Membajak (to plow) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of membajak

Present tense
I plow
Past tense
sudah membajak
I plowed
Present perfect tense
sudah membajak
I have plowed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah membajak
I will have plowed
Future recent tense
membajak nanti
I will plow
Future distant tense
membajak kelak
I am going to plow
Present continuous tense
sedang membajak
I plow
Past distant tense
dulu membajak
I (a long time ago) plowed
Past recent tense
membajak tadi
I (recently) plowed
Past very recent tense
baru saja membajak
I (just now) plowed

Examples of membajak

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Hal yang lucu ketika ia selalu normal tetapi setiap kali hujan, ia pergi membajak sawah, dia menanggalkan pakaiannya saat hujan dan berlari keluar ke jalan raya.The funny thing is is that he was always normal but whenever it rained he went nuts While plowing the field he'd strip off his clothes when it rained and run out into the highway
Dan bagi mereka yang ingin membajak ladang, mereka boleh membajak.And to those who want to plough the fields, their plows.
Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda memiliki kekuatan untuk membuat semua cewek panas di luar sana- setiap hot chick- menjadi tombol-menelan, tombak-waxing daging penjual, dan Anda di luar sana membajak kembali 40 dengan Reba!You're telling me that you have the power to turn any hot chick out there- any hot chick- into a knob-gobbling, lance-waxing flesh monger, and you're out there plowing the back 40 with Reba!
Mereka membajak tanah dan mendapatkannya setengah menabur, dan mereka tidak punya waktu.They plowed the land, and got it half-sowed, and they haven't got time.
- Waktu untuk membajak ladang.Time to plow the fields.

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