Mencemari (to contaminate) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mencemari

Present tense
I contaminate
Past tense
sudah mencemari
I contaminated
Present perfect tense
sudah mencemari
I have contaminated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mencemari
I will have contaminated
Future recent tense
mencemari nanti
I will contaminate
Future distant tense
mencemari kelak
I am going to contaminate
Present continuous tense
sedang mencemari
I contaminate
Past distant tense
dulu mencemari
I (a long time ago) contaminated
Past recent tense
mencemari tadi
I (recently) contaminated
Past very recent tense
baru saja mencemari
I (just now) contaminated

Examples of mencemari

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Inilah yang terjadi ketika polusi mencemari DNA.This is what happens when pollutants contaminate DNA.
Satu orang agen simpatisan bisa saja telah mengendap-endap masuk, mencemari ujung kaki Saint Anthony...Just one single, sympathetic agent could have strolled in, contaminated the toes of Saint Anthony...
Dan alasan mengapa saya memakai pakaian ini karena setiap sel kulit di atmosfer akan mencemari apa yang mereka lakukan.And the reason why I'm wearing the garb is because any skin cell in the atmosphere would contaminate what they do.
Kami tidak dapat apos; t memiliki sembarang orang mencemari rincian membosankan.- What the hell is that? We can't have just anyone step into the forensics area, and contaminate all the boring details.
Alga hanya akan mencemari pasokan air.That would only contaminate the water supply.

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