Passar (to happen) conjugation

59 examples
This verb can also mean the following: move on, move, spend, occur, pass, go by, continue further

Conjugation of passar

Present tense
I happen
you happen
he/she happens
we happen
you all happen
they happen
Present perfect tense
he passat
I have happened
has passat
you have happened
ha passat
he/she has happened
hem passat
we have happened
heu passat
you all have happened
han passat
they have happened
Future tense
I will happen
you will happen
he/she will happen
we will happen
you all will happen
they will happen
Conditional mood
I would happen
you would happen
he/she would happen
we would happen
you all would happen
they would happen
Past perfect tense
havia passat
I had happened
havies passat
you had happened
havia passat
he/she had happened
havíem passat
we had happened
havíeu passat
you all had happened
havien passat
they had happened
Past impf. tense
I was happening
you were happening
he/she was happening
we were happening
you all were happening
they were happening
Imperative mood
let him/her happen!
let's happen!
let them happen!
Imperative negative mood
no passis
don't happen!
no passi
don't let him/her happen!
no passem
let's not happen!
no passeu
don't happen!
no passin
don't let them happen!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria passat
I would have happened
hauries passat
you would have happened
hauria passat
he/she would have happened
hauríem passat
we would have happened
hauríeu passat
you all would have happened
haurien passat
they would have happened
Future perfect tense
hauré passat
I will have happened
hauràs passat
you will have happened
haurà passat
he/she will have happened
haurem passat
we will have happened
haureu passat
you all will have happened
hauren passat
they will have happened
Preterite past tense
I happened
you happened
he/she happened
we happened
you all happened
they happened
Past anterior tense
haguí passat
I had happened
hagueres passat
you had happened
hagué passat
he/she had happened
haguérem passat
we had happened
haguéreu passat
you all had happened
haguéren passat
they had happened
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) happen
(so that you) happen
(so that he/she) happens
(so that we) happen
(so that you all) happen
(so that they) happen
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was happening
(so that you) were happening
(so that he/she) was happening
(so that we) were happening
(so that you all) were happening
(so that they) were happening
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi passat
(so that I) have happened
hagis passat
(so that you) have happened
hagi passat
(so that he/she) has happened
hàgim passat
(so that we) have happened
hàgiu passat
(so that you all) have happened
hagin passat
(so that they) have happened
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués passat
(so that I) had happened
haguessis passat
(so that you) had happened
hagués passat
(so that he/she) had happened
haguéssim passat
(so that we) had happened
haguéssiu passat
(so that you all) had happened
haguessin passat
(so that they) had happened
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi passar
(so that I) happened
vagis passar
(so that you) happened
vagi passar
(so that he/she) happened
vàgim passar
(so that we) happened
vàgiu passar
(so that you all) happened
vagin passar
(so that they) happened
Periphastic past tense
vaig passar
I happened
vas passar
you happened
va passar
he/she happened
vam passar
we happened
vau passar
you all happened
van passar
they happened
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver passat
I had happened
vas haver passat
you had happened
va haver passat
he/she had happened
vam haver passat
we had happened
vau haver passat
you all had happened
van haver passat
they had happened

