Muistitte kai ottaa maltin mukaan, sillä tiet ovat tupaten täynnä - | Yes. If you're driving to the beach, I hope you packed your patience because the roads are jammed, folks as New York City does its annual disappearing act for the Fourth of July. |
"Teiltä malttia odotamme, hyväntahtoisuutta" | Ours be your patience then And yours our parts. |
- Pyydän sinulta malttia. | I'm asking for your patience. |
Ei malttia, ei käsityötaitoa. | No patience, No craftsmanship. |
Heillä on ruokaa, malttia ja vahvat muurit. | They have provisions, patience, and strong walls. |
Hänellä ei ole malttia salapoliisin työssä. | He has very little patience with detective work. Often becomes quite bored. |
Ehkä Jor-El halusi opettaa jotakin maltista. | Maybe Jor-El wanted to teach us a little something about patience. |
Vahvuus kumpuaa maltista. | Tolstoy knew that patience was the epitome of strength. |
Lapsia kohdellaan maltilla - jotta he varttuisivat rauhassa ja yhteisön jäseniksi. | Children should be treated with great patience... reasoned with and educated so that they can be... brought slowly into maturity and a solid relationship with society. |
Toiset maltilla. | Others, patience. |
Avain tappelemiseen on maltti. | She said the key to fighting is patience. Here. |
Mutta sitten taisi loppua maltti. | But, um, patience must be wearing thin, huh? |
Rakkaus, viisaus - anteliaisuus, epäitsekkyys, maltti. | The love, the wisdom, the generosity. The selflessness. The patience. |
Se on vahvinta rakkautta, - koska sen ytimessä ovat kiltteys, maltti ja kunnioitus. | And that's the strongest kind of love because at its core, it has kindness, patience, and respect. |