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Memerkosa (to rape) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of memerkosa

Present tense
I rape
Past tense
sudah memerkosa
I raped
Present perfect tense
sudah memerkosa
I have raped
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memerkosa
I will have raped
Future recent tense
memerkosa nanti
I will rape
Future distant tense
memerkosa kelak
I am going to rape
Present continuous tense
sedang memerkosa
I rape
Past distant tense
dulu memerkosa
I (a long time ago) raped
Past recent tense
memerkosa tadi
I (recently) raped
Past very recent tense
baru saja memerkosa
I (just now) raped

Examples of memerkosa

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kau tak boleh memerkosa...- You can't rape a...
Aku akan memerkosa istrimu sampai dia mati.I will have your wife raped until she is dead.
Apa Rebecca mendapat waktu lagi? Apa pria yang memerkosa putri Frank.. ..memberinya jalan?Did the man who raped Frank's daughter give her any quarter?
Bukan seorang kriminal yg memerkosa dan membunuh sembarangan--Not uneducated criminals who rape and kill out...

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