Alt vel, Skeeter? | I don't understand it. |
Du har vel det pulveret som hjelper mot laktoseintoleranse? | No, you have that powder here, right, don't you, that takes care of lactose-intolerance? |
Jo, det hender vel, når det går på tomgang. | Yes, I do when nothing's happening. |
Jeg forstår bare ikke hvorfor hun ville planlegge sin første date med denne gutten på natt at vi har Linda over, vel vitende at Linda kan 't komme med mindre hun sitter barnevakt for lille Chloe. | I just don't understand why she would plan her first date with this boy on the night that we're having Linda over, knowing full well that Linda can't come unless she babysits little Chloe. |
Det høres vel helt rart ut, ikke sant? | I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it ? |