Hän voi hoksata suunnitelmamme - ja pilata kaiken. | If he comes back to Dallas, he might figure out what we're up to. He could ruin all our plans. I know. |
Knight hoksaa huijauksen pian. | Won't be long before Knight figures out he's been had. |
Heti kun hoksaamme, miten laskutetaan. | Just as soon as we figure out how to make bills. |
Jossain vaiheessa - he hoksaavat, että heitä on enemmän. | And eventually --believe me-- they'll figure out that they outnumber us. |
- Jonka hoksasin itsekin. | Which I also figured out by myself. |
Vasta 8-vuotiaana hoksasin, ettei nimeni ollut "Pää Kiinni". | It wasn't until I was eight years old that I figured out my name wasn't "Shut Up. " |
- Jonka hoksasit myös itse. | Which you also figured out by yourself. |
Se olin minä joka hoksasi heidän puuhansa. | That was me who figured out what it was they were up to. |
Ei tarvitse olla nero hoksatakseen, mitä on tapahtunut. | It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. |
Olen myös hoksannut isoisäsi tarinan opetuksen. | And I also figured out the moral to your grandpa story. |