- Mehiläisen pistot, kissat... | Bee stings, cats... |
Entä pistot? | The stings? |
Kulta, pistot eivät parane, jos näpräät niitä. | Honey, bee stings don't heal if you keep playing with them. |
Tulehtuneet pistot ovat linjassa kehon akupisteiden kanssa. | The inflamed bee stings were all in line with the body's meridian, on acupuncture points. |
Hän on täynnä mehiläisen pistoja. | He's covered in bee stings like he got swarmed. |
Hänellä oli useita pistoja nivusten alueella. | - What happened? - Well, he... came in with quite a few stings |
Hänen käsissään on samanlaisia meduusan pistoja kuin Rickilla. | His hands, to be precise. Those jellyfish stings match exactly the ones we found on Rick's body. |
Jos tekisin tämän afrikkalaisen mehiläisen pesälle, saisin useita satoja pistoja minuuteissa. | If I was to do this to an Africanized bee's hive, I could have several hundred stings in a matter of minutes. |
Nämä ovat herhiläisen pistoja. | These are hornet's stings, you know? |
En pidä pistoista! | Please, I don't like stings! |
Osa pistoista käynnisti allergisen reaktion, osa ei. | A pattern. See, some of the bee stings triggered an allergic reaction, others didn't. |
Tunnottomuus ei liity pistoihin. | Yeah, the not feeling anything has got nothing to do with bee stings. |
Mutta hän ei ole allerginen mehiläisen pistoille. | But she has no allergy to bee stings. |
Annoin hänelle piston jota hän ei unohda. | And today I gave him a sting he'll not forget. |
Eläin tuntee pienen piston. Nuoli tipahtaa maahan. | When he shoots a buck, it feels a sting and the arrow drops out. |
Ja nyt... Sir, tunnette vain pienen piston. | And now, say, "I won't feel anything except a little sting." |
Jos tulit vasta kanavalle, James Reid on löytynyt kuolleena, - mehiläisen piston aiheuttamaan allergiseen reaktioon. | If you're just joining us, James Reid has been found dead from an allergic reaction to a bee sting. |
Käykää apteekissa sen piston takia. | You know, you really should pop into a chemist's for that wasp sting. Yes, you should. |
Kuinka monta pistoa kestämme? | How many bee stings do you think we can take? |
Varo perhosen pistoa! Mitä hel... | Beware the butterfly's sting. |
Yksi mehiläisen pisto voi ärsyttää, - mutta sata pistoa voi jo tappaa. | Yeah. Well, one bee-sting may be an annoyance... but a hundred of them can kill you. |
He sanovat myös: "Varo miehen varjoa ja mehiläisen pistosta." | Mm. They also say, "beware a man's shadow and a bee's sting." |
Ja vain muutamasta pistosta voi kuolla. | And just a few stings can prove lethal. |
Minussa on ainakin parikymmentä pistosta. Tämä on hullua. | Oh, man, I got at least a couple dozen bee stings. |
Sen saa mehiläisen pistosta, - jolle hän sattui olemaan allerginen. | Most commonly found in a bee sting. In which he also happened to be allergic to. |
Vain kolme pistosta mieheen. | Only three stings apiece. |
Hän kuoli ampiaisen pistoon. | He, he died from a bee sting. |
Hän reagoi välittömästi pistoon | He had an immediate reaction to a bee sting. |
Kuoliko isäni todella skorpionin pistoon? | Did my father really die from the sting of a scorpion? |
Tulitko pesään, vaikka voisit kuolla pistoon? | , You mean you're surrounded by hundreds of bees when a single sting might have killed you? |
Ennemminkin pistolla.. | More like a sting. |
Hämähäkin pistolla oli sivuvaikutuksia. | The spider's sting had some unexpected side effects. |
Ja marginaali kasvaa jokaisella pistolla. | And that margin grows with every sting. |
Upotamme sen pyrstön pistolla. | We'll finish the job with the sting from our tail. |
Ihmiset ovat oppineet pitämään rahansa välttyäkseen talouden miekan pistolta. | People have learned to hold on to their money so as to not feel the sting of the economy's mighty sword. |
Miten suojelemme itseämme sellaisen hyödyttömän juoruilun myrkylliseltä pistolta? | How do we protect ourselves from the venomous sting of such idle gossip? |
Mitä nyt? -Luulen että 5 000 dollaria pistolta riittää. | I think $5000 a sting should do it, don't you think? |
Näyttää skorpionin pistolta. | If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is a scorpion sting. |
Olen allerginen sen pistolle. | -It's just that ... I am allergic to bee stings. |
Sitä sanottiin skorpionin pistoksi. | They called it the "Scorpion's sting," |
- Melkoinen purema. - Se oli lähinnä mehiläisen pisto. | It's... more of a bee sting than a bug bite. |
Aiheuttiko sen kokaiini, ampiaisen pisto vai auringonpurkaus? | Sure, yeah. Cocaine... could have blown up his heart. So might a bee sting or a solar flare. |
Ampiaisen pisto voi tappaa. | A wasp sting can kill you. - That's right. |
Hän raapi tästä, ja se koski kuin nokkosen pisto. | She scratched me right here. Hurt like a stinging nettle. |
Ja autat minua saamaan sen takaisin, tai noiden pisto tuntuu kutinalta verrattuna minun pistooni. | And you will help me get it back, or their sting will seem like a tickle compared with mine. |