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Fertiliser (to fertilize) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of fertiliser

Present tense
je fertilise
I fertilize
tu fertilises
you fertilize
il/elle/on fertilise
he/she/it fertilizes
nous fertilisons
we fertilize
vous fertilisez
you all fertilize
ils/elles fertilisent
they fertilize
Present perfect tense
j’ai fertilisé
I fertilized
tu as fertilisé
you fertilized
il/elle/on a fertilisé
he/she/it fertilized
nous avons fertilisé
we fertilized
vous avez fertilisé
you all fertilized
ils/elles ont fertilisé
they fertilized
Past impf. tense
je fertilisais
I was fertilizing
tu fertilisais
you were fertilizing
il/elle/on fertilisait
he/she/it was fertilizing
nous fertilisions
we were fertilizing
vous fertilisiez
you all were fertilizing
ils/elles fertilisaient
they were fertilizing
Future tense
je fertiliserai
I will fertilize
tu fertiliseras
you will fertilize
il/elle/on fertilisera
he/she/it will fertilize
nous fertiliserons
we will fertilize
vous fertiliserez
you all will fertilize
ils/elles fertiliseront
they will fertilize
Past perfect tense
j’avais fertilisé
I had fertilized
tu avais fertilisé
you had fertilized
il/elle/on avait fertilisé
he/she/it had fertilized
nous avions fertilisé
we had fertilized
vous aviez fertilisé
you all had fertilized
ils/elles avaient fertilisé
they had fertilized
Past preterite tense
je fertilisai
I fertilized
tu fertilisas
you fertilized
il/elle/on fertilisa
he/she/it fertilized
nous fertilisâmes
we fertilized
vous fertilisâtes
you all fertilized
ils/elles fertilisèrent
they fertilized
Past anterior tense
j’eus fertilisé
I had fertilized
tu eus fertilisé
you had fertilized
il/elle/on eut fertilisé
he/she/it had fertilized
nous eûmes fertilisé
we had fertilized
vous eûtes fertilisé
you all had fertilized
ils/elles eurent fertilisé
they had fertilized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai fertilisé
I will have fertilized
tu auras fertilisé
you will have fertilized
il/elle/on aura fertilisé
he/she/it will have fertilized
nous aurons fertilisé
we will have fertilized
vous aurez fertilisé
you all will have fertilized
ils/elles auront fertilisé
they will have fertilized
Present subjunctive tense
que je fertilise
that I fertilize
que tu fertilises
that you fertilize
qu’il/elle/on fertilise
that he/she/it fertilize
que nous fertilisions
that we fertilize
que vous fertilisiez
that you all fertilize
qu’ils/elles fertilisent
that they fertilize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie fertilisé
that I have fertilized
que tu aies fertilisé
that you have fertilized
qu’il/elle/on ait fertilisé
that he/she/it have fertilized
que nous ayons fertilisé
that we have fertilized
que vous ayez fertilisé
that you all have fertilized
qu’ils/elles aient fertilisé
that they have fertilized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je fertilisasse
that I would fertilize
que tu fertilisasses
that you would fertilize
qu’il/elle/on fertilisât
that he/she/it would fertilize
que nous fertilisassions
that we would fertilize
que vous fertilisassiez
that you all would fertilize
qu’ils/elles fertilisassent
that they would fertilize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse fertilisé
that I had fertilized
que tu eusses fertilisé
that you had fertilized
qu’il/elle/on eût fertilisé
that he/she/it had fertilized
que nous eussions fertilisé
that we had fertilized
que vous eussiez fertilisé
that you all had fertilized
qu’ils/elles eussent fertilisé
that they had fertilized
Conditional mood
je fertiliserais
I would fertilize
tu fertiliserais
you would fertilize
il/elle/on fertiliserait
he/she/it would fertilize
nous fertiliserions
we would fertilize
vous fertiliseriez
you all would fertilize
ils/elles fertiliseraient
they would fertilize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais fertilisé
I would have fertilized
tu aurais fertilisé
you would have fertilized
il/elle/on aurait fertilisé
he/she/it would have fertilized
nous aurions fertilisé
we would have fertilized
vous auriez fertilisé
you all would have fertilized
ils/elles auraient fertilisé
they would have fertilized
Imperative mood
let's fertilize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie fertilisé
have fertilized
ayons fertilisé
let's have fertilized
ayez fertilisé
have fertilized

Examples of fertiliser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Alors, tu vas sur Facebook pour fertiliser mes cultures ?So then go get on Facebook and fertilize my crops?
Après tout, si le gouvernement peut fertiliser le désert de poussière... je devrais pouvoir faire quelque chose avec Loganberry.After all, if the government could fertilize the dust bowl... I ought to be able to do something with Loganberry.
Après, tu dois encore les fertiliser.Then you've got to get them to fertilize.
Bien, je nettoierai les douilles de fusil, mais les carcasses restent pour fertiliser mon lopin de baies.Fine, I'll clean up the shotgun shells, but the carcasses remain to fertilize my berry patch.
Donc est-ce que tu vas fertiliser mes oeufs maintenant?So are you gonna fertilize my eggs now?
- Planté, arrosé, fertilisé !Oh, planted, watered, fertilized!
C'est le mec qui a fertilisé l'oeuf de Brooke.This is the guy who fertilized Brooke's egg.
C'est, euh... un embryon c'est un oeuf fertilisé..It's, uh... an embryo is a... fertilized egg.
Celle qui a fertilisé les oeufs.The one that fertilized the eggs.
Dans la religion catholique, la vie humaine commence quand l'œuf... est fertilisé, pas implanté.In the Catholic religion, human life begins when the egg... is fertilized, not implanted.
Avec le phosphore d'un mètre cube de merde, on fertilise un champ !One cubic meter of crap Has enough phosphorous in it to fertilize a whole field!
Elle fertilise les autres.It fertilizes the others.
Et bien, je fertilise des ovules tous les jours, et je crois que la vie commence à la conception.Well,i fertilize eggs every day,And i believe that life begins at conception.
Fertilisation, quand le sperme fertilise l'oeuf. Ce qui est peu de temps après que l'homme ait dit :Fertilization when the sperm fertilizes the egg, which is usually a few moments after the man says,
Il fertilise la terre, et aide aux cultures.It fertilizes the land, which helps farming.
Pardon, vous fertilisez les fleurs?Excuse me, do you fertilize flowers?

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