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Troubler (to trouble) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of troubler

Present tense
je trouble
I trouble
tu troubles
you trouble
il/elle/on trouble
he/she/it troubles
nous troublons
we trouble
vous troublez
you all trouble
ils/elles troublent
they trouble
Present perfect tense
j’ai troublé
I troubled
tu as troublé
you troubled
il/elle/on a troublé
he/she/it troubled
nous avons troublé
we troubled
vous avez troublé
you all troubled
ils/elles ont troublé
they troubled
Past impf. tense
je troublais
I was troubling
tu troublais
you were troubling
il/elle/on troublait
he/she/it was troubling
nous troublions
we were troubling
vous troubliez
you all were troubling
ils/elles troublaient
they were troubling
Future tense
je troublerai
I will trouble
tu troubleras
you will trouble
il/elle/on troublera
he/she/it will trouble
nous troublerons
we will trouble
vous troublerez
you all will trouble
ils/elles troubleront
they will trouble
Past perfect tense
j’avais troublé
I had troubled
tu avais troublé
you had troubled
il/elle/on avait troublé
he/she/it had troubled
nous avions troublé
we had troubled
vous aviez troublé
you all had troubled
ils/elles avaient troublé
they had troubled
Past preterite tense
je troublai
I troubled
tu troublas
you troubled
il/elle/on troubla
he/she/it troubled
nous troublâmes
we troubled
vous troublâtes
you all troubled
ils/elles troublèrent
they troubled
Past anterior tense
j’eus troublé
I had troubled
tu eus troublé
you had troubled
il/elle/on eut troublé
he/she/it had troubled
nous eûmes troublé
we had troubled
vous eûtes troublé
you all had troubled
ils/elles eurent troublé
they had troubled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai troublé
I will have troubled
tu auras troublé
you will have troubled
il/elle/on aura troublé
he/she/it will have troubled
nous aurons troublé
we will have troubled
vous aurez troublé
you all will have troubled
ils/elles auront troublé
they will have troubled
Present subjunctive tense
que je trouble
that I trouble
que tu troubles
that you trouble
qu’il/elle/on trouble
that he/she/it trouble
que nous troublions
that we trouble
que vous troubliez
that you all trouble
qu’ils/elles troublent
that they trouble
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie troublé
that I have troubled
que tu aies troublé
that you have troubled
qu’il/elle/on ait troublé
that he/she/it have troubled
que nous ayons troublé
that we have troubled
que vous ayez troublé
that you all have troubled
qu’ils/elles aient troublé
that they have troubled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je troublasse
that I would trouble
que tu troublasses
that you would trouble
qu’il/elle/on troublât
that he/she/it would trouble
que nous troublassions
that we would trouble
que vous troublassiez
that you all would trouble
qu’ils/elles troublassent
that they would trouble
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse troublé
that I had troubled
que tu eusses troublé
that you had troubled
qu’il/elle/on eût troublé
that he/she/it had troubled
que nous eussions troublé
that we had troubled
que vous eussiez troublé
that you all had troubled
qu’ils/elles eussent troublé
that they had troubled
Conditional mood
je troublerais
I would trouble
tu troublerais
you would trouble
il/elle/on troublerait
he/she/it would trouble
nous troublerions
we would trouble
vous troubleriez
you all would trouble
ils/elles troubleraient
they would trouble
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais troublé
I would have troubled
tu aurais troublé
you would have troubled
il/elle/on aurait troublé
he/she/it would have troubled
nous aurions troublé
we would have troubled
vous auriez troublé
you all would have troubled
ils/elles auraient troublé
they would have troubled
Imperative mood
let's trouble!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie troublé
have troubled
ayons troublé
let's have troubled
ayez troublé
have troubled

Examples of troubler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
# Dieu va troubler les eaux ## God's gonna trouble the water #
# Ne sais tu pas que Dieu va troubler les eaux ##Don't you know that God's gonna trouble the water #
Avant que vous ne partiez, je ne veux pas troubler Mme Peck davantage.Look, uh, Murray, before you go, I don't wanna have to trouble Mrs. Peck anymore.
Avez-vous noté un incident qui aurait pu le troubler ?- Has anything troubled him recently?
C'est la sorte de... pressentiment qui pourrait troubler une femme.But it is such a kind of gain-giving as would perhaps trouble a woman.
"Agité et troublé,Restless and troubled
"Depuis la nuit des temps, l'homme a été troublé... par l'incertitude de la mort et par les horribles manifestations... qui se produisent régulièrement lorsque les morts... reviennent de leurs tombes"."From the beginning of time, man has been troubled... by the uncertainty of death and by the rare and horrible manifestations... which occur at intervals in which the dead are known... to return from their graves."
"Je suis troublé par tes mémoires."I am troubled by your memories.
"Ne laisse pas ton coeur être troublé, Ne sois pas effrayé.""Let not your heart be troubled, nor be afraid."
"Redescends sur terre maintenant "si ton esprit est troublé. "C'est en reprenant au débutReturn to the earth now if your mind is troubled and your heart is uncertain for it is by returning to the beginning that we can clearly see the path.
" All the trouble that I know "# All the trouble that I know
" To the trouble l'm in "# To the trouble I'm in
" To the trouble l'm in... "# To the trouble I'm in... #
" You are the trouble l'm in "# You are the trouble I'm in
"Je viens donc demander aux amateurs de ne plus causer de trouble. Et je demande aussi à tous les partisans d'encourager le Canadien "pour qu'il puisse l'emporter en fin de semainel ask fans not to cause any more trouble, and to stand behind the Canadiens, so they beat the Rangers and Detroit this weekend.
Faites vous savez combien troublez-vous deux sont dans?Do you know how much trouble you two are in?
Il y a troublez ici.There's trouble here.
Ne troublez pas la Baronne avec les caprices d'un enfant, bourreau.Don't trouble the baroness with the whims of a child, executioner.
Vous me troublez comme des femmes.You trouble me like women.
Vous me troublez.You're trouble.
- Avoir une vie est une chose... mais aussi fantasque c'est un peu troublant, non?Having a life is one thing, but having a whole fantasy life... is just a little bit troubling, don't you think?
- Oui, c'est troublant.- That too. It's troubling.
- Oui, c'était troublant, mais il cherchait ses serviettes en papier.- Yeah, that was a troubling moment but he had to get his napkins.
Assez troublant.It was quite troubling.
Avant de mourir, Aruz a confié quelque chose de très troublant, comme quoi un proche du président Hassan complotait pour l'assassiner.Before Aruz died, he shared some very troubling information. Now, he claimed that someone close to President Hassan has been conspiring with the assassin.

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