Kas tahad, et ma su jaoks mängu lindistan? | - Shall I tape the game for you tonight? |
Ma lindistan alati oma kaklused. | I always have my fights taped. |
Kas sa lindistad seda? | You gonna tape this? |
Kongresmen, kas sa lindistad siin kabinetis toimuvat? | Congressman, do you tape what's said in this office? |
Sa kindlasti lindistad raamatu lindile. | You're definitely doing the book on tape. |
Sa lindistad seda? | You gettin' this on tape? |
Bourne tuleb tagasi kätte maksma, lindistab Abbotti ülestunnistuse, ja Abbott sooritab enesetapu... | Bourne comes back for revenge, tapes Abbott's confession and Abbott commits suicide. |
Diktofonikassetid, ta lindistab kõike. | Dictation tapes, he records everything. |
Siis muretsege selle pärast, mis toimub, mitte sellepärast, kas me lindistame või ei. | Then worry about what's going on, not about whether we tape or not. |
Ütlesin, et lindistame ühe saate. | I said, "We're gonna tape for a TV show." |
Nad lindistavad ainult kõnesid, esitavad sulle paar küsimust. | They're just gonna tape the guy's calls, ask you a few questions. No big deal. Questions? |
Nad lindistavad küsitluse, kuid esiteks pean sinuga rääkima. | They can tape the inquiry, but first, I need to talk to you. |
Nad lindistavad neid kõnesid, on nii? | They tape those calls, don't they? |
- Ma vist lindistasin selle üle. | - Do you mind if I...? - I've probably taped over it. |
Ma lindistasin mängu üle. | I taped over the game. |
Ma lindistasin prooviesinemise "Ameerika Unistuzte" jaoks. | I taped an audition for American Dreamz. |
Ma lindistasin seda. | I taped it. |
Denise, sa filmisid ennast, kui panid NFL-i agenti ja lindistasid selle minu mängu videole. | Denise, you taped yourself Banging an nfl star over my game film. |
Sa lindistasid meid? | You taped us doing this? |
Sa lindistasid mu pruudi üle? | have you taped over my girlfriend? |
Kadunud naise abikaasa lindistas pöördumise tama naist vangistuses hoidvatele meestele. | "In this Criminals at Large exclusive the missing woman's husband taped a plea to the men..." ".. who hold his wife hostage." |
Kadunud naise abikaasa lindistas pöördumise tema naist vangistuses hoidvatele meestele. | ln this "Criminals at Large" exclusive... the missing woman's husband taped a plea to the men... who hold his wife hostage. Please. |
Oh pagan, mu poiss vist lindistas selle ajaloo tunni jaoks üle... | Man. My kid must've taped over this for history class. |
Ta lindistas "Rannavalve" mingi putuka saatega üle. | Did you know he taped over my "Baywatch" tape with a show about bugs? |
Me lindistasime vaid eelmängu üle. | we just taped over the foreplay. |
Kui sa nõustud, siis lindista see, et sa nõustud, ja jäta lint ülekuulamisruumi laua alla. | If you agree, please record that you agree... and leave the tape under the table... in the interrogation room. |
Sa näed, et makk ei lindista. | Now, you've noticed that the tape is switched off? |
- Ma unustasin Simpsonid lindistama panna. | - l forgot to tape The Simpsons. |
Kahjuks pidin baaridaami üle lindistama. | sorry, I had to tape over the barmaid. |
Ma pean lindistama ühe loomasaate. | I've got to tape summat on aardvarks. |
- Isegi mitte siis, kui laseksid seda lindistada. | -Not even if you let me videotape it. |
Et mängu lindistada? | To tape the game? |
Isa kinkis mulle digikaamera et ta saaks mu viiulikontserte lindistada ja vaadata hiljem selle asemel, et hea lapsevanemana ise kohal käia. | Dad got me a digital video camera... so that he can tape my violin recitals and then watch them later... instead of actually attending them like a good parent would. |
Ja kui ma saan teiste uurijate käest teada, et hoolikalt telgi sissekäigu juurde asetatud kingad, ja sedasi kaamera ette jäetud kaas, et nähtavat osa ei oleks võimalik lindistada, ent lint käib, nii et me võime kuulda Amie karjumise helisid, ja Timothy ohkamise helisid, mis ütleb mulle, et see sündmus juhtus väga, väga kiiresti, äkitselt ja ootamatult. | And when I find out from other investigators that the shoes neatly placed at the entrance to a tent, and the cap left on a camera so that the visual part could not be recorded, yet the tape is running so that we can hear the sounds of Amie screaming and the sounds of Timothy moaning, tells me that this event occurred very, very quickly, suddenly and unexpectedly. |
- Ma olen selle kindlasti üle lindistanud. | - I've probably taped over it. |
-Nagunii olen sinna midagi peale lindistanud. | - I've probably taped over it. |
Keegi on lõpu üle lindistanud! | No! Someone taped over the end of this! |