Descender (to descend) conjugation

88 examples

Conjugation of descender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I descend
you descend
he/she/it descends
we descend
you all descend
they descend
Present perfect tense
he descendido
I have descended
has descendido
you have descended
ha descendido
he/she/it has descended
hemos descendido
we have descended
habéis descendido
you all have descended
han descendido
they have descended
Past preterite tense
I descended
you descended
he/she/it descended
we descended
you all descended
they descended
Future tense
I will descend
you will descend
he/she/it will descend
we will descend
you all will descend
they will descend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would descend
you would descend
he/she/it would descend
we would descend
you all would descend
they would descend
Past imperfect tense
I used to descend
you used to descend
he/she/it used to descend
we used to descend
you all used to descend
they used to descend
Past perfect tense
había descendido
I had descended
habías descendido
you had descended
había descendido
he/she/it had descended
habíamos descendido
we had descended
habíais descendido
you all had descended
habían descendido
they had descended
Future perfect tense
habré descendido
I will have descended
habrás descendido
you will have descended
habrá descendido
he/she/it will have descended
habremos descendido
we will have descended
habréis descendido
you all will have descended
habrán descendido
they will have descended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I descend
(if/so that) you descend
(if/so that) he/she/it descend
(if/so that) we descend
(if/so that) you all descend
(if/so that) they descend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya descendido
I have descended
hayas descendido
you have descended
haya descendido
he/she/it has descended
hayamos descendido
we have descended
hayáis descendido
you all have descended
hayan descendido
they have descended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have descended
(if/so that) you have descended
(if/so that) he/she/it have descended
(if/so that) we have descended
(if/so that) you all have descended
(if/so that) they have descended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have descended
(if/so that) you have descended
(if/so that) he/she/it have descended
(if/so that) we have descended
(if/so that) you all have descended
(if/so that) they have descended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera descendido
I had descended
hubieras descendido
you had descended
hubiera descendido
he/she/it had descended
hubiéramos descendido
we had descended
hubierais descendido
you all had descended
hubieran descendido
they had descended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese descendido
I had descended
hubieses descendido
you had descended
hubiese descendido
he/she/it had descended
hubiésemos descendido
we had descended
hubieseis descendido
you all had descended
hubiesen descendido
they had descended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have descended
(if/so that) you will have descended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have descended
(if/so that) we will have descended
(if/so that) you all will have descended
(if/so that) they will have descended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere descendido
I will have descended
hubieres descendido
you will have descended
hubiere descendido
he/she/it will have descended
hubiéremos descendido
we will have descended
hubiereis descendido
you all will have descended
hubieren descendido
they will have descended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's descend!
Imperative negative mood
no desciendas
do not descend!
no descienda
let him/her/it descend!
no descendamos
let us not descend!
no descendáis
do not descend!
no desciendan
do not descend!

Examples of descender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Dios de la Cocina ", tú solías ser un Inmortal, maestro en el arte de la cocina, ...pero vulneraste las reglas de los Cielos, modo que se te castigó a descender a la Tierra."God of Cookery", you used to be fairy in mastering cooking skills, but you committed heavens rules, so you were punished to descend to Earth.
"Para subir, tire de la palanca hacia atrás, y para descender, llévela hacia adelante.""To climb, pull back on the stick; to descend, push forward on the stick."
- Espera, tengo que descender.-Wait, I have to descend.
Al entrar en la jaula y empieza a descender , Es una sensación extraña.When you enter the cage and begins to descend , is a strange feeling.
Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los británicos comenzaron a descender de las colinas al mundo turbulento, arrastrándose como hormigas.By the end ofWorld war Il, the British started to descend the hills. into the turbulent world, they swarm like ants.
"No, desciendo de la aristocracia francesa. ""No, I was a descendant of an old aristocratic French family."
# Sígueme mientras desciendo hacia la locura gustoso♪ Follow me as I descend Into madness with gladness
- De Zeffirino, desciendo yo.- And I'm descended from Zeffirino.
- Yo desciendo de Napoleón.- I'm a descendant of Napoleon, it's different for me.
5-2-0, Sierra Tango, desciendo a nivel de vuelo 2-2-0.520 Sierra Tango, descend to flight level 220.
