Doorbreken (to break through) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of doorbreken

Present tense
breek door
I break through
breekt door
you break through
breekt door
he/she/it breaks through
breken door
we break through
breken door
you all break through
breken door
they break through
Present perfect tense
ben doorgebroken
I have broken through
bent doorgebroken
you have broken through
is doorgebroken
he/she/it has broken through
zijn doorgebroken
we have broken through
zijn doorgebroken
you all have broken through
zijn doorgebroken
they have broken through
Past tense
brak door
I broke through
brak door
you broke through
brak door
he/she/it broke through
braken door
we broke through
braken door
you all broke through
braken door
they broke through
Future tense
zal doorbreken
I will break through
zult doorbreken
you will break through
zal doorbreken
he/she/it will break through
zullen doorbreken
we will break through
zullen doorbreken
you all will break through
zullen doorbreken
they will break through
Conditional mood
zou doorbreken
I would break through
zou doorbreken
you would break through
zou doorbreken
he/she/it would break through
zouden doorbreken
we would break through
zouden doorbreken
you all would break through
zouden doorbreken
they would break through
Subjunctive mood
breke door
I break through
breke door
you break through
breke door
he/she/it break through
breke door
we break through
breke door
you all break through
breke door
they break through
Past perfect tense
was doorgebroken
I had broken through
was doorgebroken
you had broken through
was doorgebroken
he/she/it had broken through
waren doorgebroken
we had broken through
waren doorgebroken
you all had broken through
waren doorgebroken
they had broken through
Future perf.
zal doorgebroken zijn
I will have broken through
zal doorgebroken zijn
you will have broken through
zal doorgebroken zijn
he/she/it will have broken through
zullen doorgebroken zijn
we will have broken through
zullen doorgebroken zijn
you all will have broken through
zullen doorgebroken zijn
they will have broken through
Conditional perfect tense
zou doorgebroken zijn
I would have broken through
zou doorgebroken zijn
you would have broken through
zou doorgebroken zijn
he/she/it would have broken through
zouden doorgebroken zijn
we would have broken through
zouden doorgebroken zijn
you all would have broken through
zouden doorgebroken zijn
they would have broken through
Present bijzin tense
I break through
you break through
he/she/it breaks through
we break through
you all break through
they break through
Past bijzin tense
I broke through
you broke through
he/she/it broke through
we broke through
you all broke through
they broke through
Future bijzin tense
zal doorbreken
I will break through
zult doorbreken
you will break through
zal doorbreken
he/she/it will break through
zullen doorbreken
we will break through
zullen doorbreken
you all will break through
zullen doorbreken
they will break through
Conditional bijzin mood
zou doorbreken
I would break through
zou doorbreken
you would break through
zou doorbreken
he/she/it would break through
zouden doorbreken
we would break through
zouden doorbreken
you all would break through
zouden doorbreken
they would break through
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I break through
you break through
he/she/it break through
we break through
you all break through
they break through
Imperative mood
breek door
break through
break through

