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Berlangsung (to take place) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah berlangsung
Present perfect tense
sudah berlangsung
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berlangsung
Future recent tense
berlangsung nanti
Future distant tense
berlangsung kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang berlangsung
Past distant tense
dulu berlangsung
Past recent tense
berlangsung tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja berlangsung

Examples of berlangsung

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Menara itu tempat sertifikasi FBI HRT terakhir kalian akan berlangsung.That tower is where your final FBI HRT certification will take place.
Pertarungan akan berlangsung di empat meja ini. Delapan atlet panco terbaik di dunia akan bertanding.Fighting will take place on these four tables and the eight best arm wrestlers in the world will be competing.
Semua film ini berlangsung di kota kecil yang disebut Shermer, Illinois Di mana semua ceweknya cakep2 tapi semua cowoknya cengeng.All these movies take place in this small town called Shermer, Illinois... where all the honeys are top-shelf but all the dudes are whiny pussies.
Bingo, pertukaran akan berlangsung di pesta pribadi malam ini.Bingo, the exchange will take place tonight at the private party.
Dimana pertemuan itu berlangsung ?And where exactly did this meeting take place?

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