Intervenir (to intervene) conjugation

93 examples

Conjugation of intervenir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I intervene
you intervene
he/she/it intervenes
we intervene
you all intervene
they intervene
Present perfect tense
he intervenido
I have intervened
has intervenido
you have intervened
ha intervenido
he/she/it has intervened
hemos intervenido
we have intervened
habéis intervenido
you all have intervened
han intervenido
they have intervened
Past preterite tense
I intervened
you intervened
he/she/it intervened
we intervened
you all intervened
they intervened
Future tense
I will intervene
you will intervene
he/she/it will intervene
we will intervene
you all will intervene
they will intervene
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would intervene
you would intervene
he/she/it would intervene
we would intervene
you all would intervene
they would intervene
Past imperfect tense
I used to intervene
you used to intervene
he/she/it used to intervene
we used to intervene
you all used to intervene
they used to intervene
Past perfect tense
había intervenido
I had intervened
habías intervenido
you had intervened
había intervenido
he/she/it had intervened
habíamos intervenido
we had intervened
habíais intervenido
you all had intervened
habían intervenido
they had intervened
Future perfect tense
habré intervenido
I will have intervened
habrás intervenido
you will have intervened
habrá intervenido
he/she/it will have intervened
habremos intervenido
we will have intervened
habréis intervenido
you all will have intervened
habrán intervenido
they will have intervened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I intervene
(if/so that) you intervene
(if/so that) he/she/it intervene
(if/so that) we intervene
(if/so that) you all intervene
(if/so that) they intervene
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya intervenido
I have intervened
hayas intervenido
you have intervened
haya intervenido
he/she/it has intervened
hayamos intervenido
we have intervened
hayáis intervenido
you all have intervened
hayan intervenido
they have intervened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have intervened
(if/so that) you have intervened
(if/so that) he/she/it have intervened
(if/so that) we have intervened
(if/so that) you all have intervened
(if/so that) they have intervened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have intervened
(if/so that) you have intervened
(if/so that) he/she/it have intervened
(if/so that) we have intervened
(if/so that) you all have intervened
(if/so that) they have intervened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera intervenido
I had intervened
hubieras intervenido
you had intervened
hubiera intervenido
he/she/it had intervened
hubiéramos intervenido
we had intervened
hubierais intervenido
you all had intervened
hubieran intervenido
they had intervened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese intervenido
I had intervened
hubieses intervenido
you had intervened
hubiese intervenido
he/she/it had intervened
hubiésemos intervenido
we had intervened
hubieseis intervenido
you all had intervened
hubiesen intervenido
they had intervened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have intervened
(if/so that) you will have intervened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have intervened
(if/so that) we will have intervened
(if/so that) you all will have intervened
(if/so that) they will have intervened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere intervenido
I will have intervened
hubieres intervenido
you will have intervened
hubiere intervenido
he/she/it will have intervened
hubiéremos intervenido
we will have intervened
hubiereis intervenido
you all will have intervened
hubieren intervenido
they will have intervened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's intervene!
Imperative negative mood
no intervengas
do not intervene!
no intervenga
let him/her/it intervene!
no intervengamos
let us not intervene!
no intervengáis
do not intervene!
no intervengan
do not intervene!

Examples of intervenir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
".. y decidió intervenir."...and decided to intervene.'
"Debería permitirse al Rey intervenir o incluso interferir en las políticas de partido?", entonces obtendría resultados muy distintos."Should the King be allowed to intervene "or interfere in party politics?" you'd get a very different response.
"Luego le cortó la garganta delante de nosotros, bajo órdenes de no intervenir"."He then cut her throat in front of us. We were under orders NOT to intervene."
# intervén, actúa, motiva... # necesitas intervenir, actuar, motivar...- # intervene, act, motivate # you need to intervene, act, motivate #
'La inhumanidad de la pena de muerte implementada por el estado es tan... 'te hace preguntarte...' 'si para algunos perpetradores no sería más humano...' 'el intervenir en una etapa mucho más temprana.''The inhumanity of state-implemented death penalty is such... 'it makes you wonder...' 'whether for some perpetrators it wouldn't be more humane...' 'to intervene at a much earlier stage.'