Examples of passar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Jo sé una cosa que ha de passar.I know something that's going to happen.
-Sí, pero mireu: pot passar una bella estona abans que trobi la bona avinentesa d'aquesta feina, pot haver-hi accidents; i la cosa no esta en gaire bon lloc: tant se val que l'enterrem ben enterrada… i ben endins."Yes: but look here; it may be a good while before I get the right chance at that job; accidents might happen; 'tain't in such a very good place; we'll just regularly bury it--and bury it deep."
Aquestes promeses estan bé si no saps què va passar amb els arbres que es van trasplantar en el passat.These promises are good if you don't know what happened to the past trees that were being earth balled.
Què va passar després?What happened next?
També va esmentar el bloqueig de l'anunci d'interés públic del J-FLAG i va tornar a publicar a Facebook "un cas que va passar de veritat a Jamaica i que subratlla l'aversió que senten els d'aquí cap als gais".She also referred to the blocked J-FLAG public service announcement and republished a Facebook account of "an instance that actually happened in Jamaica which highlights the lethal absurdity of local hostility towards gays."
Perquè igual que passa això, jo també passo el dia amb una personalitat científica de la televisió estimada pels nens.Because as it just so happens, I'm also spending the day with a beloved children's television science personality.
Si passes això, llavors mai Trobarem viu a n'en Jimmy Baker.Well, if that happens, then we'll never find Jimmy Baker alive.
No puc imaginar ningú que volgués que això passes.I can't imagine anybody could want this to happen.
No em puc creure que això l'hi passes a ella.I just can't believe this happened to her.
Com passa sovint amb aquests debats, també els ignorants hi tenen veu.Unfortunately, as so often happens in such debates, the uninformed and ignorant also feel the need to speak out and be heard.
Un membre de l'equip de producció de La mare del cor atòmic va dir a la Campanya Internacional pels Drets Humans a l'Iran que els censors no han explicat per què l'han prohibit, i va afegir: "El que passa normalment és que si una pel·lícula encara té una oportunitat de ser projectada després de ser censurada i revisada, els controladors ho discuteixen en una reunió amb el director.A member of the production team of "Atom Heart Mother" told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that censors have not explained why it has been banned. “What usually happens is that if a film has a chance of being screened after censorship and revisions, the monitors will discuss it in a meeting with the director.
La pàgina web del centre afirma que "Res del que passa a Kapululangu pot ocórrer sense les ancianes".The website for the centre states, "Nothing that happens at Kapululangu can happen without the Elders."
Però no només hauríem de plorar quan això passa a les nacions riques.But we should not only cry when it happens in rich nations.
- Quedem-nos a veure què passa.- Let's see what happens.
És impossible de suposar el que hauria passat aleshores; pero sortosament la preocupació s'esvaí a la cara de la tia Polly, i ella comparegué en ajut de Tom sense saber-ho, tot dient: -Bah!There is no telling what might have happened, now, but luckily the concern passed out of Aunt Polly's face and she came to Tom's relief without knowing it. She said:
-Oh! bé… No ha passat res…All right, though--nothing's happened."
Alguns altres afirmen la importància de recordar la catàstrofe d’avui i el lloc on ha passat: Aquesta tragèdia, igual que la matança de Katyń, els polonesos mai no l'oblidarem...Others stress the importance of remembering today's catastrophe and the place where it happened:
La gent critica i se'n riu, de Putin, en directe per la televisió, i això no hauria passat mai abans.People are criticizing and laughing at Putin on live TV, and this wouldn’t have happened before.
Aquestes promeses estan bé si no saps què va passar amb els arbres que es van trasplantar en el passat.These promises are good if you don't know what happened to the past trees that were being earth balled.
Si penseu que el que m'ha passat és una bogeria, passeu un parell de dies a una presó d'Abu Dhabi. No em puc pas queixar si em comparo amb la vasta majoria de dones que he conegut allà, que l'únic delicte que havien comès era ser pobres, casar-se amb l'home equivocat, quedar-se embarassades fora del matrimoni o ser víctimes de la corrupció generalitzada i sistemàtica del sistema policial que no coneix conceptes com "proves", "ètica" o "procés pertinent".If you think what happened to me was insane, spend a couple of days in an Abu Dhabi jail; I have nothing to complain about compared to the vast majority of women I met whose only crime was being poor, marrying the wrong guy, getting pregnant outside of marriage or/and being victims of rampant and systemic police corruption where 'evidence', 'ethics' and 'due process' are unheard of concepts.
Així dons, sortiu, passeu-vos-ho bé i que comenci l'espectacle, gent!So get out there, enjoy yourselves and let's make this show happen, people!
El diari estatal xinès Global Times va defensar en un article d'opinió que la decisió de Lego va ser purament capitalisme occidental en acció (traducció catalana de l'anglesa, la qual es va fer des de What's On Weibo, una pàgina que informa sobre conversacions que passen a la plataforma xinesa famosa Weibo):State-owned Global Times argued in an opinion piece that Lego's decision was simply Western capitalism in action (English translation from What's On Weibo, a site that reports on conversations happening on popular Chinese platform Weibo):
Coses que passen. És una bogeria, però de vegades, passa.I mean, you know... it's freaky, but it happens.
Són coses que passen.It happens.
En fi... són coses que passen.Well... those things happen.
Als que juguen amb el temps els passen coses terribles.AwfuI things happen to wizards who meddle with time.
Quelcom està canviant i tinc curiositat per saber què passarà.Something is changing and I’m curious what will happen.
