Metas tau išlįsti. | It's time to come out. |
O kai išlindo, buvo nebe berniukas. | When he did come out... he wasn't a boy anymore. |
Kaip iš jos išlindo tas didelis kiaušinis? | How did that big egg come out of that? |
Jeigu aš sužinočiau, kad kažkas yra su ja paimčiau ginklą ir sukiščiau jam, kad pro burną išlįstų. | If I ever found out somebody was making out with her... I'd take this and I'd shove it so far up his ass, it would come out his mouth. |
lšlįsk, išlįsk, kad ir kur tu. | Come out, come out, wherever you are. |
Nagi, išlįsk, pone Kakuti Šok į baseiną ir plauk | Come out, come out, Mr. Daodie... and swim in the swimming pool |
Kara, išlįsk. | Kara, come out. |
Gal išlįsk iš už prekystalio? | Why don't you come out from around the counter? |
Tiesiog išlįsk. | Just come out. |