- Bueno, muchacho. Ahora, el único honor para ella será cuando vea a tu flota destruida y derrotada hundiéndose en el fondo del Egeo y pueda reconocerte clavado al mástil de tu barco con su espada mientras desciendes a tu tumba de agua.- Well, boy... the only honor for her now... will be when she watches your crushed and broken fleet... sinking to the bottom of the Aegean... and is able to recognize you... nailed to the mast of your ship with her sword... as you descend to a watery grave.
A medida que desciendes, la luz disminuye y las presiones aumentan a niveles peligrosos.As you descend, the light diminishes and pressures increase to dangerous levels.
Con ese acento inglés ¿son ciertos los rumores de que desciendes de la nobleza británica?Now with that limey damn accent of yours, are these rumors true that you're descended from the British nobility?
De que familia honorable desciendes, Timandro.What an honored family you descend from, Timander.
Entonces... ¿desciendes de la dinastía de U-Thong?Are you descended from the U-Thong dynasty?
"La oscuridad desciende a mi alrededor.""Darkness descends around me."
"La paz desciende desde lo alto."Peace descends from on high.
"Mi alma esta envuelta en cruel reposo, medianoche desciende en ropas de color cuervo,My soul is wrapped in harsh repose. Midnight descends in raven-colored clothes.
"Mi oscuridad desciende aún más de lo que creí posible"."My darkness descends deeper than I knew it could."
"Mi oscuridad desciende aún más de lo que creí posible."My darkness descends deeper than I knew it could.
"Recuerden... no descendemos de hombres temerosos"."Remember... we are not descended from fearful men."
- No todos descendemos de los puritanos.- We're not all descended from the Puritans. - No?
- ¿Por qué crees que descendemos?Why do you think we're descending?
- ¿Por qué descendemos?-Why are we descending?
Asi, no solo estamos descendemos de los monos, como Darwin señalo.So, we're not just descended from apes, as Darwin pointed out.
A mi hermano John, del que todos descendéis, le mordió algo en el cuello, algo mitad animal, mitad humano.My brother John, from whom you are all descended, was bitten on the back of his neck by something half animal, half human.
"A veces descienden a la Tierra la Luna y las estrellas ...""On earth descend sometimes, the Moon and the stars..."
"Dos sombras descienden sobre una carretera alquitranada."Two shadows descend upon a tarry road
# Los ángeles que descienden traen del cielo #♪ Angels descending Bring from above ♪
- Debes haber encontrado extraño, una carga de gays y lesbianas que descienden en el que quieres que.- You must've found it weird, a load of gays and lesbians descending on you like that.
- Los Julios descienden de Eneas,- The Julia descendent from Aeneas,
Ahora, después de todos estos años, descendí a tu nivel.Now after all these years, I've finally descended to your level.
"Camino a las estrellas", "descendió desde el cielo"."Road to the stars," "descended from the sky."
"El Espíritu Santo descendió en forma de paloma sobre El.""The Holy Spirit descended as a dove upon Him.
"La gárgola descendió y la envolvió en sus alas, y se la llevó al capitel de la catedral"."The people of the village all ran to safety, but Lady Ursula slipped on the cathedral steps and the gargoyle descended upon her, wrapping her in its huge wings and taking her high up into the spires of the cathedral."
"Luego Dios en su ira envió al mundo un salvador, milagrosamente nacido de dos simios, que descendió a la Tierra desde el futuro."Then God in His wrath sent the world a savior, miraculously born oftwo apes, who descended on Earth from Earth's own future."
"Y entonces un ángel del Señor descendió sobre la Virgen María"."And then an angel of the Lord descended upon the Virgin Mary"
Cuando descendimos de las Sierras altas, nos encontramos con una tribu amistosa.When we descended from the high sierras, we came across a friendly tribe.
Pasamos bajo una serie de bajísimas bóvedas, descendimos, avanzamos, y descendimos otra vez, y llegamos a una profunda cripta, donde la impureza del aire hacía a nuestras antorchas brillar más que arder.We passed through a range of low arches descended, passed on. And descending again, arrived at a deep crypt... in which the foulness of the air... caused our torches to glow rather than flame.
