Mereka mengkloning barang, mereka membalik keahlian teknik | They clone stuff, they reverse engineering it |
Siapapun pelakunya telah membalik hukum fisika. | Whoever's doing this has reversed the laws of physics. |
Dan, yeah, mungkin aku berlarian, memberi bantuan medis, sampai kita bisa mengetahui, bagaimana membalik kerusakan yang sudah terjadi. | And, yeah, maybe I am running around putting band-aids on it until we can figure out how to reverse the damage that's already been done. |
Well, Bartholomew ingin membalik mantra Metatron. | Well, Bartholomew wants to reverse Metatron's spell. |
Ini akan membalik mantranya. | It will reverse the spell. |