Voldta (to rape) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of voldta

Bokmål present tense
I rape
Bokmål past tense
I raped
Bokmål future tense
vil voldta
I will rape
Bokmål conditional tense
ville voldta
I would rape
Bokmål imperative tense
I rape
Bokmål present perfect tense
har voldtatt
I have raped
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde voldtatt
I had raped
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha voldtatt
I will have raped
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha voldtatt
I would have raped

Examples of voldta

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
De prøvde å voldta meg! Og presse deg!They tried to rape me and blackmail you.
Familiene sa at vi kom til å voldta dem.Their families told them we'd rape them.
Han prøvde å voldta meg, han også.He tried to rape me, too.
Har jeg noen gang prøvd å voldta deg?Did I ever try to rape you?
Jeg gikk til én, og han prøvde også å voldta meg.I went to one and he tried to rape me, too.
Og du s ikke Quill voldta og banke kona di?And you didn't see Quill rape and beat your wife?
"Jeg skal voldta deg." Rett ut.""I'm going to rape you,"" just like that.
Kanskje gode gamle Barney kom etter drinker... blunket og sa: "Jeg vil voldta den skreppa."Maybe good old Barney when he came up to get some drinks from you... maybe he winked and said, ""Alphonse, I'm gonna take this babe and rape her.""
De prøvde å voldta meg! Og presse deg!They tried to rape me and blackmail you.
Familiene sa at vi kom til å voldta dem.Their families told them we'd rape them.
Og får han sjansen, søster, så voldtar han deg.And given the chance, sister, he'd rape you.
- Han voldtar dem først, ikke sant?He rapes 'em first, doesn't he?
Pass deg så han ikke voldtar deg!Be careful he doesn't rape you.
l buret er en purk verre enn en som voldtar babyer.In the cage, man, a cop is worse than a... baby raper.
Han sleper rundt på ofrene, voldtar dem, truer en prostituert med verre.He rapes the body of one of the victims and threatens a hooker.
En som heter Barney Quill voldtok fru Manion.A man named Barney Quill raped Mrs. Manion.
Du glemmer visst at Barney Quill voldtok kona mi.You seemed to be forgetting Barney Quill raped my wife.
Fortalte du at du ikke trodde Quill voldtok fru Manion?Did you tell Mr. Lodwick that you didn't believe Barney Quill raped Mrs. Manion?
Fortalte du ham at du ikke trodde Quill voldtok henne?Did you tell him you didn't believe Barney Quill had raped Mrs. Manion?
Tror du n Quill voldtok fru Manion?Do you now believe... Barney Quill raped Mrs. Manion?
Jeg kunne ha voldtatt deg, men jeg er lei av slik kjærlighet.l could have raped you... but l don't believe in that kind of love.
Kom hjem og så at huset hadde blitt endevendt, og kona voldtatt og drept.Came home one evening to find that his house had been ransacked and his wife had been raped and murdered.
Hvorfor var jeg ikke juridisk berettiget nr han hadde voldtatt kona mi?Why? Why wouldn't I be legally justified in killing the man who raped my wife?
Fordi kona di ble voldtatt, fr du rettslokalet p din side.All right. Now, because your wife was raped... you'll have a favorable atmosphere in the courtroom.
Lfølge avisene undersøkte en lege deg... og mente ikke du var blitt voldtatt.Now, the newspaper said that a doctor examined you... and said that he didn't think you'd been raped.

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