Todo parece indicar que es un pasadizo perfecto para ascender... más recto que por el que descendimos, pero...It gives every indication of being a perfect passage upward, ...straighter than the one we descended, but...
"A 15 yardas de su propia ciudadela, las hormigas pararon, se reagruparon, entonces descendieron sobre un nido de confiadas hormigas negras, la fusca""15 yards from their own citadel, the red ants stopped, regrouped, then descended upon an unsuspecting nest of black ants, the Formica fusca. "
"El pueblo de arriba", y los Toraya creen que sus antepasados descendieron de las estrellas en naves del cielo."the people from above," and Torajans believe their ancestors descended from the stars in sky ships.
Al igual que el Sitio 2, donde Martin y su equipo descendieron esta mañana.Much like Site 2, which Martin and his team descended this morning.
Bueno, no importa a qué lugar del mundo vayas, que existen referencias directas a estos seres con forma de serpiente que descendieron del cielo.I mean, it doesn't matter where you go in the world, there are these direct references to these serpent like beings that descended from the sky.
Creen que los alienígenas descendieron a la parte plana de las montañas de la región de Palpa, en Perú, alrededor de 500 d.C.They believe, extraterrestrials... descended upon the flat mountain tops of the Palpa region in Peru... around 500 A.D.
Y yo descenderé en sus chicas.And I will descend on their ladies.
¡Escuelas de todo el estado descienden a este campo de batalla, y yo descenderé en sus chicas con escopeta en mano, o debería decir, con mi escopeta en sus vaginas!Schools from all over the state descend on this battlefield, and I will descend on their ladies with musket in hand, or should I say, musket in their [Bleep]!
"Venture demasiado" parece decir, "y el peligro descenderá sobre ti desde arriba".Venture too far, it says, and danger will descend on you from above.
"el dios Bolon Yokte'K'uh descenderá del cielo"."will descend from heaven god Bolon Yokte."
Armagedón descenderá sobre la ciudad de Los Ángeles, la ciudad del pecado, la ciudad de Sodoma y Gomorra, y se abrirán las aguas, y separarán a esta pecadora ciudad de nuestro país.Armageddon will descend upon the city of Los Angeles - the city of sin, the city of Gomorrah and Sodom - and waters will arise and separate this sinful, sinful city from our country.
Dentro de un año la picadora gigante descenderá del cielo el sol reflejándose en sus partes plateadas y ningún ejército en la Tierra podrá detener la máquina de hamburguesas!Within a year the giant mincer will descend from the sky... the sun reflecting from its silver bits... and no army on earth will be able to stop... the noddy-burger machine!
Dios descenderá a la tierra.God will descend down to earth.
Luego descenderemos por otro lado, con el cuerpo.It will descend on the other side, with the body.
Eventualmente, descenderán y con suerte, aterrizarán en campos de comida fresca.Eventually it will descend and with luck, will land on fresh feeding grounds.
Los medios descenderán sobre ti y serás vigilada y examinada y cuestionada en cada movimiento que hagas.The media will descend on you and watch and scrutinize and question your every move.
Los ángeles descenderán del cielo, los demonios se dispersarán por la tierra para destruir con espadas de fuego, y DiosAngels will descend from the sky, demons will spread out across the land to destroy with fiery swords, and the Almighty
Miles de caballeros descenderán del cielo...A thousand knights will descend from the sky.
Pero si estas palabras salen de aquí, nuestra autoridad estará arruinada y los guerreros Genji del este descenderán sobre Kyoto entonces todo quedara cubierto por la oscuridad.But if word of this gets out, our authority will be broken and rouge Genji warriors from the East will descend upon Kyoto then all will be buried in darkness.
Como Zeus, que descendería del Olimpo para fecundar a una mujer mortal creando así un mundo de semi-dioses al igual que Skwigelf y estos juicios de paternidad reciente.Like Zeus, he would descend from Olympus to impregnate mortal women, thus creating a world of demi-gods much like Skwigelf and these recent paternity suits.
En el Día de Expiación, todo Israel descendería en Jerusalén para mirar al Sacerdote Superior, el Cohen Godul, hacer su viaje al santo de los santos.On the Day of Atonement, all of Israel would descend upon Jerusalem to watch the High Priest, the Cohen Godul, make his trip to the holy of holies.