Bueno. Pues yo nunca intervengo.I never intervened.
Esta vez intervengo yo personalmente.This time it's best that I intervene.
No como en las películas, pero sí, intervengo para liberar a la víctima de la posesión demoníaca.Not like in the movies, but yes, I intervene to liberate the victim from demonic possession.
Si intervengo en este asunto, le perjudico.If I intervene in this matter, it'll cost him.
Si intervengo, si le hago daño, me odiará.If I intervene, if I hurt him, he will hate me.
-¿Por qué no intervienes?- Will you intervene?
Irrumpo, intervienes,I break in, you intervene,
Si intervienes en la muerte de alguien se acaba la cosa.Like if you were to intervene into someone else's death that would end it.
Si intervienes, la probabilidad de éxito de la misión es cero.If you intervene, chance of mission success goes to zero.
Si intervienes, perderá el desafío.If you intervene, the challenge will be forfeit.
"Podía discutirlo, pero el camarero interviene con un segundo menú,"He could argue but the waiter intervenes with a second menu,
- ¿En serio? El destino interviene en la vida de la gente.Fate intervenes in people's lives.
Al amanecer, la embajada de Francia interviene.At dawn the French embassy intervenes.
Cartero interviene, es disparado durante el proceso, muere en el hospital.Mail carrier intervenes, gets shot in the process, Dies in the hospital.
Cuando las JAP descubren un acaparamiento el gobierno interviene el negocio y pone a la venta los productos.When the JAP discover a hoarder the government intervenes and puts the products on sale.
- Si intervenimos demasiado pronto, no tendremos forma de saber si el incidente de ayer fue único.If we intervene too soon, we'll have no way of knowing if yesterday's incident was unique.
Ange, intervenimos de inmediato.Ange, intervene right away.
Aparentemente, Joe envió a Emma y a otro tipo a buscarla, pero nosotros intervenimos.Apparently Joe sent Emma and some guy to meet her, but we intervened.
Así que intervenimos.So we intervened.
Cuando hayan dicho lo suficiente, intervenimos.When they've said enough, we intervene.
Al contrario que EEUU, donde el gobierno federal... y la banca central intervienen para limitar las desigualdades... entre los estados, la zona euro los agrava.In contrast to the USA, where the federal government and the Federal Reserve System intervene to ameliorate inequalities among states, Eurozone accentuates inequality.
Bueno, Maureen, las cortes no intervienen en romances fallidos.Well, Maureen, courts don't intervene in failed romances.
En el día que van a casarse, familia y odio enconado durante mucho tiempo intervienen.On the day they are to marry, family and long-festering hatred intervene.
Hay 160.000 estudiantes, y la inmensa mayoría de ellos quiere trabajar en paz y las fuerzas del orden no intervienen por protegerlos.There are 160.000 students, and the vast majority of them wants to work in peace and the security force don't intervene to protect them.
La gente se casa porque, como dice, las circunstancias intervienen.People get married, because, as you say, circumstances intervene.
Afortunadamente intervine antes de que llegaran a la caja fuerte.Fortunately I intervened before they got to the safe.
Así que intervine y me hice cargo de Harriet y Martin.I intervened and took care of Harriet and Martin.
Cevat, yo sólo intervine.Cevat, I just intervened.
Cuando intentaron huir contigo... yo intervine.When they tried to run away with you, I intervened.
Cuando yo intervine y salve a Carter Lo salto y fue a la proxima persona-Billy.When l intervened and saved Carter... it skipped him and went to the next person--Billy.
En el 92, interviniste en una disputa entre ella y un cliente.'92, you intervened in a dispute between her and a john.
Gracias a Dios que interviniste sino cualquier cosa podría haber sucedido.Thank God you intervened otherwise anything could have happened.
