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Graduar (to graduate) conjugation

109 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to calibrate, calibrate, adjust

Conjugation of graduar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I graduate
you graduate
he/she/it graduates
we graduate
you all graduate
they graduate
Present perfect tense
he graduado
I have graduated
has graduado
you have graduated
ha graduado
he/she/it has graduated
hemos graduado
we have graduated
habéis graduado
you all have graduated
han graduado
they have graduated
Past preterite tense
I graduated
you graduated
he/she/it graduated
we graduated
you all graduated
they graduated
Future tense
I will graduate
you will graduate
he/she/it will graduate
we will graduate
you all will graduate
they will graduate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would graduate
you would graduate
he/she/it would graduate
we would graduate
you all would graduate
they would graduate
Past imperfect tense
I used to graduate
you used to graduate
he/she/it used to graduate
we used to graduate
you all used to graduate
they used to graduate
Past perfect tense
había graduado
I had graduated
habías graduado
you had graduated
había graduado
he/she/it had graduated
habíamos graduado
we had graduated
habíais graduado
you all had graduated
habían graduado
they had graduated
Future perfect tense
habré graduado
I will have graduated
habrás graduado
you will have graduated
habrá graduado
he/she/it will have graduated
habremos graduado
we will have graduated
habréis graduado
you all will have graduated
habrán graduado
they will have graduated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I graduate
(if/so that) you graduate
(if/so that) he/she/it graduate
(if/so that) we graduate
(if/so that) you all graduate
(if/so that) they graduate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya graduado
I have graduated
hayas graduado
you have graduated
haya graduado
he/she/it has graduated
hayamos graduado
we have graduated
hayáis graduado
you all have graduated
hayan graduado
they have graduated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have graduated
(if/so that) you have graduated
(if/so that) he/she/it have graduated
(if/so that) we have graduated
(if/so that) you all have graduated
(if/so that) they have graduated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have graduated
(if/so that) you have graduated
(if/so that) he/she/it have graduated
(if/so that) we have graduated
(if/so that) you all have graduated
(if/so that) they have graduated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera graduado
I had graduated
hubieras graduado
you had graduated
hubiera graduado
he/she/it had graduated
hubiéramos graduado
we had graduated
hubierais graduado
you all had graduated
hubieran graduado
they had graduated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese graduado
I had graduated
hubieses graduado
you had graduated
hubiese graduado
he/she/it had graduated
hubiésemos graduado
we had graduated
hubieseis graduado
you all had graduated
hubiesen graduado
they had graduated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have graduated
(if/so that) you will have graduated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have graduated
(if/so that) we will have graduated
(if/so that) you all will have graduated
(if/so that) they will have graduated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere graduado
I will have graduated
hubieres graduado
you will have graduated
hubiere graduado
he/she/it will have graduated
hubiéremos graduado
we will have graduated
hubiereis graduado
you all will have graduated
hubieren graduado
they will have graduated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's graduate!
Imperative negative mood
no gradúes
do not graduate!
no gradúe
let him/her/it graduate!
no graduemos
let us not graduate!
no graduéis
do not graduate!
no gradúen
do not graduate!

Examples of graduar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- No puedo creer que nos vayamos a graduar.I can't believe we're going to graduate, huh?
A mí se me hace que Blanca si se va a graduar.I really think Blanca's going to graduate.
Así que te vas a graduar.So you're about to graduate.
Bueno, te encantará saber que aunque me vaya a perder unas cuantas semanas, mis notas son tan buenas, ¡que esta chica se va a graduar!Well, you'll be pleased to know that even though I'll be missing a few weeks, my grades are so good, this girl gets to graduate!
Buster se distinguió tanto en no ser ni visto ni oído... que permaneció desapercibido en la escuela dos semestres... después de que se tenía que graduar.Buster so excelled at being neither seen nor heard... that he remained at the school undetected for a full two semesters... after he was supposed to graduate.
- Hoy me gradúo.- I graduate today.
- Me gradúo en dos semanas.- I graduate in two weeks.
- Se supone que me gradúo en primavera.I'm supposed to graduate in spring.
A nadie le importa si me gradúo o no.Nobody cares if I graduate or not.
Bueno, me gradúo, eso seguro...Well, I graduate, that is for sure...
