sort of an insider account on a hostage standoff. |
- Tus chicos tienen una historia de maltrato a estas criaturas poderosas. Y hasta ahora, nadie a levantado un dedo. | You folks have a history of mistreating these mighty creatures, and up till now, no one's been lifting a finger. |
Amputación de orejas, palizas cegueras con fuego, incendios de los hogares maltrato a las mujeres. ¡Acabemos con esto! | The ear loppings, the beatings the blindings with hot irons, the burning of our homes the mistreatment of our women. |
Está bien, pero si me maltratas prefiero matarme yo. | But Sutekichi, if you mistreat me even once, |
He oído como... maltratas a tus siervos. | Oh, I have heard how you... mistreat your servants. |
Le pegas, la maltratas. Y un día de estos acabarás matándola. | You beat her, you mistreat her And someday you're gonna kill her. |
Me gusta como maltratas las bolas. | Interesting way you mistreat a baseball. |
Podrían pensar que los maltratas. | They might think you mistreat them. |
Esa chica maltrata a su gente. | That girl mistreats her people. |
Flamengo hasta la muerte en la regata, me mata, me maltrata, ¿por qué paró? | Flamengo to death in regattas, it kills me, mistreats me it stopped! |
Mi padre es un buen hombre. Nunca maltrata a una mujer, a menos que haya hecho algo malo. | My father's a good man, he never mistreats a women unless she has done something wrong. |
No. Livy, si te maltrata solo por un segundo, estoy llendo y te llevo | Livy, if he mistreats you for even one second, |
Rock, rock que se acerca golpea, seduce, maltrata | 'Rock, rock that approaches strikes, seduces, mistreats' |
Hijo, cualquiera diría que aquí te maltratamos. | You'd think we mistreated you. |
La vida puede pasar mientras ignoramos o maltratamos a personas cercanas. | Life may pass by while we ignore or mistreat those close to us. |
Ya están diciendo que somos unos torturadores, que maltratamos a las pobres chicas indefensas, que nuestros métodos son indignos de un país civilizado. | They're already saying that we're torturers, we mistreat poor defenseless girls; our methods are unworthy of a civilization! |
Y que en todo caso puedan decidir de salir de ello cuando quieren.. .. sin ser chantajeadas o maltratáis. | And that they can decide to get out of it whenever they choose to without being blackmailed or mistreated. |
Deberían ahogar a los bastardos que maltratan animales. | The bastards who mistreat animals should be drowned. |
Hablo de tu patrón de autodestrucción al elegir hombres que te maltratan. | I'm talking about your self-destructive pattern of choosing men who mistreat you. |
He conocido a muchas chicas qué tienen a un protector,.. .. que están enamoradas y qué, por lo tanto, se hacen hacer de todo.. .. de los que las explotan y las maltratan.. | I've met many girls who have pimps and are in love with them, and that, well, they don't realize they're being exploited and mistreated and so much more, right? |
La maltratan. | They mistreat her. |
Le sacan el pasaporte,.. .. las maltratan,.. .. las violan,.. | Their passports are taken they're mistreated violence is used against them and they're battered to death. |
# Lo maltraté en el pasado y él me reventó el ojo. | # What mistreated in the past and he blew me the eye. |
- Porque sientes que te maltraté. | - Because you feel I've mistreated you. No. |
No maltraté a ninguno en mi casa, Cuando aún era llamada domina. | I mistreated none within my house, when I was yet called domina. |
Parece que alguien cree que maltraté a Keith mientras estaba vivo. | It seems someone thinks I mistreated Keith while he was alive. |
Pero yo lo maltraté y lo impulsé a una vida criminal. | But I mistreated him and drove him to a life of crime. |
Ella debe ser la única chica que tú maltrataste. | Like she's the only girl you ever mistreated. |
Lo que yo he hecho es porque maltrataste a un alumno. | What l did was because you mistreated a pupil! |
