Eleger (to elect) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: name, to name

Conjugation of eleger

Present tense
I elect
you elect
he/she elects
we elect
you all elect
they elect
Present perfect tense
tenho elegido
I have elected
tens elegido
you have elected
tem elegido
he/she has elected
temos elegido
we have elected
tendes elegido
you all have elected
têm elegido
they have elected
Past preterite tense
I elected
you elected
he/she elected
we elected
you all elected
they elected
Future tense
I will elect
you will elect
he/she will elect
we will elect
you all will elect
they will elect
Conditional mood
I would elect
you would elect
he/she would elect
we would elect
you all would elect
they would elect
Past imperfect tense
I used to elect
you used to elect
he/she used to elect
we used to elect
you all used to elect
they used to elect
Past perfect tense
tinha elegido
I had elected
tinhas elegido
you had elected
tinha elegido
he/she had elected
tínhamos elegido
we had elected
tínheis elegido
you all had elected
tinham elegido
they had elected
Future perfect tense
terei elegido
I will have elected
terás elegido
you will have elected
terá elegido
he/she will have elected
teremos elegido
we will have elected
tereis elegido
you all will have elected
terão elegido
they will have elected
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha elegido
I have elected
tenhas elegido
you have elected
tenha elegido
he/she has elected
tenhamos elegido
we have elected
tenhais elegido
you all have elected
tenham elegido
they have elected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have elected
(if/so that) you will have elected
(if/so that) he/she will have elected
(if/so that) we will have elected
(if/so that) you all will have elected
(if/so that) they will have elected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver elegido
I will have elected
tiveres elegido
you will have elected
tiver elegido
he/she will have elected
tivermos elegido
we will have elected
tiverdes elegido
you all will have elected
tiverem elegido
they will have elected
Imperative mood
let's elect!
Imperative negative mood
não elejas
do not elect!
não eleja
let him/her/it not elect!
não elejamos
let us not elect!
não elejais
do not elect!
não elejam
do not elect!