- Hemos venido a ver cómo te gradúas.- So we're here to see you graduate.
A los 22 te gradúas en la universidad.22, you graduate college.
Así que te gradúas en cuánto, ¿un año?So you graduate in what, a year?
Bueno, ¿sabes? , no lo sé... vas a la universidad y te endeudas totalmente... y luego, ya sabes, te gradúas y tienes que... conseguir un trabajo para pagar todos tus préstamos... así que estás de vuelta en el punto de donde comenzaste.Well, you know, I don't know, you go to school and you get all in debt, and then, you know, you graduate and you have to get a job to pay off all your loans,
Cuando te gradúas en un lugar como Londres... o Nueva York, no quieres retroceder a Boston.I mean, once you graduate to a place like London or New York, you don't regress to Boston.
Así que la mejor amiga se gradúa de principal sospechosa?So the best friend graduates to prime suspect?
Bueno, supongo que no todo el mundo se gradúa en la mitad superior de la clase.Well, I guess not everybody graduates at the top half of the class.
El chico se gradúa, los padres pierden interés, y la escuela se desmorona.Kid graduates, parents lose interest, and the school falls apart.
El estudiante promedio ahora se gradúa con una deuda de más de $25.000.The average student now graduates with a debt of more than 325,000.
El hermano de Dillon se gradúa este año.Dillon's brother graduates this year.
- Desde el verano de cuando nos graduamos.- Ever since the summer we graduated.
- Desde el verano en que nos graduamos.- Ever since the summer we graduated.
- Por Dios, ya nos graduamos supérate.- By God, we graduated Supérate.
- Y también nos graduamos de la carrera.It's like we graduated from Princeton and the race.
-Finalmente nos graduamos, ¡gran tipo!- We finally graduated, big-dude guy!
Cuando eliges una escuela, necesitas evaluar la calidad... como cuántos se gradúan de Harvard o Yale.When you pick a school, you need to evaluate the quality such as how many graduates make it to Harvard or Yale
Cuatro promociones más se gradúan este año.Four extra classes graduate the academy this year.
Demonios, hay chicas que se gradúan con bebés y adicciones a la meta.Hell, girls graduate with babies and meth addictions.
Es donde se gradúan todos los de la NASA... todos son graduados de Liberty College.That's where NASA gets all of their astronauts... from they're all Liberty College graduates.
Estos tipos se gradúan en estricnina.The guy's graduated to strychnine.
"Marshall, mi padre me dio estas herramientas... cuando me gradué en Georgia Tech.""Marshall,these drafting tools "were given to meby my father "when I graduatedfrom georgia tech.
, cuando me gradué le dije que estaría en contacto y nunca lo hice.when I graduated. I told him I'd keep in touch.
- Al menos me gradué.- At least I graduated.
- Asistí a la Academia Sassoon. Pero me gradué en la escuela Barbizón.- I went to the Sassoon Academy but graduated from the Barbizon School.
- Después... Me gradué y trabajé en bares por un tiempo.- After I graduated I worked in bars for a long time.
"Que, deberia estar orgulloso, solo porque te graduaste?"What, I'm supposed to be proud, just 'cause you graduated?
- Creí que te graduaste.I thought you graduated.
- En el norte de California. Te graduaste con honores en 1988.It's in the Bay Area, where you graduated with honors in '88.
- La graduación es una ceremonia sin sentido... en la que te sientas y escuchas un montón de discursos aburridos hasta que alguien te da una hoja de papel que dice que te graduaste.- Graduation is a pointless ceremony where you sit around till someone hands you a piece of paper that says you graduated.
- Me enteré de que te graduaste.Heard you graduated. Yeah.
"Cindy Crawford se graduó segunda en su clase... "de la Universidad Tal y Tal en bioquímica"."Cindy Crawford graduated second from Podunk University, a B.S. In biochemistry."
"Después de la competencia, Rebecca se graduó de prepa"." After the competition, Rebecca graduated from high school."
"La profesora recién se graduó y es soltera."The teacher has just graduated and she's single.
- Apenas se graduó de la secundaria.- Boss, barely graduated high school.
- Corre el rumor de que se graduó de Derecho de Yale.- Rumour has it you graduated Yale Law.
