Induire (to induce) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of induire

Present tense
I induce
tu induis
you induce
il/elle/on induit
he/she/it induces
nous induisons
we induce
vous induisez
you all induce
ils/elles induisent
they induce
Present perfect tense
j’ai induit
I induced
tu as induit
you induced
il/elle/on a induit
he/she/it induced
nous avons induit
we induced
vous avez induit
you all induced
ils/elles ont induit
they induced
Past impf. tense
I was inducing
tu induisais
you were inducing
il/elle/on induisait
he/she/it was inducing
nous induisions
we were inducing
vous induisiez
you all were inducing
ils/elles induisaient
they were inducing
Future tense
I will induce
tu induiras
you will induce
il/elle/on induira
he/she/it will induce
nous induirons
we will induce
vous induirez
you all will induce
ils/elles induiront
they will induce
Past perfect tense
j’avais induit
I had induced
tu avais induit
you had induced
il/elle/on avait induit
he/she/it had induced
nous avions induit
we had induced
vous aviez induit
you all had induced
ils/elles avaient induit
they had induced
Past preterite tense
I induced
tu induisis
you induced
il/elle/on induisit
he/she/it induced
nous induisîmes
we induced
vous induisîtes
you all induced
ils/elles induisirent
they induced
Past anterior tense
j’eus induit
I had induced
tu eus induit
you had induced
il/elle/on eut induit
he/she/it had induced
nous eûmes induit
we had induced
vous eûtes induit
you all had induced
ils/elles eurent induit
they had induced
Future perfect tense
j’aurai induit
I will have induced
tu auras induit
you will have induced
il/elle/on aura induit
he/she/it will have induced
nous aurons induit
we will have induced
vous aurez induit
you all will have induced
ils/elles auront induit
they will have induced
Present subjunctive tense
que j’induise
that I induce
que tu induises
that you induce
qu’il/elle/on induise
that he/she/it induce
que nous induisions
that we induce
que vous induisiez
that you all induce
qu’ils/elles induisent
that they induce
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie induit
that I have induced
que tu aies induit
that you have induced
qu’il/elle/on ait induit
that he/she/it have induced
que nous ayons induit
that we have induced
que vous ayez induit
that you all have induced
qu’ils/elles aient induit
that they have induced
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’induisisse
that I would induce
que tu induisisses
that you would induce
qu’il/elle/on induisît
that he/she/it would induce
que nous induisissions
that we would induce
que vous induisissiez
that you all would induce
qu’ils/elles induisissent
that they would induce
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse induit
that I had induced
que tu eusses induit
that you had induced
qu’il/elle/on eût induit
that he/she/it had induced
que nous eussions induit
that we had induced
que vous eussiez induit
that you all had induced
qu’ils/elles eussent induit
that they had induced
Conditional mood
I would induce
tu induirais
you would induce
il/elle/on induirait
he/she/it would induce
nous induirions
we would induce
vous induiriez
you all would induce
ils/elles induiraient
they would induce
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais induit
I would have induced
tu aurais induit
you would have induced
il/elle/on aurait induit
he/she/it would have induced
nous aurions induit
we would have induced
vous auriez induit
you all would have induced
ils/elles auraient induit
they would have induced
Imperative mood
let's induce!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie induit
have induced
ayons induit
let's have induced
ayez induit
have induced

Examples of induire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- On va induire un coma ?- We're going to induce a coma?
Ainsi, un voleur peint un faux, pirate la vidéo pour induire la saisie de Nick.Kate: So, a thief paints a forgery, hacks the video to induce Nick's seizure.
C'est un médicament basé sur le génie génétique que les hôpitaux emploient à très petites doses pour induire un coma chez certains patients.It's a genetically engineered pharmaceutical that hospitals use in minute doses to induce comas in patients.
C'est un médicament issu du génie génétique que les hôpitaux emploient à très faible dose pour induire un coma chez certains patients.It's a genetically engineered pharmaceutical that hospitals use in minute doses to induce comas in patients.
Commence en essayant d'induire une hypertension.Start with trying to induce hypertension.
(HOMME) Nous connaissons ce Geoffrey écrit dans les années 1130, prenant des histoires du pays d´alentour, et qu'il était d'une façon ou d'une autre induit à visiter Tintagel.(MAN) We know that Geoffrey was writing in the 1130s, picking up stories from around the country, and that he was somehow induced to visit Tintagel.
Après, nous rentrons à notre illégal appartement avec une chambre pour trois heures de sommeil induit de Vicks avant de devoir se lever à nouveau et partager un bol de Cherioos espagnols.Then, we walk home to our illegal one bedroom apartment, get three hours of nyquil induced sleep before we have to get back up and share a bowl of spanish language cheerios.
C'est la route de la rage induit par la colère !That's hunger-induced road rage!
Dirais-tu que ça a ravi ton palais investigateur... ou induit une explosion orgasmique de saveurs scintillantes sur tes papilles gustatives ?Would you say that that ravished your inquisitive palate... or induced an orgasmic explosion of scintillating flavors on your taste buds?
Dr. Stringfellow signala qu'il avait vécu une période dépressive terrible quand il s'était séparé du groupe télépathique induit.Dr Stringfellow indicated that he himself entered a severely depressive psychological mode upon separation from the induced telepathy group -
Donc vous induisez l'hypothermie.So you induce hypothermia.
Vous m'induisez en tentation !How can I resist an inducement like this ? A what ?
L'excès de sensations étant inexpliqué, nos émotions sont perturbées, induisant peur, panique et terreur, l'impression d'être hanté.Because the sensory overload can't be explained, it wreaks havoc with your emotions, inducing fear, panic, and dread, hence the feeling of being haunted.

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