Solicitar (to request) conjugation

77 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to attract, attract, ask, to ask for, to solicit

Conjugation of solicitar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I request
you request
he/she/it does request
we request
you all request
they request
Present perfect tense
he solicitado
I have requested
has solicitado
you have requested
ha solicitado
he/she/it has requested
hemos solicitado
we have requested
habéis solicitado
you all have requested
han solicitado
they have requested
Past preterite tense
I requested
you requested
he/she/it requested
we requested
you all requested
they requested
Future tense
I will request
you will request
he/she/it will request
we will request
you all will request
they will request
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would request
you would request
he/she/it would request
we would request
you all would request
they would request
Past imperfect tense
I used to request
you used to request
he/she/it used to request
we used to request
you all used to request
they used to request
Past perfect tense
había solicitado
I had requested
habías solicitado
you had requested
había solicitado
he/she/it had requested
habíamos solicitado
we had requested
habíais solicitado
you all had requested
habían solicitado
they had requested
Future perfect tense
habré solicitado
I will have requested
habrás solicitado
you will have requested
habrá solicitado
he/she/it will have requested
habremos solicitado
we will have requested
habréis solicitado
you all will have requested
habrán solicitado
they will have requested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I request
(if/so that) you request
(if/so that) he/she/it request
(if/so that) we request
(if/so that) you all request
(if/so that) they request
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya solicitado
I have requested
hayas solicitado
you have requested
haya solicitado
he/she/it has requested
hayamos solicitado
we have requested
hayáis solicitado
you all have requested
hayan solicitado
they have requested
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have requested
(if/so that) you have requested
(if/so that) he/she/it have requested
(if/so that) we have requested
(if/so that) you all have requested
(if/so that) they have requested
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have requested
(if/so that) you have requested
(if/so that) he/she/it have requested
(if/so that) we have requested
(if/so that) you all have requested
(if/so that) they have requested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera solicitado
I had requested
hubieras solicitado
you had requested
hubiera solicitado
he/she/it had requested
hubiéramos solicitado
we had requested
hubierais solicitado
you all had requested
hubieran solicitado
they had requested
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese solicitado
I had requested
hubieses solicitado
you had requested
hubiese solicitado
he/she/it had requested
hubiésemos solicitado
we had requested
hubieseis solicitado
you all had requested
hubiesen solicitado
they had requested
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have requested
(if/so that) you will have requested
(if/so that) he/she/it will have requested
(if/so that) we will have requested
(if/so that) you all will have requested
(if/so that) they will have requested
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere solicitado
I will have requested
hubieres solicitado
you will have requested
hubiere solicitado
he/she/it will have requested
hubiéremos solicitado
we will have requested
hubiereis solicitado
you all will have requested
hubieren solicitado
they will have requested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's request!
Imperative negative mood
no solicites
do not request!
no solicite
let him/her/it request!
no solicitemos
let us not request!
no solicitéis
do not request!
no soliciten
do not request!

Examples of solicitar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"¿Es cierto que va a solicitar un crédito de 50 millones de dólares para investigar métodos en los viveros del gobierno?""Is it true you're going to request a $50 million appropriation To investigate methods in government fish hatcheries?"
- Mientras permanezca hospitalizado, me gustaría solicitar una evaluación psiquiátrica.- While he's hospitalized, I'd like to request a psychiatric evaluation.
- Si desea solicitar... un enlace más comprensivo con su punto de vista... se que el Almirante Hennessey sería feliz de hacerlo.- If you wish to request a liaison more sympathetic to your views, I'm sure Admiral Hennessey would be happy to oblige.
-Dadas las circunstancias, nos gustaría solicitar ser readmitidos en el equipo.Agent Fallon? Given the circumstances, we'd like to request to be reinstated on the task force.
Al abogado de la defensa le gustaría solicitar un aplazamiento debido a una emergencia médica relacionada con el abogado de la defensa.Defense counselor would like to request a continuance due to a medical emergency involving the defense counselor.
"Es por este motivo que solicito ser destinado con urgencia..."It is therefore urgently requested...
"Honorable alcalde Edwin James, respetuosamente y amablemente solicito una transferencia a una celda en solitario, el propósito de esto es que pueda comer en privado y abstenerme de visitas comunales en el patio."Honorable warden Edwin James, "I respectfully and kindly request a transfer "to deep lock in a solitary cell,
- Capitán, solicito permiso...- Captain, I request permission to be... - Denied.
- Desde hoy, solicito una transferencia inmediata fuera del cuerpo especial.- As of today, I'm requesting an immediate transfer out of the task force.
- El informe de combustible que solicito.- Fuel report you requested.
? Por qué no solicitas otro recorrido si te está causando problemas?Why don't you request a different route if he's giving you a hard time?
Lo que solicitas, lo hemos escuchado miles de veces.Whatever you requested, we've heard it a thousand times before.