Como cuando os graduasteis el se alistó.How when you graduated, he enlisted...
Pero vosotros que os graduasteis y los estudiantes de las otras escuelas...But you guys who graduated and students from other schools...
¿Os graduasteis juntos?JEREMY: You graduated together?
- Todos mis amigos se graduaron.- All my friends graduated.
- ¿Se graduaron?- I just graduated.
Ahora que los mas viejos se graduaron puedo mandar en Harbor.All the older kids,they've graduated. Now I can rule Harbor.
Ambas se graduaron en la secundaria Laredo, promocion del `98.They both graduated laredo high, class of '98.
Ambos se graduaron en la misma universidad en 1809.Wrong. Both men graduated from the same university in 1809.
Este año me graduaréThis year I will graduate.
Me graduaré con todos los honores, para que su durísimo entrenamiento de los anteriores meses... no sea desperdiciado.I will graduate with honour so that your harsh training in the past few months will not be wasted
Me graduaré pronto y ganaré dinero.I will graduate quickly and make money.
Señor, no puedo prometerle que me graduaré.Sir, I can't promise I will graduate.
Le pagarás a Taylor Doose... te graduarás de la secundaria y regresarás a Pierpon a su jardín.You will pay back Taylor Doose... you will graduate from high school, and you will return Pierpon to his yard.
Te graduarás.You will graduate.
Vas a estudiar y te graduarásYou will study. You will graduate.
Vas a vivir aquí un año más, vas a dejar el trabajo, vas a repetir el duodécimo grado otra vez, y te graduarás. - No.You're gonna live here one more year, you're gonna quit you job, you're gonna take twelfth grade over again, and you will graduate.
Le agradará saber que se graduará... con uno de los mejores récords de nuestra historia.It may please you to know that you will graduate with one of the best records of our recent history.
Mi hijo mayor está en el colegio en su último año y se graduará.My elder son is in school for his final year and... will graduate.
Pero, por supuesto, sólo uno se graduará con honores y ella se va a ganar un día con nuestro gran hombre en el campus.But, of course, only one will graduate with honors and she's going to win a date with our big man on campus.
Señor, sólo con que vislumbre lo que puede ser su futuro se graduará la primera de su clase y se convertirá en una oficial digna de trabajar bajo su mandoSir, if she can just get one glimpse... ..of her possible future, she will graduate at the top of her class... ..and become an officer worthy of serving under your command.
Confía en mí, este año nos graduaremos, lo juro por tu madre.Trust me, this year we will graduate! I swear on your mother!
A este ritmo tus amigos se graduarán antes de que empieces.At this rate your friends will graduate before you even start.
Pero en Summit Prep, de cien estudiantes, 96 se graduarán, y todos ellos estarán listos para ir a la universidad.But at Summit Prep, out of a hundred students, 96 will graduate, and all of them will be ready for a four-year college. To LA.
Solo tres de cien estudiantes en Roosevelt se graduarán con las clases necesarias para ser admitidos.Only three out of a hundred students at Roosevelt will graduate with the classes necessary for admission to a four-year universtity.
Veamos a la secundaria Woodside, de cien estudiantes de noveno grado, 62 se graduarán y solo 32 estará preparado para la universidad.Look at Woodside High School. Out of 1 00 ninth graderst, 62 will graduate and only 32 will be prepared for a four-year college.
A vuestra llegada en Quantico, me prometí a mí misma que graduaría a la mejor clase que la academia jamás ha visto.Upon your arrival at Quantico, I promised myself that I would graduate the best class the Academy has ever seen.
Entonces podría ser mucho más productivo, me graduaría antes porque podría terminar mi tesis antes"Then I would be so much more productive, I would graduate sooner because I would finish my thesis sooner"
Luchamos ininterrumpidamente sobre quien se graduaría con la máxima distinción...We had an ongoing battle as to who would graduate in the top spot...
Nadie creía que mi hermana se graduaría.Nobody thought my sister would graduate.
Si funcionaba, conmocionaría a los invitados, y Locarno se graduaría como una leyenda viva.If it worked, it would thrill the assembled guests, and Locarno would graduate as a living legend.
"Cuando me gradúe, no voy a seguir dando vueltas en mi secundaria que no consigue una novia adulta"."When I graduate, I'm not gonna keep hanging around my old high school... like some kind of creepy loser... who can't get an adult girlfriend."