Examples of doorbreken

Example in DutchTranslation in English
Alle facetten moeten aanvaard zijn want enkel en alleen dan kan je de muur doorbreken van het mysterie van de gloed.All facets must be embraced for then, and only then will you break through the wall of mystery to the glow.
Alle pogingen om de DDR-staatsgrens in Berlijn met geweld te doorbreken... zullen verijdeld worden.All attempts to break through the border of the GDR have been foiled.
Alle vrouwen moeten doorbreken.All of us women have to break through the same glass ceiling.
Alleen een grootscheeps offensief kan die linie doorbreken.It would take a major offensive to break through their lines.
Als de Jappen toch doorbreken en het vliegveld terugpakken, dan moeten we de jungle in en als guerrilla's vechten.Now if the japs do break through And they retake the airfield, Our orders are to take to the jungles
Word wakker..breek door de membranen, stap uit de peulen in de aardige wereld van riolen.Wake up...break through the membranes, step out of the pods into a brave new world of the sewers.
'De neusgaten breken door'?"The nostrils break through"?
Als de Mof ze hoort, graven ze naar onder en breken door.If the Boche hear them, they will dig down and break through.
Ik heb te breken door de firewall.I have to break through the firewall.
We breken door dat deel van de muur die de pijp bedekt.We'll be able to break through the part of the wall that covers the pip opening.
We breken door het Amerikaanse kordon heen en vallen Tinian aan.We're going to break through the US defensive cordon and attack Tinian.
-De communisten zijn doorgebroken.The communists have broken through.
Burgin, het 2de battalion is doorgebroken aan de linkerkant.Let's move! Burgin, 2nd battalion's broken through on the left.
De Duitsers zijn op drie plaatsen doorgebroken en één daarvan is Kruså."The Germans have broken through 3 places. One of them is Kruså"
De Minbari waren doorgebroken, en naderden snel.The Minbari had broken through, and were closing in.
De Minbari zijn doorgebroken.Minbari broken through.
- De bus brak door de barricade...-It broke through the vehicles...
Een alligator brak door de omheining gisteravond.An alligator broke through the netting last night.
Een vloedgolf brak door de morenen en vormde The Narrows... en bracht de haven van New York in verbinding met de zee.A catastrophic flash flood broke through the moraine to form the Narrows and opened up New York City's harbour to the oceans.
Hij brak door de wolken en daar was hij mooier dan ooit tevoren.He broke through the clouds, and there it was, more beautiful than ever.
Je brak door het spinachtig materie.You broke through the arachnoid matter.
- We braken door deze muur... en vonden buizen die er niet hoorden.- We broke through this wall... and found pipes that shouldn't be there.
- Wij braken door de Duitse linies... ...bijBastogne.My unit broke through the German 7th army's buffer which was critical in winning Bastogne.
De Engelsen braken door de eerste linie, maar ze werden gestopt door de artillerie.The British broke through the first line... but they were stopped by the artillery.
De Engelsen braken door in 't noorden. Ariete werd verwoest.The British broke through up north, the Ariete Division was destroyed.
In de vroege dagen van de maan, toen zijn kern nog was gesmolten... zware asteroïde braken door de korst en de inslagkraters werden gevuld met lava.In the moon's early days, its core was still molten. Heavy asteroid hits broke through the crust, and the impact craters became filled with lava.
Geen paniek, ik doorbreek het.Do not panic, I break through it.
Ik ben eigenlijk blij dat het even duurt voordat ik doorbreek.I'm actually glad it's taking me a while to break through.
Nu ik eindelijk doorbreek, gaat m'n hele carriêre eraan.Now I'm finally beginning to break through... and my whole career is going right down the drain.
Het duurt niet lang meer voor het wezen doorbreekt.They're holding, but at this rate, it won't be long before the aliens break through.
Wanneer het doorbreekt raast het door de tunnel met 24 meter per seconde.It's gonna break through and fire down the tunnel To the lake at 80 feet per second.
Ze hebben misschien geleerd een geweer vast te houden, maar ik weet niet of ze het afvuren als de Mof doorbreekt in onze tunnels.They may have been taught how to hold a rifle, but I'm not convinced they'll be able to fire it if the Boche break through into our tunnels.
"Hij doorbrak de muren van de hemel.""He broke through the walls of heaven."
Charlie doorbrak de grens gisteravond.Charliebroke through theperimeterlastnight.
De eenheid die doorbrak, mocht in Berlijn krijgsgevangenen door de straten leiden.He promised the unit that broke through the honour of escorting Allied prisoners through the streets of Berlin.
Geen wonder dat zij doorbrak, zelfs terwijl ik mij probeerde te verzetten.Keith's wife? It's no wonder she broke through even though I tried to resist.
het doorbrak dat AT-veld, alsof het niets was... wat is de toestand van Eva?It broke through that AT-Field like it was nothing... What is Eva's status?
- Toen de machines doorbraken... was het geen strijd, het was een afslachting...- When the machines broke through it wasn't a battle, it was a slaughter.
Mijn vader vermoordde haar voordat de Legionairs doorbraken.My father killed her before the legionaries broke through.
Net als bij schildvulkanen op aarde, verrezen er magmakamers... die doorbraken en eeuwenlang basaltachtige lava uitspuugden.Just as with shield volcanoes on Earth, magma chambers rose to the surface of Mars, broke through, and spewed basaltic lava in centuries-long eruptions.
4. Waar breekt het 9de door?Fourth, where will the 9th Army break through?
Als het breekt geraak ik nooit op de helling. En dat was mijn uitweg.If I break through, I'll never be able to get across to this slope, and that was my way out.
Je breekt mailboxen van boeven open.You break through bad guys' e-mails.
Waarom breekt er nu pas een vrouwen-groep door in het a-capellawereldje?Now, why do you think it's taken so long for an all-lady group to break through that a cappella glass ceiling?
We hebben het signaal naar jou getraceerd, maar we vonden geen communicatie-apparatuur bij je, laat staan ? iets met de rekenkracht wat door een-Helio versleutelde firewall breekt.We sourced the signal to you, yet we found no communication equipment on your person, let alone something with the processing power to break through a helio-encrypted firewall.

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