Mira, si solicitas otro abogado, entonces el juez--See, if you request another lawyer, the judge then-
Y después, de repente, solicitas una reunión.And then, all of a sudden, you request a meeting.
tengo que freir los waffles que tu solicitas a gritos en el carro que demonios le ocurre a el?I've got to go make the waffle fries that you scream-requested in the car. Geez, what the hell happened to him?
"Le solicitamos que se presente en nuestra empresa sin demora"."We request that you come to our offices at once."
- No, Señoría, pero sí solicitamos una instrucción limitante.- No, Your Honor, but we do request a limiting instruction.
- Nosotros lo solicitamos.-We requested it.
Alférez, cabalgue a Sag Harbor e informe al coronel Floyd que estamos bajo ataque y solicitamos refuerzos, preferiblemente acompañados del buque armado que tan amablemente se le prestó con el fin de enviar su tabaco.Ensign, you are to ride to Sag Harbor and inform Colonel Floyd that we are under attack and request reinforcements, preferably along with the armed vessel we so graciously loaned him in order to ship his tobacco.
Bien, nosotros solicitamos un receso de cinco minutos.Well, we request a five-minute recess.
¿Venís aquí y descaradamente solicitáis que matemos a vuestro enemigo?You come here and blatantly request we murder your foe?
"El Sr. Keith Edwards y esposa solicitan el placer de su compañía en el casamiento de su hija Vera Samantha con el Sr. Roger Pelham.""Mr and Mrs Keith Edwards request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Vera Samantha to Mr Roger Pelham."
"El Sr. y la Sra. Howard Joyce solicitan el placer de su compañía..." Mr. and Mrs. Howard Joyce request the pleasure of your company...
"El señor y la señora Fred Johnson solicitan el honor de su presencia por el retorno de su hija nuevamente al señor y la señora Fred Johnson.""Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson request the honour of your presence at the returning of their daughter back to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson."
- La Duquesa y su comitiva... - ...solicitan su presencia.The Duchess and her retinue requests your presence.
5-4 detectives solicitan un 10-13 en el 1399 de Claremont.5-4 detectives requesting a 10-13 at 1399 Claremont.
- Sabes, cuando te solicité, yo-- - ¿Me solicitó?You know, when I requested you, I... - Requested me?
- Te dije que solicité la divulgación.- I told you I requested disclosure.
- ¿Algo va mal? - No, Timothy... pero solicité que dejaras el café... antes de reunirte conmigo.- No, Timothy, but I requested you dispense with the coffee before joining me.
A pesar de que había tenido éxito con la misión, resulté herido mientras huía... y solicité un equipo de rescate.Although I had succeeded with the mission, I was wounded during the escape, and I requested a rescue team.
Además, le solicité la asistencia de Patrulleros del Estado... para que se cumpla el toque de queda.Further, I requested from him the assistance of State Troopers to help enforce this curfew.
"Querido Harry, como solicitaste, aquí está mi renuncia".The president asked for and accepted wallace's resignation. "dear harry, As you requested,
- Rastreé el número que solicitaste. - ¿Qué?- [KITT] Michael, I've traced the number you requested.
- Uh, lo que quise decir fue ... que los ejemplares que solicitaste anteriormente no se van a preparar por sí solos, ¿verdad?- Uh, what I meant to say was... those specimens you requested earlier aren't going to prepare themselves, are they?
- ¿Tú solicitaste este lugar tonto?- You requested this dumb location? - Yeah.
- ¿Tú solicitaste este puesto?- You requested this assignment? - l did.
"El Senador John McCain solicitó a su oponente, el Senador Barack Obama,""Senator John McCain has requested of his opponent, Senator Barack Obama,"
"Le adjuntamos los 60.000 francos que solicitó". "Queda cerrada su cuenta con nuestro banco"."Madame, enclosed is 60,000 francs as requested, which terminates your account at this bank."
"Nuestro cheque por 1 00 libras... el adelanto de sus derechos de autor como me lo solicitó"."Our check for £100 advance royalties "as you requested."
- Como lo solicitó.As you requested.
- El Consejo Jedi solicitó al clon.- The Jedi Council requested the clone.
Estamos igualando la velocidad y la trayectoria como solicitasteisWe're matching speed and trajectory as requested.
"Pilotos heridos solicitaron la amputación."lnjured pilots have requested amputation of injured limbs.
- Tengo el seguimiento con ellos Sobre un retenedor solicitaron de todos modos.- I have to follow-up with them about a retainer they requested anyways.
Ambos solicitaron salir La Gente Eterna.They both requested to leave the Forever People.
Aquí Johns, estamos sobre la posición que solicitaron, Langley.This is Johns. We're over your requested position, Langley.
Aquí está la canción que solicitaron, de After School...Here is your requested song from After School...
Si me hace volver a mi oficina para crear una petición oficial, solicitaré cada perfil de cada donante de cada óvulo almacenado aquí.If you make me go back to my office to create an official request, I will request every single donor profile of every egg ever stored here.
El capitán, en Palermo, solicitará el restablecimiento de los fusilamientos.The captain, in Palermo, will request reinstatement of the firing squad.