Examples of eleger

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Representantes das 17 províncias decidiram não eleger um presidente, mas sim eleger um grande marechal.- Representatives from the 17 provinces have decided not to elect a President, but to elect a Grand Marshal.
A não ser... a não ser que agora decidam eleger um novo Capitão.Unless-- unless you decide right now to elect yourselves a new captain.
Acho que a América vai eleger um terrorista para vice-presidente se alguém não começar a dar ouvidos à Claire Danes.- I think America's about to elect a terrorist as a vice president if somebody doesn't start listening to Claire Danes.
Depois do casamento, os monges irão eleger o novo Prior.After the wedding tomorrow, the monks are to elect a new Prior.
Durante milhares de anos, na história chinesa, o nosso povo nunca recebeu a oportunidade de eleger o chefe de governo.For thousands of years, in Chinese history, we the people never received the opportunity to elect the head of government.
Eu elejo o Mayor e o Governador... ...antesde vocêconseguir um aumento de 1 0 dólares.I'll be getting guys elected mayor and governor before you ever get a $ 10 raise!
Desde a criação do próprio estado em si, associada com o poder subjacente do dinheiro como o derradeiro impulsionador das decisões humanas, resultando na persuasão, o verdadeiro poder sempre foi financeiro, e aquelas pequenas pessoas que eleges para os cargos a cada uns quantos anosSince the inception of the state itself, coupled with the underlying power of money as the ultimate driver of human decisions, and hence persuasion, the true power has always been financial, and those little people you elect into office every couple of years
Cada uma elege um comissário central.Each one elects a central committeeman.
De seguida vou levar-vos onde o Colégio de Cardeais elege um novo papa.Next I'll take you to where the College of Cardinals elects a new pope.
Olha, toda a gente elege uma representante da sua própria tribo.See, everyone elects a representative from their own tribe.
Quem elege os líderes?Who elects the leaders?
"Por ordem do senado... torna-se público que elegemos hoje... primeiro cônsul da República... e comandante-chefe dos exércitos de Roma"."By order of the senate... be it known that we have this day elected... Marcus Licinius Crassus... first consul of the Republic... and commander in chief of the armies of Rome."
Alguém assassinou o nosso Vice-Presidente e tentou matar o homem que elegemos para ser o nosso próximo Presidente?Did someone assassinate our vice president and try to kill the man that we elected to be our next president?
Assim, elegemos um fornecedor do governo para vice-presidente. Parabéns, Sr. Vice-presidente.So we've elected a government contractor as vice president.
Como é que o racismo pode estar de volta quando elegemos um presidente negro?How can racism be back when we elected a black president?
E não o elegemos como nosso porta-voz.And we did not elect you to be our spokesman.
Achávamos que tínhamos elegido um cristão.'Cause we thought we elected a Christian, Frank.
Como consequência das suas recentes e meticulosas escavações... nas Tumbas de Yangling... o professor Robert Burns foi elegido como o vencedor... do prestigioso e muito cobiçado Prémio Winthrop... à excelência arqueológica.As a consequence of his recent meticulous excavations... at the Yangling Tombs... Professor Robert Burns has been selected to be the recipient... of the prestigious and much coveted Winthrop Award... for excellence in archeology.
E eles tinham elegido um companheiro com o nome de Xemu... VOZES GLOBAIS CONFERENCIA CIDADÃOS-MÉDIA, ANTUÉRPIA poderia se soletrar X-E-M-U... ao Rulah Supremo, e eles estavam prestes elegê-lo. - L. Ron HubbartAnd they had elected a fellow by the name of Xemu... uh, could be spelled X-E-M-U... to the Supreme Rulah, and they were about to un-elect him.
Foi elegido para o cargo, Ou apenas comprou o seu posto?Were you elected into office, or did you just buy your way in?
Se o governo, há já algum tempo, tivesse feito alguma coisa pelo povo, este não se tinha fartado e elegido o Sr. Stark.If the government, for quite a long time now had done anything for the people they wouldn't have got fed up and elected Mr. Stark.
As pessoas do partido que trabalham a atender telefones que põem letreiros, que elegem metade dos nossos, também são pró-vida.The people in this party who do the phone-banking plant lawn signs, get half our guys elected, they're pro-life too.
As pessoas mais poderosas desta cidade, participam nos meus jogos, juntamente com os bilionários que os elegem.Okay. The most powerful people in this city play my games, along with the billionaires who get them elected.
As pessoas é que elegem os seus polícias.No, people here elect their own cops.
Credo, Menina Hallie, há muito que não me elegem xerife.Shucks, Miss Hallie. They haven't elected me Town Marshal for ages.
E todas as vezes que me elegem, fico agradecido, esforço-me mais para viver segundo aquela imagem.And every time they elect me, I'm humbled. I strive harder to live up to that ideal.
Eu elegi-me.I got myself elected.