Lan iba a causar tu muerte, interviniste y nos salvamos.Lan was gonna cause your death... you intervened, and it skipped us.
Y entonces interviniste, ¿recuerdas?And then you intervened, remember?
"Una vez más, intervino el destino al ofrecerme una manera indirecta de contactar con ella"."Once again, fate intervened, offering me an indirect way of contacting her. "
- Creo que intervino alguien.No, I think somebody intervened.
- Tal vez el destino intervino.Maybe fate just intervened. Oh,no.
-Tuvo suerte. Un buen samaritano vio e intervino.A good Samaritan intervened.
A continuación intervino, en primera exclusivamente para los fines de como, parando la censura que estaba sucediendo.They then intervened, at first solely for the purposes of like, stoping the censorship that was happening.
Permítanme que les recuerde, mi hermanos... que no teníamos conflictos con los Cylones... hasta que intervinimos en sus relaciones con otras naciones.May I remind my brothers that we did not have conflict with the Cylons until we intervened in their relations with other nations?
Algunos ejércitos vecinos árabes intervinieron el 15 de mayo de 1948, cuando Israel anunció oficialmente el Estado.Some of the neighboring Arab armies finally intervened after May 15, 1948, when Israel officially announced its statehood.
Ambos, Tony y Maya intervinieron.Both Maya and Todd intervened.
Aquel marinero intervino, pero el propietario del club y un gorila intervinieron antes de que realmente ocurriera algo.That sailor intervened, but the club owner and a bouncer stepped in before anything really happened.
Así que los Aliados intervinieron, dando órdenes para la creación de centros provisionales de repatriación, establecidos en barracones, fábricas y casas requisadas.So the Allies intervened, giving orders for the creation of provisional repatriation centres, set up in requisitioned barracks, factories and houses.
Desgraciadamente, las circunstancias intervinieron.Unfortunately, circumstances intervened.
No me creo por un segundo que destruyera su propio sistema, pero intervendré por la liberación de Rendell y Weir, excepto que no quiero solamente su sistema.I don't believe for a second that you destroyed your own network, but I will intervene to release Rendell and Weir, except it's not just the network that I want.
Si a un sujeto lo balean o tiene un ataque cardíaco y soy el médico que está más cerca de él intervendré.If a guy gets shot or if he has a heart attack and I am physically the closest doctor to him, I will intervene.
Ya intervendré yo si Io creo necesario.I will intervene if I see reason.
- Y ahora Napoleón intervendrá - ¿ De verdad lo creéis ?- And then Napoleon will intervene. - Do you really believe that?
Asuntos Sociales intervendrá si esto va mal.If things go badly, Social Services will intervene.
Dios intervendrá para liberarme.God will intervene to free me.
Es su madre, si escribe al Zar, el intervendrá.You are his mother, if you write to the Tsar, will intervene.
Sabe si EE. UU. intervendrá o no... si decidimos recuperar Matsu y Quemoy.He will know whether the Americans will intervene if we take back Matsu and Quemoy.
El P.M. estará en Chequers con el Secretario de Estado norteamericano y ellos intervendrán cómo y cuándo sea necesario.The PM will be in Chequers with the American Secretary of State and they will intervene as and when.
Para asegurarse de que no habrá masivas protestas internacionales, ciertas personas intervendrán para asegurar su liberación.To make sure that there will be no massive international protests, certain people will intervene to ensure their release.
Si no podemos resolver esto para las 7:00 a. m., los E.U. intervendrán.If we can't solve this by 7:00 a.m., the U.S. will intervene.
Preguntaste porqué Lebens intervendría en un simple caso de custodia.You asked why Lebens would intervene In a simple custody case.
- Siempre pensé que Dios o mis padres intervendrían para que este momento jamás llegara.I'd always expected that God or my parents would intervene to keep this moment from ever happening.
- Nosotros creemos que si los terroristas actúan en Nápoles. Es más fácil que usted intervenga, que las unidades del Estado.We think that if the terrorists could operate in Naples, it's easier for you to intervene than it is for the state units.