Sí, dice que no maltrataste a Alex que ella te maltrató a ti al acostarse con él. Vamos. | She says that you did not mistreat Alex, she mistreated you by sleeping with him. |
¡Tú la maltrataste! | You mistreated her! |
Estaba enfermo, y en el punto de chequeo el guardia me maltrató en público sin ninguna razón. | I was sick, and at the roadblock the guard mistreated me in public for no reason. |
Está convencido de que mi familia le maltrató. | Apparently, he's convinced my family and I mistreated him. |
Mi padre la maltrató mucho. | My father mistreated her too much. |
Para conectarse con un supervisor... porque uno de nuestros crueles y violentos agentes lo maltrató... y quiere que le quiten su maldita placa, presione uno. | To be connected to a supervisor because one of ourjackbooted thugs mistreated you... and you want his goddamn badge, press one. |
Que Dios me ampare, si Harvey te maltrató, lo... | So help me, if Harvey mistreated you, I will-- |
La maltrataron... Abusaron de ella... La abandonaron... | # She was mistreated... # abused... # neglected... |
La maltrataron. | The mistreated. |
Le pido disculpas si maltrataron su propiedad o a usted. | I apologize if you or your property were in any way mistreated. |
Me maltrataron de niño, por eso mentí y engañé. | I grew up mistreated, so I lied and I cheated. |
No te maltrataron, ¿verdad? | You weren't mistreated, were you? |
"Yo cruelmente maltrate tanto a los nobles y la gente común. | "I cruelly mistreated both the nobles and the common people. |
Cuidado y te maltrate. | Don't let her mistreat you. |
Esto va sobre cómo te maltrate, ¿no es así? | This is about how I mistreated you, isn't it? |
No toleraré que maltrate a estos hombres. | I will not tolerate mistreatment of these men! |
Que nadie los maltrate ni verbal ni físicamente. | Make sure no one mistreats them, verbally or physically. |
- No me maltrates. | Don't mistreat me. |
Así que no maltrates al destino, es lo que estoy diciendo. | So, don't mistreat fate, I'm tellin' you. |
Es, "oye, ! no maltrates al muerto!" | It's, "hey, don't mistreat the dead body! |
No lo maltrates. Ven aquí. | Don't mistreat it, come here on. |
No maltrates a tu hermano. | Don't mistreat your brother. |
Insisto en ver los interrogatorios para que no maltraten a esas personas. | I insist on witnessing the interviews to ensure these men and women aren't mistreated. |
Los iraquíes son un pueblo maravilloso, no imaginamos que nos maltraten. | Iraqis are wonderful people. I can't imagine them mistreating us. |
No escribes God Save the Queen porque odies a los ingleses, la escribes porque los quieres y estás harto de que los maltraten. | You don't write "God Save the Queen" because you hate the English race. You write a song like that because you love them, and you're fed up with them being mistreated. |
¡No se dejen engañar por la Dama Jefa y no maltraten a su alto oficial! | Don't be fooled by the head lady and mistreat your high official! |
# He sido maltratado # | ♪ I've been mistreated ♪ |
# He sido maltratado | ♪ I've been mistreated |
- No solamente dijo que volvería, sino que se vengaría de los cinco que lo habían maltratado. | - He didn'tjust claim he was coming back, but that he was gonna take vengeance on five men who had mistreated him. |
- Que sea maltratado, ¿sin hacer nada? | - To be mistreated, doing nothing? |
- ¿Te ha maltratado? | - Been mistreated? |
- Ese niño estába maltratando a mi hijo. | - That boy is mistreating my son. |
- Sabemos que lo ha estado maltratando. | - [Missie] We know you've been mistreating him. |
Fué considerada vulnerable, pero nunca hubo ninguna señal de estar maltratando a su hijo. | She was considered vulnerable, but there was never any sign that she was mistreating her son. |
Le diré al Dr. Russo que los está maltratando. | I'll tell Dr. Russo she's mistreating them. |
Lo están maltratando. | They are mistreating the metal in here. |