See sakib igate pidi. | It sucks up one side and down the other. |
- Tuleb jälle. Räägid jälle ära kõik igavad asjad, mida sa teinud oled ajast kui meid ei tapnud. | Oh great, here it comes all the boring things you've done since the last time you didn't kill us. |
Hakkan tegema mõningaid õigustusi, mõned igavad korjandused, ja vahepeal... tõusevad meie reitingud läbi lae. | I'll have to make some kind of apology, do some boring fundraiser. In the meantime, our ratings will go through the roof. |
Jah, muidugi. Ma ei tea, mis idikas mind selle laua taha istuma pani, aga kõik need mehed seal on täiesti igavad. | As if, and I don't know what idiot stuck me at that table, but every guy over there is just a boring stiff. |
Jah, talle meeldib seltskond, kuid teile võivad tema kokkusaamised igavad tunduda pärast hiilgavat Rosings Park'i. | Yes, she is fond of company, but I´m afraid you'll find her gatherings poor affairs after the splendours of Rosings Park. |
Ei teadnud ta, mis tegi, kui mind kohtas, vaid oli õiglane ja vooruslik ta minu teadmist mööda igas asjas. | By my soul, she was not, nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me. But always hath been just and virtuous in any thing I do know by her. |
Jah, te lõpetasite 84%-ga, aga kahjuks sai üks teie rebastest igas kategoorias "0". | Yes, you people did finish with an 84 %, but unfortunately, another pledge of yours scored a "0" in every category. |
Kui hakkasid kaduma mehed, kes ei maksnud pistist, oli Nicky nimi igas ajalehes. | When some guys that didn't pay their shylocks began disappearing... Nicky's name was in every one of those newspapers. |
! Mu silmad hakkavad mind alt vedama ning kui sa loeksid mulle Harwich'i ajakirja iga päev kõmulisi asju, sporti, koomikseid, töökuulutusi ma annan sulle dollari. | Well, my eyes are beginning to fail me and if you will read me the Harwich Journal every day headline stuff, sports, comics, want ads l'll give you said dollar. |
"7000 dollarit Smitty Bacalli eest, 1500 dollarit iga jõugulii... jõuguliikme eest. | "Seven thousand dollars for Smitty Bacall, one thousand and five hundred dollars for each of his gang - memb... - members. |
"Ajal, mil seda kannad, lendab iga uks ise lahti ja seinad sulavad ära. | "While you bear this, every door will fly open and walls will melt away. |
Kogu su "ma-olen-liiga-lahe-et-hoolida" värk hakkab tõesti juba ära igama, ja ära arva sekundiksi, et ma jään uskuma seda, et su tujul pole midagi pistmist Elenaga. | Your whole I'm too cool to care thing is really starting to get old, and don't think for one second that I believe your mood has nothing to do with Elena. |