Foi há dez anos que me elegi presidente desta organização, e, se me permitem dizê-lo, fizeram a escolha acertada.It's been ten years since I elected myself president of this organisation, and, if I say so myself, you made the right choice.
Dei-te a hipótese... de te aliares a mim de livre vontade... mas elegeste uma forma contrária à minha vontade!I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly but you have elected the way of pain!
Ele está num hospital, a lutar pela vida, não teve nada a ver com a maneira com que te elegeste.- I'm talking about... - He's lying in a hospital room, fighting for his life, and he had nothing to do with how he got elected.
Significa que te elegeste presidente do "comité do morto" e começaste a tomar decisões por nós.It means you elected yourself chairman of the... dead guy committee and started making decisions for everyone.
- A mulher que te elegeu.The woman who got you elected.
- Isso é novidade. Preciso de mais ajuda do que o tipo morto que elegeu em Orange County.I need more help than that dead guy you got elected in Orange County.
A America elegeu-o, sabendo das suas histórias com as mulheres.America elected him, knowing his history with women.
A Associação Meucci elegeu-te o Ítalo-Americano do Ano.The Meucci Association has elected you Italian-American Man of the Year.
A mulher que te elegeu. Vais ser o homem em quem eu votei.The woman who got you elected, so go be the man I voted for.
Acreditas que elegeram o sacana daquele democrata falhado?Can you believe they elected that asshole democrat no-hoper?
Bem, já que o capitão desertou do navio e hasteou a bandeira noutro local, aqueles pobres rapazes órfãos elegeram-me para o lugar.Well, since the original captain deserted his ship, come and put his pretty little rag somewhere new, those poor fatherless boys out there elected me in instead.
Como deve saber, os franceses elegeram um novo Presidente.Um, as you probably know, the French have elected themselves a new president.
Creio que foi a mim que elegeram presidente, não a si.I believe they elected me President, not you.
Eles elegeram o Fin Elder como Xerife.They elected Fin Elder sheriff.
Agora elegerão um novo chanceler, um que tenha força, um que não permita a nossa tragédia de continuar.Now they will elect a new chancellor, a strong chancellor, one who will not let our tragedy continue.
Acreditavam numa elite educada, proprietários que elegeriam pessoas como eles para conduzir o país, governar as massas como preferissem.They believed in an educated elite, property owners who would elect people like themselves to run the country, to govern the masses as they saw fit.
Os chineses no estrangeiro esperam todos que organizemos um governo o mais breve possível e elejamos um presidente.Overseas Chinese all hope that we could set up a government as soon as possible and elect a President.
Senadores, ordenamo-vos que o elejais chefe dos arvernos!Senators, we command you elect him chieftain of the Arvernes!
Compreendo que queiras que os miúdos gostem de ti para que te elejam como o seu idolo ou algo parecido, mas não vais voltar para a escola para teres uma segunda infância.I understand you want the kids to like you so they can elect you Homecoming king or whatever, but you are not going back to school to have some second childhood.
Talvez te elejam líder da equipa agora.Perhaps they will elect you team leader now?
-Você não estaria me elegendo, estaria?- You wouldn't be electing me, would you?
A escolha é sua. A estupidez de uma corrida ao armamento nuclear... o desenvolvimento de armas... a tentativa de resolver os problemas politicamente elegendo este ou aquele partido político... sendo que toda a política está imersa em corrupção.The stupidity of a nuclear arms race... the development of weapons... trying to solve your problems politically by electing this political party or that political party... that all politics is immersed in corruption.
"E é a minha intenção consegui-lo, se me elegerem presidente. ""And that's what I intend to do if I'm elected president."
- E se elegerem outro?And if they elect someone else foreman?
Agradeço ao Senado e a todo o povo romano.... a confiança que depositaram em mim ao me elegerem consul junto com Paulo Emilio.I thank the Senate and the Roman people more ... for the confidence accorded to me, electing console with Paolo Emilio. CONSENT Senator
De qualquer modo, se me elegerem presidente, a minha primeira acção será eliminar aquela suposta obra de arte.Anyway... if you elect me president, my first act will be to eliminate this so-called work of art.
E não esqueçam, quando vocês me elegerem... Vocês terão dois prefeitos pelo preço de um.And don't forget, when you elect me, you're getting two mayors for the price of one.
Aqui, só arranjas ajuda se os elegeres.The only way you get help here is to elect them.
E o que te leva a elegeres-te advogada dele?And what brings you to elect yourself his advocate?
Proponho... proponho elegermos, entre os delegados, um Comité Revolucionário Militar dos Cossacos!I propose... to elect from the delegates of our congress a Cossack War Revolutionary Committee!
Só quero colocar todos bem sentados para elegermos um porta-voz.I'm just trying to get us seated properly so we can elect a foreman.

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