素敵だったわよ 姉さん 邪魔! | i wish i was sister, why did u interrupt in between? |
邪魔! | Get out of my way! |
邪魔 邪魔 邪魔・・・ 邪魔だよ | Near Mishuku. Mishuku? |
邪魔よ 邪魔 | Get her away. |
邪魔した? | Maybe I'll just burn it. |
邪魔して ごめんなさい | Yes, you did. So I'm sorry for taking you away. |
邪魔して ごめんなさい どうぞ続けて | Oh, I'm so sorry to disturb you. Please, do sit down and finish your supper. |
邪魔して すみません | (Knocks on door) Hey, sorry to interrupt. |
邪魔して 悪いんだけど あなたがやってることがわかったの | I-I'm sorry to interrupt, um, but I know exactly what you were up to. |
邪魔される 我々の夢を | expensive illusion. |
だがスーツケースに 邪魔される | But it's tough when you live out of a suitcase. |
邪魔すれば クリンゴンばかりか— ウフーラも怒ります | And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons but that of Lieutenant Uhura as well. |
邪魔すれば 逮捕する | If you interfere, I will arrest you. |
邪魔すれば クリンゴンばかりか― | It is our only logical option. |
独善主義が生んだ… 歪んだ思考が 邪魔する 俺もな | You won't kill me... ...out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. |
お前には 殺せん 独善主義が生んだ... 歪んだ思考が 邪魔する | You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. |