- Todos están ahí. - Insisten en que intervenga la Iglesia.- They insist the Church intervenes.
- ¡No intervenga!You do not intervene!
- ¿Quieres que yo intervenga?- You want me to intervene?
-La petición para que Ud. intervenga firmada por 474.842 personas.- What's that? - The petition asking you to intervene. Signed by 474,842 people.
"Dios, esto es todo lo que sé voy a necesitar que intervengas y me ayudes a tomar esas decisiones"."God, this is all I know. "I'm gonna need you to intervene and help me make those decisions."
"Estimado Vice Presidente Cheney, como hombre poderoso estarás familiarizado con los accidentes de armas, te escribo con la esperanza de que intervengas en mi caso."Dear vice president cheney, As a powerful man all too familiar with accidental gunplay, I am writing in the hope that you will intervene in my case.
- No intervengas mamá.- Don't intervene mum.
- ¡Necesito que intervengas!- I need you to intervene!
- ¡No intervengas, madre!- Do you intervene, mother!
Entonces es el momento de que intervengamosThen the time has come for us to intervene.
Justamente esperan que intervengamos.They want us to intervene.
Menos de una semana, a menos de que intervengamos.Less than a week, unless we intervene.
A menos que los dioses intervengan, puede que sí.Unless the gods intervene, I may have to.
Es necesario que hombres buenos intervengan para mostrarles a estas Srtas. el error de su camino.It is necessary that good men intervene to show these ladies the error of their ways.
Esta es la Policía Criminal de Estocolmo. ¡No intervengan!This is the Criminal Police Stockholm. Do not intervene!
Esta es una lista de 350 graduados de la Colosseum que están dispuestos a no pagar colectivamente y sufrir las consecuencias, a menos que intervengan ante el Departamento de Educación y las empresas de préstamos para pagar sus deudas.This is a list of 350 Colosseum graduates who are ready to default collectively and suffer the consequences, unless you intervene with the Department of Education and the loan companies to settle their debts.
Estás sugiriendo que intervengan Agentes Federales.You're suggesting that federal agents intervene.
# intervén, actúa, motiva... # necesitas intervenir, actuar, motivar...- # intervene, act, motivate # you need to intervene, act, motivate #
No, intervén, adelante.No, intervene, go ahead.
- Y si yo no hubiera intervenido...- And if I hadn't intervened--
A menos que el Señor haya intervenido, no ha salido de ahí en semanas.Unless the Lord has intervened, he's not left there in weeks.
Aquel día, si usted hubiera intervenido un sólo momento después probablemente la hubiera asesinado allí mismo... para después suicidarme.On that day, had you intervened even a moment later l'd probably have killed her right here... and killed myself as well.
Aunque eso ya no sea muy probable ahora que has intervenido, después de pedirte expresamente que no lo hicieras.Not that that's very likely now that you've intervened, which I specifically asked you not to do.
Aún no está confirmado el número de jóvenes powers muertos pero no hay duda de que habría sido mayor si Johnny Royalle no hubiese intervenido.The number of young Powers who died are not yet confirmed, but no doubt it would have been greater had Johnny Royalle not intervened.
Alec tiene un destino por consumar, ¿por qué estás tu interviniendo?Alec has a destiny to fulfill, and you're intervening why?
Bueno, Kate... si te estás refiriendo a la foto que estaba en internet anoche, mi hijo me dijo que él en realidad estaba interviniendo para detener a alguien más de que consumiera drogas.Well, Kate... um, if you're referring to the photo that was online last night, my son told me that he was actually intervening to stop someone else from taking drugs.
El Presidente Obama personalmente interviniendo para mantener a un respetado periodista Yemení en prisión.President Obama personally intervening to keep a respected Yemeni journalist in prison.
Entonces, ellos compiten por estatus no sólo con fuerza bruta, sino también siendo buenos líderes, interviniendo en ciertas disputas.So they compete for status not just through brute force, but by being good leaders, by intervening to settle disputes...
Estamos interviniendo.We are intervening.

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