Voldtage (to rape) conjugation

26 examples
Present tense
Past tense
Future tense
vil voldtage
Present perfect tense
har voldtaget
Past perfect tense
havde voldtaget
Future perfect tense
vil have voldtaget
Conditional perfect tense
ville have voldtaget
Imperative mood

Examples of voldtage

Example in DanishTranslation in English
De prøvede at voldtage mig og afpresse Dem.They tried to rape me and blackmail you.
Deres familier sagde til dem, at vi ville voldtage dem.Their families told them we'd rape them.
For at gøre gengæld sendte Lord Douglas sin søn Hamish for at voldtage Campbell-pigerne.In retaliation of which, Lord douglas sent his only son Hamish out to rape twa CampbeII Iassies.
Han forsøgte også at voldtage mig.He tried to rape me, too.
Har jeg nogensinde forsøgt at voldtage dig?Did I ever try to rape you?
"Jeg voldtager dig." Bare sdan.""I'm going to rape you,"" just like that.
S mske hentede gode, gamle Barney et par drinks hos dig... mske blinkede han og sagde: "Jeg tager søreme og voldtager silden."Maybe good old Barney when he came up to get some drinks from you... maybe he winked and said, ""Alphonse, I'm gonna take this babe and rape her.""
De far ram pa ham, smadrer ham, voldtager den sidste frie sjael pa denne planet.They're gonna get him, smash him, rape the last beautiful, free soul on this planet.
... Vi voldtager hele naturen.They're gonna rape this whole landscape. They're gonna rape it.
- Han voldtager dem først, ikke?He rapes 'em first, doesn't he?
En mand ved navn Barney Quill voldtog fru Manion.A man named Barney Quill raped Mrs. Manion.
De glemmer en ting: Barney Quill voldtog min kone.You seemed to be forgetting Barney Quill raped my wife.
Hvorfor var jeg ikke i min gode ret til at dræbe ham, der voldtog min kone?Why? Why wouldn't I be legally justified in killing the man who raped my wife?
Er det fordi De ved, at Barney Quill badede og skiftede tøj... efter han voldtog og slog denne stakkels kvinde?Is that because you know Barney Quill bathed and changed... after he raped and beat hell out of this poor woman?
Det var om, at Barney Quill voldtog mig. Hvorfor svor de p rosenkransen p, at han voldtog Dem?- Why did you swear on the rosary... that he raped you?
Hvis de fanger dig, vil de voldtag og dræbe dig.If they get you, they will rape you, they will kill you.
Hvis du skal voldtage nogen, så voldtag Dano.If you're gonna rape somebody, rape Dano.
Mor voldtag min nej-nej.Ouchie, ouchie! Mommy rape my no-no.
Han sagde: "Mor voldtag min nej-nej".He said ouchie, ouchie mommy rape my no-no.
Ikke voldtagende og plyndrende mongoler, men velvillige mappebærende højtuddannede bankfolk og firmaledere som plyndrede lokale økonomier i demokratiet, modernitetens og civilisationens navn til fordel for USA og dets allierede.Not raping, looting Mongols; but rather benign, briefcase toting, Ivy League educated bankers and corporate executives who would loot local economies in the name of modernity, democracy and civilization to the benefit of US and its allies.
Mødrekneppende, baby-voldtagende mexicanske tabere.Mother-fisting, baby-raping Mexican lowlifes!
En aften kom han hjem og så, hans hus var blevet endevendt, og hans kone var blevet voldtaget og myrdet.Came home one evening to find that his house had been ransacked and his wife had been raped and murdered.
Fordi Deres kone blev voldtaget, vil De have retssalens sympati.All right. Now, because your wife was raped... you'll have a favorable atmosphere in the courtroom.
Han sagde, at Quill havde voldtaget hans hustru.He told us that Quill had raped his wife.
Havde De en mening om, hvorvidt fru Manion blev voldtaget?But did you form an opinion as to whether Mrs. Manion had been raped?
Det er umuligt at sige, om en moden, gift kvinde er blevet voldtaget.It's impossible to tell if a mature married woman has been raped.

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