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Buitenkomen (to come out) conjugation

34 examples

Conjugation of buitenkomen

Present tense
kom buiten
I come out
komt buiten
you come out
komt buiten
he/she/it comes out
komen buiten
we come out
komen buiten
you all come out
komen buiten
they come out
Present perfect tense
ben buitengekomen
I have come out
bent buitengekomen
you have come out
is buitengekomen
he/she/it has come out
zijn buitengekomen
we have come out
zijn buitengekomen
you all have come out
zijn buitengekomen
they have come out
Past tense
kwam buiten
I came out
kwam buiten
you came out
kwam buiten
he/she/it came out
kwamen buiten
we came out
kwamen buiten
you all came out
kwamen buiten
they came out
Future tense
zal buitenkomen
I will come out
zult buitenkomen
you will come out
zal buitenkomen
he/she/it will come out
zullen buitenkomen
we will come out
zullen buitenkomen
you all will come out
zullen buitenkomen
they will come out
Conditional mood
zou buitenkomen
I would come out
zou buitenkomen
you would come out
zou buitenkomen
he/she/it would come out
zouden buitenkomen
we would come out
zouden buitenkomen
you all would come out
zouden buitenkomen
they would come out
Subjunctive mood
kome buiten
I come out
kome buiten
you come out
kome buiten
he/she/it come out
kome buiten
we come out
kome buiten
you all come out
kome buiten
they come out
Past perfect tense
was buitengekomen
I had come out
was buitengekomen
you had come out
was buitengekomen
he/she/it had come out
waren buitengekomen
we had come out
waren buitengekomen
you all had come out
waren buitengekomen
they had come out
Future perf.
zal buitengekomen zijn
I will have come out
zal buitengekomen zijn
you will have come out
zal buitengekomen zijn
he/she/it will have come out
zullen buitengekomen zijn
we will have come out
zullen buitengekomen zijn
you all will have come out
zullen buitengekomen zijn
they will have come out
Conditional perfect tense
zou buitengekomen zijn
I would have come out
zou buitengekomen zijn
you would have come out
zou buitengekomen zijn
he/she/it would have come out
zouden buitengekomen zijn
we would have come out
zouden buitengekomen zijn
you all would have come out
zouden buitengekomen zijn
they would have come out
Present bijzin tense
I come out
you come out
he/she/it comes out
we come out
you all come out
they come out
Past bijzin tense
I came out
you came out
he/she/it came out
we came out
you all came out
they came out
Future bijzin tense
zal buitenkomen
I will come out
zult buitenkomen
you will come out
zal buitenkomen
he/she/it will come out
zullen buitenkomen
we will come out
zullen buitenkomen
you all will come out
zullen buitenkomen
they will come out
Conditional bijzin mood
zou buitenkomen
I would come out
zou buitenkomen
you would come out
zou buitenkomen
he/she/it would come out
zouden buitenkomen
we would come out
zouden buitenkomen
you all would come out
zouden buitenkomen
they would come out
Subjunctive bijzin mood
I come out
you come out
he/she/it come out
we come out
you all come out
they come out
Imperative mood
kom buiten
come out
komt buiten
come out

Examples of buitenkomen

Example in DutchTranslation in English
Als we buitenkomen, volg ons dan.If we come out together, follow us.
De meisjes willen niet buitenkomen, behalve voor hun papa.The girls won't come out for anyone except their daddy.
De nacht van de brand zag ik iemand buitenkomen.The night of the fire, I saw somebody come out
Een van z'n kleine makkers vertelde hem dat Halloween die ene dag is, dat echte monsters buitenkomen, omdat ze dan niet opvallen.One of his little buddies told him Halloween was the only time when all the real monsters come out because they can blend in.
En ik zag drie zwarte mannen buitenkomen via de terrasdeur van Flynn.And I saw these three black men come out the flynns' patio door.
- Doder, kom buiten spelen.- Slayer, come out and play!
Alexander, kom buiten!Alexander, come out!
Doe een snelle wip. Ik kom buiten.I get my ugly on real quick, come out, my ride is gone!
Gracie, kom buiten.Gracie, come out.
Hou op met prutsen aan die stomme doos en kom buiten.Arlo, quit tinkering with that idiot box and come outside.
Je gaat zitten, je doet je tijd, echt, je komt buiten, je zult een kerel zijn.You go in, you do some time, for real, you come out, you gonna be ferocious.
McKinney, jij komt buiten of wij komen binnen.- Hey, McKinney! - Would you stop? - You come out or we're coming in.
Dus, ze komen buiten, de kleine word hier geraakt, en strompelt naar de bestelwagen.Tough kid. All right, so they come out, the small guy is hit around here, stumbles over to the van.
- Ja, er is niemand buitengekomen.- Yeah. Nobody's come out.
- Ik kwam buiten om even te roken.- I came out for a smoke.
-lk kwam buiten en ik zag je nergens.Lois, when I came outside and you weren't there...
Bodo kwam buiten, alles was verbrand.Bodo came out. Everything got roasted.
Chucho kwam buiten en stuurde hem weg.Then Dog came out. And he/she told him/her that he/she left.
De vrouw die al jaren in de straat woonde kwam buiten... om kennis te maken met de vrouw die naast haar kwam wonen.The woman who had lived on the street for years came outside... and introduced herself to the woman who was moving in next door.
- Jullie kwamen buiten... stapten in de koets en reden weg.- You came out of the house, got into the carriage and were driven away.
We kwamen buiten om te roken.We came out and had a smoke.
Ik ga deze winkel binnen. Wanneer ik buitenkom, zal ik anders zijn. Anders.I'm gonna go in this shop, when I come out i'm gonna be different!
...als je buitenkomt... want als je... als je echt naar binnen gaat... Ja... als je echt naar binnen gaat......when you come out, because if you truly go... if you truly go inside... you know, if you actually go there... when you come out, it can be very frustrating.
Hij blijft buiten staan ijsberen en maakt zich zorgen... en als je buitenkomt, houdt hij je tegen en stelt allerlei vragen... hij houdt je drie kwartier aan de praat.He'll stay out in the alley and pace up and down and worry... and collar you when you come out and say how is so and so... and keep you for 45 minutes, you know.
Ik blijf gewoon wachten tot je buitenkomt.I'm just gonna wait for you to come out.
Ik heb niks anders te doen dan te wachten tot u buitenkomt.I'm unemployed. I'll stand out there all day. Eventually you'll come out.
Tot de deur opent en de dokter naar buitenkomt en zegt... 'Billy, het is in orde'.For the door to open and the doctor to come out and say, "Billy, you're good to go."
Hij vond het heerlijk om herkend te worden door z'n fans als ie buitenkwam.He loved to be recognized by his fans as he came out.
Iemand moet het andere gat dichten waar de kogel buitenkwam! Geef hier, ik doe het wel.Somebody patch the other hole where the bullet came out!
Ik hield niet van de Regina die in de gevangenis ging, maar ik kan degene niet uitstaan die buitenkwam.I didn't much like the Regina that went into jail, but I can't stand the one that came out.
Toen Kelby buitenkwam, en in de stad bekend werd het was plotselingOnce Kelby came out and the town learned about her, it was overnight.
Toen die kerel buitenkwam en die bak startte...Dude came out, started that joint, it was like "kaboom!"
Ik was aan mijn deur toen ze buitenkwamen.I was at my door when they all came out.
Toen ze buitenkwamen zeiden ze, dat ze één of andere klootzak van Iberville hadden herkend.And they came out saying they recognized some assholes from the Iberville.

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