"Tanmateix, ens hem de preguntar què passarà en la vida política de Bòsnia i Hercegovina."However, we must ask ourselves what is the great matter that will happen in the political life of Bosnia-Herzegovina?
Moren a tot arreu, però si no provem d'encendre els llums, què passarà?People are continuing to die everywhere, but if we don't highlight the problems, what will happen?
Què passarà demà, no ho sabem, però hem notat que cada vegada que pensem que no hi ha recursos acabem trobant alguna cosa que es pot digerir.What will happen tomorrow, we don’t know, but we have noticed that whenever we think there are no resources left, we find something else that can be eaten.
Quant a la possible obertura de l'ambient artístic i cultural i la llibertat d'expressió, penso que si els intel·lectuals, l'elit, els estudiants universitaris i els artistes no exigeixen que Hassan Rouhani abordi aquests temes, no passarà res.Regarding the opening of the artistic and cultural atmosphere in the country and freedom of expression, I believe that if intellectuals, the elite, university students, and artists don’t demand Hassan Rouhani to pursue this issues, nothing will happen.
O aquí passaran coses dolentes.Or bad things will happen in here.
O passaran coses dolentes.Or bad things will happen.
No sabem què ens passaria a la ciutat.We don't know what would happen to us in the cities.
Tuvok, què passaria si focalitzéssim els fàsers allà i disparéssim?Tuvok. What would happen if we locked phasers and fired at the source?
Tuvok, què passaria si graduéssim la potència dels fàsers al mínim possible i els emetéssim continuament?Well, maybe we should. Tuvok, what would happen if we reduced the phaser power level to a minimum setting and sent out a continuous beam?
L'Oracle... ...em va dir que això passaria.The Oracle... She told me this would happen.
Què passaria si jo deixava la feina per tu?What would happen if I gave up my job for you?
Estava relacionada amb tot el que passava al meu voltant.”It was everything that was happening around me.”
Perquè no ens has dit res del què passava?Why didn't you let us know what was happening?
Podia veure totes les persones que volgués des de dalt... i observar què els hi passava.L could see all the people I loved from above... and observe what was happening in their lives.
I va arribar el punt en el que passava inclús quant ja no dormia.And it got to the point where it was happening even when I wasn't asleep.
És difícil explicar el que passà.It's hard to say what happened.
Cap idea sobre què passà?Any idea how that happened?
Passi el que passi, el cadenat no es pot llevar.It don't make any difference _what_ happens, we got to keep mum.
El que passi després d’això, va assenyalar, “podria agradar més a la gent, perquè seria més moderat.”What happens after that, he said, “would please you people as it would be more moderate.”
Passi el que passi, no deixis d'estimar la teva mare.If anything should happen, you'd never hate your mother?
No vull que et passi res.I don't want anything to happen to you.
Tampoc no vull que et passi res a tu.I don't want anything to happen to you either.
Sembla correcte que passin coses com aquesta, sempre que no passin aquí, on hem d'afrontar la realitat de que l'Estat posi fi a una vida, allò que significa disparar a un home lligat a un pal .It seems it’s OK for things like this to happen, so long as they don’t happen here, where we have to confront the full reality of what is done when the state ends a life, of what it is to shoot a man tied to a stake.
Sí, bé, els somnis són coses que inconscientment vols que passin.Yeah, well, dreams are just stuff that you subconsciously want to happen.
Has de deixar que les coses passin amb naturalesa.You have to let things happen naturally.
Jason, no pots aturar que em passin coses dolentes.Jason, you cannot stop bad things from happening to me.
Cap home no pot caminar per la vida sense que li passin coses, Lagertha.No man can walk through life without things happening to him, Lagertha.
Una Situation Room, alimentada amb dades a temps real recollides en una mostra estadísticament significativa de col·legis electorals, permetrà a NEW coordinar respostes immediates a incidents seriosos (avisant els funcionaris d'eleccions, les forces de l'ordre i els mitjans de comunicació locals i internacionals) i elaborant informacions sobre l'estat de les eleccions mentre estan passant.A Situation Room, powered with real-time data from a statistically significant sample of polling stations, will enable NEW to coordinate immediate responses to serious incidents (calling on election officials, law enforcement and local and international media) and to make informed pronouncements about the status of the elections as they are happening.
El bloguer Aleksandr Txernokozov creu que l'expulsió de Mursi es deu al "virus de la revolució" que havia arrelat a Egipte des de la destitució de Mubàrak i que el que està passant fa pensar en "l'inici d'una guerra civil" .Blogger Aleksandr Chernokozov believes that Morsi's removal was attributable to "the virus of revolution" that had taken hold in Egypt since Mubarak's ouster and that what was happening called to mind "the start of a civil war" .
Com podeu dir que tot és en calma i que no està passant res sobre un país que es troba enmig d'una guerra civil?How can you write that everything is calm and nothing is happening about a country in the middle of a civil war?
El que aquest resum destaca és l'enorme bretxa entre el que els mitjans de comunicació internacionals i els espectadors externs perceben que està passant i el missatge que els ucraïnesos que participen a les protestes Euromaidan intenten transmetre al seu govern i al món.What this overview points out is the vast gap between how international media and outside spectators view what is happening and the message that Ukrainians involved in Euromaidan protests are trying to get across to their government and the world.
En només un mes vaig fer unes 50 entrevistes en directe als mitjans internacionals sobre el que estava passant.In one month alone I gave about 50 live interviews to international media about what was happening.

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