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Morfondre (to mope) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of morfondre

Present tense
je morfonds
I mope
tu morfonds
you mope
il/elle/on morfond
he/she/it mopes
nous morfondons
we mope
vous morfondez
you all mope
ils/elles morfondent
they mope
Present perfect tense
j’ai morfondu
I moped
tu as morfondu
you moped
il/elle/on a morfondu
he/she/it moped
nous avons morfondu
we moped
vous avez morfondu
you all moped
ils/elles ont morfondu
they moped
Past impf. tense
je morfondais
I was moping
tu morfondais
you were moping
il/elle/on morfondait
he/she/it was moping
nous morfondions
we were moping
vous morfondiez
you all were moping
ils/elles morfondaient
they were moping
Future tense
je morfondrai
I will mope
tu morfondras
you will mope
il/elle/on morfondra
he/she/it will mope
nous morfondrons
we will mope
vous morfondrez
you all will mope
ils/elles morfondront
they will mope
Past perfect tense
j’avais morfondu
I had moped
tu avais morfondu
you had moped
il/elle/on avait morfondu
he/she/it had moped
nous avions morfondu
we had moped
vous aviez morfondu
you all had moped
ils/elles avaient morfondu
they had moped
Past preterite tense
je morfondis
I moped
tu morfondis
you moped
il/elle/on morfondit
he/she/it moped
nous morfondîmes
we moped
vous morfondîtes
you all moped
ils/elles morfondirent
they moped
Past anterior tense
j’eus morfondu
I had moped
tu eus morfondu
you had moped
il/elle/on eut morfondu
he/she/it had moped
nous eûmes morfondu
we had moped
vous eûtes morfondu
you all had moped
ils/elles eurent morfondu
they had moped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai morfondu
I will have moped
tu auras morfondu
you will have moped
il/elle/on aura morfondu
he/she/it will have moped
nous aurons morfondu
we will have moped
vous aurez morfondu
you all will have moped
ils/elles auront morfondu
they will have moped
Present subjunctive tense
que je morfonde
that I mope
que tu morfondes
that you mope
qu’il/elle/on morfonde
that he/she/it mope
que nous morfondions
that we mope
que vous morfondiez
that you all mope
qu’ils/elles morfondent
that they mope
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie morfondu
that I have moped
que tu aies morfondu
that you have moped
qu’il/elle/on ait morfondu
that he/she/it have moped
que nous ayons morfondu
that we have moped
que vous ayez morfondu
that you all have moped
qu’ils/elles aient morfondu
that they have moped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je morfondisse
that I would mope
que tu morfondisses
that you would mope
qu’il/elle/on morfondît
that he/she/it would mope
que nous morfondissions
that we would mope
que vous morfondissiez
that you all would mope
qu’ils/elles morfondissent
that they would mope
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse morfondu
that I had moped
que tu eusses morfondu
that you had moped
qu’il/elle/on eût morfondu
that he/she/it had moped
que nous eussions morfondu
that we had moped
que vous eussiez morfondu
that you all had moped
qu’ils/elles eussent morfondu
that they had moped
Conditional mood
je morfondrais
I would mope
tu morfondrais
you would mope
il/elle/on morfondrait
he/she/it would mope
nous morfondrions
we would mope
vous morfondriez
you all would mope
ils/elles morfondraient
they would mope
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais morfondu
I would have moped
tu aurais morfondu
you would have moped
il/elle/on aurait morfondu
he/she/it would have moped
nous aurions morfondu
we would have moped
vous auriez morfondu
you all would have moped
ils/elles auraient morfondu
they would have moped
Imperative mood
let's mope!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie morfondu
have moped
ayons morfondu
let's have moped
ayez morfondu
have moped

Examples of morfondre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Et tu n'as fait que te morfondre.- And all you've done is mope!
- Mais je ne vais pas me morfondre.- But I'm not gonna sit around and mope.
-Je ne vais pas me morfondre.- I'm not gonna mope.
Alors je devine que ça veut dire Que je n'aurais pas à regarder Carrie se morfondre pendant qu'elle nous regarde Sebastian et moi brûler lentement sur ​​la piste de danseThen I guess that means I won't have to watch Carrie be all mopey while she watches Sebastian and I burn it slow on the dance floor
Blaine était toujours le genre de mec à se morfondre.Blaine's looking like the mope he's always been.
- Et je ne me morfonds pas.I definitely don't mope.
Alors, ne te morfonds pas d'être pédiatre.So don't you sit and mope that you're a pediatrician.
Tu ne te morfonds pas, tu fais face.You don't mope. You cope.
Tu te morfonds toute la semaine à la maison, sans prendre soin de toi.I mean, you know, you mope around the house for a week, not taking care of yourself.
Vous renoncez, vous vous morfondez et suppliez. L'instant d'après, vous roucoulez avec une inconnue.You turn around, mope and whimper and beg, and a few minutes later, you're snorkelling with a stranger.

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