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Patauger (to wade) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of patauger

Present tense
je patauge
I wade
tu patauges
you wade
il/elle/on patauge
he/she/it wades
nous pataugeons
we wade
vous pataugez
you all wade
ils/elles pataugent
they wade
Present perfect tense
j’ai pataugé
I waded
tu as pataugé
you waded
il/elle/on a pataugé
he/she/it waded
nous avons pataugé
we waded
vous avez pataugé
you all waded
ils/elles ont pataugé
they waded
Past impf. tense
je pataugeais
I was wading
tu pataugeais
you were wading
il/elle/on pataugeait
he/she/it was wading
nous pataugions
we were wading
vous pataugiez
you all were wading
ils/elles pataugeaient
they were wading
Future tense
je pataugerai
I will wade
tu pataugeras
you will wade
il/elle/on pataugera
he/she/it will wade
nous pataugerons
we will wade
vous pataugerez
you all will wade
ils/elles pataugeront
they will wade
Past perfect tense
j’avais pataugé
I had waded
tu avais pataugé
you had waded
il/elle/on avait pataugé
he/she/it had waded
nous avions pataugé
we had waded
vous aviez pataugé
you all had waded
ils/elles avaient pataugé
they had waded
Past preterite tense
je pataugeai
I waded
tu pataugeas
you waded
il/elle/on pataugea
he/she/it waded
nous pataugeâmes
we waded
vous pataugeâtes
you all waded
ils/elles pataugèrent
they waded
Past anterior tense
j’eus pataugé
I had waded
tu eus pataugé
you had waded
il/elle/on eut pataugé
he/she/it had waded
nous eûmes pataugé
we had waded
vous eûtes pataugé
you all had waded
ils/elles eurent pataugé
they had waded
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pataugé
I will have waded
tu auras pataugé
you will have waded
il/elle/on aura pataugé
he/she/it will have waded
nous aurons pataugé
we will have waded
vous aurez pataugé
you all will have waded
ils/elles auront pataugé
they will have waded
Present subjunctive tense
que je patauge
that I wade
que tu patauges
that you wade
qu’il/elle/on patauge
that he/she/it wade
que nous pataugions
that we wade
que vous pataugiez
that you all wade
qu’ils/elles pataugent
that they wade
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pataugé
that I have waded
que tu aies pataugé
that you have waded
qu’il/elle/on ait pataugé
that he/she/it have waded
que nous ayons pataugé
that we have waded
que vous ayez pataugé
that you all have waded
qu’ils/elles aient pataugé
that they have waded
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pataugeasse
that I would wade
que tu pataugeasses
that you would wade
qu’il/elle/on pataugeât
that he/she/it would wade
que nous pataugeassions
that we would wade
que vous pataugeassiez
that you all would wade
qu’ils/elles pataugeassent
that they would wade
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pataugé
that I had waded
que tu eusses pataugé
that you had waded
qu’il/elle/on eût pataugé
that he/she/it had waded
que nous eussions pataugé
that we had waded
que vous eussiez pataugé
that you all had waded
qu’ils/elles eussent pataugé
that they had waded
Conditional mood
je pataugerais
I would wade
tu pataugerais
you would wade
il/elle/on pataugerait
he/she/it would wade
nous pataugerions
we would wade
vous pataugeriez
you all would wade
ils/elles pataugeraient
they would wade
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pataugé
I would have waded
tu aurais pataugé
you would have waded
il/elle/on aurait pataugé
he/she/it would have waded
nous aurions pataugé
we would have waded
vous auriez pataugé
you all would have waded
ils/elles auraient pataugé
they would have waded
Imperative mood
let's wade!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pataugé
have waded
ayons pataugé
let's have waded
ayez pataugé
have waded

Examples of patauger

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est seulement trois pieds, on peut toujours patauger.It's only three feet. They can wade.
Demain, elle vous suppliera d'aller patauger dans la crique... en demandant pourquoi le ciel est bleu, n'est-ce pas ?By tomorrow, she'll be beggin' to wade the creek and askin' what makes the sky blue, won't ya?
J'ai marché si loin dans le sang que si je cessais d'y patauger, reculer serait aussi pénibleI am in blood stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er:
J'ai vu un pêcheur à la mouche patauger dans une rivière et d'essayer de noyer un canoéiste juste pour être passé habillé d'une veste Day-Glo (colorée).I've seen a fly fisherman wade into a river and try and drown a canoeist just for passing by in a Day-Glo jacket.
Je vais devoir patauger dans l'eau.I'm going to have to wade in the water.
Ce sont des eaux dangereuses et le dernier agent qui a pataugé dedans en est ressortie avec deux balles dans l'estomac.Those are dangerous waters, and the last agent that waded into them wound up with two in the stomach.
J'ai déjà pataugé dans le marais de la vie sentimentale de Davis.I've waded through the murky waters of Davis' love life.
J'ai pataugé au milieu de parades moites de Big Lebowsky, Harry Potter,I've waded through a sweaty parade of Big Lebowskis, Harry Potters,
J'ai pataugé dans l'océan sans mes sandales d'eau.I waded into the ocean without my aqua socks.
J'ai pris mon fer sept, j'ai pataugé...So, I took my seven iron, I waded...

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