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Transcrire (to transcribe) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of transcrire

Present tense
je transcris
I transcribe
tu transcris
you transcribe
il/elle/on transcrit
he/she/it transcribes
nous transcrivons
we transcribe
vous transcrivez
you all transcribe
ils/elles transcrivent
they transcribe
Present perfect tense
j’ai transcrit
I transcribed
tu as transcrit
you transcribed
il/elle/on a transcrit
he/she/it transcribed
nous avons transcrit
we transcribed
vous avez transcrit
you all transcribed
ils/elles ont transcrit
they transcribed
Past impf. tense
je transcrivais
I was transcribing
tu transcrivais
you were transcribing
il/elle/on transcrivait
he/she/it was transcribing
nous transcrivions
we were transcribing
vous transcriviez
you all were transcribing
ils/elles transcrivaient
they were transcribing
Future tense
je transcrirai
I will transcribe
tu transcriras
you will transcribe
il/elle/on transcrira
he/she/it will transcribe
nous transcrirons
we will transcribe
vous transcrirez
you all will transcribe
ils/elles transcriront
they will transcribe
Past perfect tense
j’avais transcrit
I had transcribed
tu avais transcrit
you had transcribed
il/elle/on avait transcrit
he/she/it had transcribed
nous avions transcrit
we had transcribed
vous aviez transcrit
you all had transcribed
ils/elles avaient transcrit
they had transcribed
Past preterite tense
je transcrivis
I transcribed
tu transcrivis
you transcribed
il/elle/on transcrivit
he/she/it transcribed
nous transcrivîmes
we transcribed
vous transcrivîtes
you all transcribed
ils/elles transcrivirent
they transcribed
Past anterior tense
j’eus transcrit
I had transcribed
tu eus transcrit
you had transcribed
il/elle/on eut transcrit
he/she/it had transcribed
nous eûmes transcrit
we had transcribed
vous eûtes transcrit
you all had transcribed
ils/elles eurent transcrit
they had transcribed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai transcrit
I will have transcribed
tu auras transcrit
you will have transcribed
il/elle/on aura transcrit
he/she/it will have transcribed
nous aurons transcrit
we will have transcribed
vous aurez transcrit
you all will have transcribed
ils/elles auront transcrit
they will have transcribed
Present subjunctive tense
que je transcrive
that I transcribe
que tu transcrives
that you transcribe
qu’il/elle/on transcrive
that he/she/it transcribe
que nous transcrivions
that we transcribe
que vous transcriviez
that you all transcribe
qu’ils/elles transcrivent
that they transcribe
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie transcrit
that I have transcribed
que tu aies transcrit
that you have transcribed
qu’il/elle/on ait transcrit
that he/she/it have transcribed
que nous ayons transcrit
that we have transcribed
que vous ayez transcrit
that you all have transcribed
qu’ils/elles aient transcrit
that they have transcribed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je transcrivisse
that I would transcribe
que tu transcrivisses
that you would transcribe
qu’il/elle/on transcrivît
that he/she/it would transcribe
que nous transcrivissions
that we would transcribe
que vous transcrivissiez
that you all would transcribe
qu’ils/elles transcrivissent
that they would transcribe
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse transcrit
that I had transcribed
que tu eusses transcrit
that you had transcribed
qu’il/elle/on eût transcrit
that he/she/it had transcribed
que nous eussions transcrit
that we had transcribed
que vous eussiez transcrit
that you all had transcribed
qu’ils/elles eussent transcrit
that they had transcribed
Conditional mood
je transcrirais
I would transcribe
tu transcrirais
you would transcribe
il/elle/on transcrirait
he/she/it would transcribe
nous transcririons
we would transcribe
vous transcririez
you all would transcribe
ils/elles transcriraient
they would transcribe
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais transcrit
I would have transcribed
tu aurais transcrit
you would have transcribed
il/elle/on aurait transcrit
he/she/it would have transcribed
nous aurions transcrit
we would have transcribed
vous auriez transcrit
you all would have transcribed
ils/elles auraient transcrit
they would have transcribed
Imperative mood
let's transcribe!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie transcrit
have transcribed
ayons transcrit
let's have transcribed
ayez transcrit
have transcribed

Examples of transcrire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est une entreprise de sténographie judiciaire engagée pour transcrire des dépositions.That's a court reporting company hired to transcribe depositions.
Euh, oui, j'en avais besoin. pour transcrire les notes de l'affaire du ballet.Oh, yeah, I needed it to transcribe the notes for the ballet case.
Il a dû le transcrire de tête après avoir perdu les œufs.He had to transcribe from memory after losing the egg.
J'ai entendu dire que tu bats mon fils, et le forçais à transcrire.I heard you beat my son up, and forced him to transcribe.
Je les fais transcrire et je recycle les bandes.I just have them transcribed and recycle the tapes.
- Synchro et transcrit par chamallow - - corrigé par PetaG -- Synced and transcribed by chamallow -
- Synchronisé et transcrit par chamallow - - corrections par PetaG -- Synced and transcribed by chamallow -
- synchro et transcrit par chamallow - - Corrigé par PetaG -- Synced and transcribed by chamallow -
Elle a également transcrit mon travail dans un format plus compréhensible.She also transcribed my work into a format you might consider a little bit more legible.
Ils ont transcrit tous les messages de Brian Gowdy.They transcribed all of Brian Gowdy's messages.
Et une fois que ton ADN immortel est transcris en ARNAnd once immortal DNA is transcribed in RNA...
Il avait besoin de quelques lettres transcris en wila.He needed some letters transcribed into wila.
Je transcris les rapports du Dr Castillo.I transcribe Dr. Castillo's autopsies.
Je transcris votre entrevue.I transcribed your interview.
Prends la ligne 4 et transcris.Get over there on line 4 and transcribe this, will you?
Abby, toi et Tony transcrivez la cassette.Abby, you and Tony transcribe the tape.
Jean, transcrivez ces notes.Jean, transcribe these notes.
Vous les transcrivez vous-même ?You transcribe those yourself?
Il y a quelques jours, j'écoutais les questions des utilisateurs du système VAL, en les transcrivant, et la voix d'un utilisateur ne cessait de réapparaître.A few days ago, I was listening to users' questions to the VAL system, transcribing them, and one user's voice kept coming up.

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