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Memproses (to process) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memproses

Present tense
I process
Past tense
sudah memproses
I processed
Present perfect tense
sudah memproses
I have processed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memproses
I will have processed
Future recent tense
memproses nanti
I will process
Future distant tense
memproses kelak
I am going to process
Present continuous tense
sedang memproses
I process
Past distant tense
dulu memproses
I (a long time ago) processed
Past recent tense
memproses tadi
I (recently) processed
Past very recent tense
baru saja memproses
I (just now) processed

Examples of memproses

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Fred, kami telah memproses Beberapa materi yang lebih baru pada Anda.Fred, we've processed some more recent material on you.
Aku mendekripsi, memproses, melewati data yang lebih dari siapa pun di bagianku.I had decrypted, processed, passed more data than anyone in my section.
Kami sedang memproses identifikasi kau.We are processing your identification.
Itu akan mengambil seluruh pagi ini untuk memproses mereka./Diterima.- It'll take all morning to process them. - Copy.
Tapi dimana kita hanya memproses bentuk lampunya, mereka memproses segalanya.But where we just process the image of a lamp, they process everything.

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