Deja eso, que me lo abollas. | Leave that thing, you'll dent it! |
Vaya, tu los hierves tanto, que si los tiras, abollas el granero. | Why, you boil them so hard, if you threw them, you'd dent the barn. |
A usted no le importa acerca de habla repetitivamente o se abolla. | You don't care about dings or dents. |
Los abolla con la cabeza. | He puts dents in lockers with his head. |
- Ni siquiera lo abollamos. | - It isn't even dented. |
El señor Hilliard dice... que abollamos su coche cada vez que lo lava. | Mr. Hilliard says that we dent his car every time he gets it washed. |
Se abollan. | They dent. |
Y tu dijiste, "no compañero yo abollé mi coche" | And you said, "no, mate. I dented my car." |
"abollaste mi coche" | "you dented my car!" |
Mandy, ¿abollaste un auto? | Mandy, you dented a car? |
Recuerdo cuando tenías 16, abollaste el parachoques de mi Pontiac. | I remember when you were 16, you dented the Fender of my Pontiac. |
Tu la abollaste a ella | (Ricky) You dented her. |
Una violación bárbara, y abollaste mi barco. | A barbaric violation, and you dented my ship. |
La coraza se abolló. | Armor's dented. |
La cápsula se abolló y la campanas de vidrio se rompió. | The capsule was dented and the bell jars were smashed. |
Luego, cuando lo abolló sabiendo que usted lo asesinaría si se enterara lo dañó para hacer que pareciera que las feministas lo habían hecho. | Then, when he dented it, knowing you'd murder him if you found out, he trashed it to make it look like feminists did it. |
¿Ni siquiera la que podemos contarle a tu padre sobre cómo se abolló su coche mientras jugabas a derrapar y no cuando estaba aparcado? | Not even the one we could tell your father about how his car got dented while you were doing wheelies and not while it was sitting in the parking lot? |
La golpearon tan fuerte que abollaron su cráneo. | It means she was hit so hard, they dented her skull. |
Me abollaron la caravana. | They dented my van. |
De hecho, estoy más preocupado de que alguien lo alquile y lo abolle. | Actually, I'm more worried that someone's gonna rent it and dent it. |
¡Que no se abolle! | Don't put a dent in it! |
No me importa que lo abolles, pero cambia la emisora de radio y estás muerto. | I don't mind a few dents, but change the radio station and you're a dead man. |
Ahora, incluso si lo hicieran y tengas una leve abolladura en el coche, el coche se haría de materiales con memoria: aleaciones con memoria, que vuelven a su forma original incluso cuando se abollen. | Now even if they did impinge a slight dent in the car, the car will be made up of the memory materials, shape memory alloys, that go back to their original shape, even when dented. |
"Conducía un coche abollado con asientos arrancados. " | "He drove a dented car with torn up seats." |
-Lo has abollado. | - You dented it. |
Ahorré cada penique. y esperé a que mi pequeño culo consiguiera el mejor trato y finalmente está pagado. y es bonito, está abollado y chisporrotea. | I saved every penny and I bargained my sweet little ass off to get the best deal and it's finally paid off and it's cute and it's dented and it sputters. |
Ahí fue cuando vi que el buzón ni siquiera estaba abollado. | That's when i saw the mailbox wasn't even dented. |
Desafortunadamente es "he abollado el parachoques del coche, he manchado el sofá con vino tinto." | Unfortunately is, "oops, I dented the car fender. I spilled red wine on the sofa." |
Estás abollando mi armadura. | You're denting my metal. |