Si la gente pensara que su rey no pudiera liderar, el país descendería a la maldad.If the people thought their king couldn't lead, the country would descend into madness.
"Que el fuego del Espíritu Santo descienda, que este ser despierte en el mundo más allá de esta tierra infundido con el poder del Espíritu Santo.Let the fire of the Holy Spirit descend, that this being may be awakened in the world beyond the life of this earth and infused with the power of the Holy Spirit.
*Cuando la noche descienda** When the night is descending *
-1 783, descienda y mantenga 5000.-1 783, descend. Maintain 5000.
-Eagle 491 2, descienda a 4000.-Eagle 491 2, descend to 4000.
26-Tango descienda y mantenga 13.000.Number 26-Tango, descend to maintain 13,000.
No te pido una señal, te pido que desciendas sobre mí con un poco de esperanza.I don't ask for a sign, I ask you to descend in me with a little hope.
Pase lo que pase con Tommy, no se va a... resolver, porque desciendas del cielo.Whatever is going on with tommy is not gonna be solved Because you descended from the sky.
Pero antes de que desciendas del cielo con alas ensangrentadas en las puntas y una espada ardiente para causar estragos a estos hombres, llámame...But before you descend from heaven with blood-tipped wings and a flaming sword to wreak havoc on these men, you call...
Que desciendas a las fosas no.You descending into the pits does not.
No puedo creer descendamos de dueños de esclavos.I can't believe we're descended from slave owners.
¡No creo que... descendáis tan sólo de vuestros padres!I don't believe that you're descended from your fathers alone!
- Señores pasajeros, desciendan.- Passengers will please to descend.
Antes de que los padres de alguna muchacha desciendan sobre mí para i pegarme mejor que se vaya usted a América!Before some girl's parents descend on me to beat me up... better you go back to America!
Bien, haremos ocho de 300, desciendan uno a cuatro, sostengan cinco a ocho.All right, guys, we're gonna do eight 300s, descend one to four, hold five to eight.
Diríjanse en orden a las escaleras más cercanas y desciendan al nivel 40.Proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest stairwell and descend to level 40.
Europa, oh sueño por venir cuando a la tierra no desciendan las voces que ya moldearon tu figura ideal.Europe, oh dream to come Before descend to earth The voices that have molded Your ideal figure
"como si las estrellas del cielo descendieran sobre la Tierra.""Like the stars of the sky have descended on earth."
"Al igual que un icono de belleza descendido de los cielos ..." "Tiene que venir sólo para mí .." "..Like an icon of beauty descended from skies, has she come only for me, in such splendor?
"Tú y yo hemos descendido de los cielos.""you and I have descended from the skies"
'La ira de Dios ha descendido sobre todos vosotros!The wrath of God has descended upon you all!
-El pecado ha descendido...-Sin has descended... -Stop it!
A las 3:¡51 ya había descendido completamente a la locura.By 3..5 1, I had descended fully into madness.
"Mira la teoría del astronauta ancestral", porque estamos sugiriendo que hay evidencia que se remonta miles de años en las historias que tenemos de dioses con "D" minúscula descendiendo del cielo.The question "where are they?" should be answered with: "Look at the ancient astronaut theory," because we are suggesting that there is evidence that goes back thousands of years by the stories that we have of gods lowercase "G" descending from the sky.
- En conjunto con todas las historias de gente de las estrellas descendiendo del cielo en escudos ardientes y cosas como esa, cuando veo un patrón como ese, siempre pienso: "¿Qué pasa si esto es algo que ellos vieron,- In conjunction with all the stories of star people descending from the sky in fiery shields and things like this, when I see a pattern like that, I always think, "What if this is something that they saw",
- En el Pacífico Sur, sus mitos ancestrales hablan sobre gente descendiendo del cielo.In the South pacific, their ancestral myths talk about people descending from the sky.
- ¡No! - Filtro solar descendiendo.'Sunfilter descending.' No! oeste de Kennedy por 15 descendiendo hacia el sur, American 11....west of Kennedy by 15 southbound descending, it's American 11.

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