El intendente solicitará a la Guardia Nacional... por la mañana."The mayor will request that the National Guard are called in."
Le damos una mano con la reparación, y Ud. solicitará un bombardeo de la fábrica de SKODA, ¿de acuerdo?We will help you with the repair, and you will request the bombing of SKODA factory, ok?
Pero antes de hacerlo, voy a advertirles que si alguno de los testigos es lastimado o acosado específicamente, si algo les llega a pasar a esas cinco chicas la corte les solicitará a las autoridades que retengan en la cárcel a los acusados contra los cuales dichas testigos testificaron por los tiempos máximos de las sentencias que serán impuestas.But before I do, let me warn you that should any of the people's witnesses be injured or harassed specifically, if anything should happen to those five girls the court will request the parole authorities to retain in prison the defendants against whom such witnesses testified for the maximum terms of the sentences to be imposed.
y Ud. solicitará un bombardeo de la fábrica de SKODA, ¿de acuerdo?We will help you with the repair and you will request the bombing of SKODA factory, ok?
- La Comisario Pullman y yo iremos a ver al Subcomisario Felsham esperando poder persuadirlo de que no solicite una investigación oficial, o presente cargos penales en contra de Frank y Gerry.Detective Superintendent Pullman and I are going to see DAC Felsham in the hope that we might persuade him not to request an official inquiry, or bring criminal charges against Frank and Gerry.
- ¿Y bien? Me han ordenado que solicite vuestra presencia en el salón de las colummnas blancas para que bailéis.I'm commanded to request that you appear in the hall of the white columns and dance.
Así que tendría que hacerme creer que la NSA tiene la costumbre de llevar a cabo la vigilancia electrónica legalidad cuestionable para cualquier autoridad local que lo solicite?So you would have me believe that the NSA makes a habit of conducting electronic surveillance of questionable legality for any local authority who requests it?
Compárelo con las tácticas Romulanas e información en la región y solicite acceso a la central de información Klingon.Cross-reference with Romulan tactics and information on the region and request access to the Klingon information net.
Consigue que el subdirector lo solicite. Eso acelerará el tema.Have the deputy director's office make the request.That should grease the wheels.
Cuando solicites tú la tuya y vengas conmigo.As soon as you put your request in... and come with me.
Cuando te pido que solicites informes policiales... no te digo: "Y añade a Calvin Willis a la lista".When I ask you to file a request for initial police reports I did not say, "Oh, and add Calvin Willis to the list."
Necesito que solicites los lotes de vacuna de viruela que usaron para vacunar a todos.I need you to put a request in for the smallpox vaccine batches that were used to inoculate everybody.
Pero necesito que solicites una entrevista formal y legalmente para que podamos concertar una visita.But I need you to get an interview request pushed through legal so we can arrange a visitation.
Aunque, Irwin, siempre estoy disponible para proporcionarles citas útiles perdón, trozos, cuando me los soliciten.Though, Irwin, I am constantly available for the provision of useful quotations - sorry, gobbets - on request.
Deben proporcionarles cualquier información que soliciten.You are to give whatever information they request.
El Sr. Tenant dice que soliciten una cita.Mr. Tenant requests that you make an appointment.
Hay variedad de actividades recreativas disponibles y las visitas clínicas se realizan según lo soliciten las reclusas.There are a variety of recreational activities available and clinical visits are offered at the inmates' request.
Informen a la capitán y soliciten una bioalerta.lnform the Captain and request a bio-alert.
"La Dra. Torres te ha solicitado""Dr. Torres has requested you."
"No he solicitado ninguna medida de gracia, porque no he cometido ningún delito."I've requested no pardon, because I've committed no crime.
"Queridos estimados colegas, como ustedes sabrán, he solicitado cambiar mi área de estudio."Dear Esteemed Colleagues, "As you may know, I have requested "to change my field of study.
"Se ha solicitado el honor de su presencia por el Embajador de Su Majestad para otorgarle a Jason A. Ryder el título honorario de comandante de la orden más excelente--Hey. "The honor of your presence has been requested "by her majesty's ambassador in bestowing Jason A. Ryder the title of honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order"-- this is from the British embassy.
"Varios países han solicitado entradas adicionales, a pesar de su cuota ""Several countries have requested extra tickets, despite their quota"
"Johnny D está solicitando una apelación de emergencia para restablecer sus derechos de paternidad y detener la adopción de su hijo..."Johnny D is requesting an emergency appeal "to reinstate his parental rights "and stop the adoption of his son...
- El teniente Burns, Crímenes Mayores, solicitando un 10-13.- Lieutenant Burns, Major Crimes, requesting a 10-13.
- Parece que los iraquíes están solicitando fuego de artillería.Tech: - Iraqi call signs are requesting an artillery fire mission up the chain.
- Protector, solicitando cuatro...- Protector, requesting four interstellar--
- Sí. Aquí la CSI Morgan Brody solicitando... un helicóptero medicalizado en mi posición.This is CSI Morgan Brody, requesting medevac assistance at my location.

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