"Me iré a Nueva York con Danny cuando me gradúe."Danny and I are moving to New York after I graduate. We're in love!"
- Cuando me gradúe.- Mine when I graduate.
- El día después de que Amy se gradúe.- Day after Amy graduates.
- Es mía hasta que se gradúe.- I own you until the day you graduate.
*Para pasar de curso no tendrás que esperar* *y puedes agradecérselo después cuando te gradúes* *porque jamás he conocido a un lobo al que no le gustara aullar*and you can thank him later when you graduate 'cause I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl
*Para pasar de curso no tendrás que esperar* *y se lo puedes agradecer más tarde cuando te gradúes* *porque jamás he conocido a un lobo al que no le encantara aullar*♪ For a passing grade you won't have to wait ♪ ♪ And you can thank him later when you graduate ♪ ♪ 'Cause I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl ♪
*para pasar de curso no tendrás que esperar* *y se lo puedes agradecer más tarde cuando te gradúes* *Porqué nunca he conocido un lobo que no ame aullar.*and you can thank him later when you graduate 'cause I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl
- Espero que nunca te gradúes.- Hope I never graduate.
- Puedo ayudarte cuando te gradúes.- I can help you when you graduate.
- Sí, después de que nos graduemos.Yeah, after we graduate. It won't be so bad.
Ahora, sólo espero que nos graduemos.Right now, I just hope we graduate.
Cuando nos graduemos, volveré aquí y estudiaré en la universidad aquí.When we graduate I'm coming back here and I'm going to college here.
Cuando nos graduemos.When we graduate.
Después de que nos graduemos, podemos ir a donde queramos.After we graduate, we can go wherever we want to.
- Cuando os graduéis, podremos discutir qué es un supervisor y qué no lo es, y si somos estudiantes o no.- When you graduate, we can talk about what an R.A. is and isn't, and whether or not we are students.
Estas son las normas y cuando os graduéis y consigáis un trabajo real como supervisores, podremos discutirlas.(Abbi) These are the rules, and when you graduate and get a real job like an R.A., we can talk about it.
Incluso cuando os graduéis.Even after you graduate.
Lo más probable es que me case y tenga muchos hijos antes de que vosotras os graduéis.I'll probably be married and have quite a family before you all graduate.
Para poder convertiros en ninjas de primera clase en los 6 años hasta que os graduéis se espera que trabajéis duro.In order to become first-rate ninjas in the 6 years until you graduate you're expected to work hard.
Aguardarán hasta que se gradúen, o se vayan, y problema resuelto.- They can wait until you graduate or drop out, and then problem solved.
Aquellos que se gradúen serán capaces de hacer cualquier cosa, matricularse en una escuela profesional o técnica o en la universidad.Those who graduate will be able to do anything, Enroll into professional or technical schools or in university.
El resto quiere que sus hijos se gradúen a tiempo.The other half want their kids to graduate on time.
Estaremos con ustedes, con sus hijos desde el momento que entren en esta escuela hasta el momento en que se gradúen de la universidad.We will be with you, with your child, from the moment they enter our school to the moment they graduate from college.
"Mi querido Charles, me he graduado ya con honores."Dear Charles, I've graduated with honors.
"Te gustará saber que mi hijo ya se ha graduado en arte.""You will be pleased to hearthat my son has graduated in arts"
"Universidad Williams, graduado con honores."Williams College, graduated with honors.
- Claro... ya te has graduado... todos los chicos guapos se casaran...- Of course.. you've graduated now..
- Creí que nos habíamos graduado.- I thought we graduated.
- Porque se está graduando.- Because he's graduating.
Ayer, estabas en pañales, y ahora te estás graduando de la secundaria.Yesterday, you were in diapers, and now you're graduating junior high.
Bueno, te acuerdas de que me estaba graduando de la escuela secundaria en el '51.Well, you remember that I was graduating from high school in '51.
Cuando me estaba graduando nunca me imaginé manejando un retiro en el medio del bosque Pero aquí estoyWhen I was graduating, I never pictured myself running a retreat in the middle of the woods, but here I am.
De hecho, se está graduando.He is indeed graduating.

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