- Debemos fumigar después de cada función. | - We'd have to fumigate after every show. - No. |
- Tengo 6 edificios más para fumigar. | - I have to fumigate 6 more buildings. |
Creo que tendremos que fumigar. | Brett: Oh. I think we're gonna have to fumigate. |
Debe ser hora de fumigar otra vez. | Must be time to fumigate again. |
Deberíamos cerrar para fumigar o algo. No. | - Maybe we should close to fumigate or something. |
Amablemente, mis papás me permiten acampar en su morada... mientras fumigan mi apartamento. | Well, my parents have graciously permitted me to bunk at their abode... - while my apartment is being fumigated. |
Necesitaré un lugar donde quedarme mientras que fumigan. | I need some place to crash while they fumigate. |
Y seguro vendrá buscando dinero o donde caer mientras le fumigan la camioneta. | And you know that she's gonna show up here asking for money or a place to crash while they fumigate her van. |
Compré cosas en la ferretería, anoche fumigué la casa. Desempolvé la alfombrilla de la entrada. Vuelve cuando quieras. | Got some stuff at the hardware store and fumigated the house last night... dusted off the welcome mat, so any time you feel like coming home now... |
Le quité las fundas, las lavé y después fumigué los cojines. | I took off the slipcovers, had them dry-cleaned and then fumigated the cushions. |
Sí, cuando fumigaste el apartamento de Jerry Seinfeld. | We met at Jerry Seinfeld's apartment when you fumigated for fleas over there. |
Así que Toby estuvo en algún edificio que se fumigó recientemente. | So Toby was in a structure that had recently been fumigated. |
En 2008, el FBI entrevistó a todos los 35 empleados de la compañía que fumigó la casa de los Kemper, pero fallaron en obtener algún sospechoso firme. | In 2008, the FBI interviewed all 35 of the employees of the company that fumigated the Kempers' home, but failed to elicit any strong suspects. |
Hace dos semanas, "Se acabaron los insectos" fumigó una casa en una calle con robles húngaros en ella, en Woodley Park. | So, two weeks ago, Insects No More fumigated... this house on a Hungarian oak-lined street in Woodley Park. |
Jerry, ¿cómo se llama el que te fumigó el apartamento? | Hey, Jerry, what was the name of that exterminator who fumigated your apartment when you had fleas? |
La familia de Adam Kemper fumigó su casa justo la semana antes de que desapareciese. | Adam Kemper's family had had their house fumigated just the week before he disappeared. |
Lo fumigaron. | They fumigated. |
Ya fumigaron. | It's being fumigated. |
Tengo miedo de que no quiera saber nada de mí y fumigue la casa. | I got a hunch she'd toss me out and get the whole joint fumigated. |
- Hasta que fumiguen su piso. | - Until her flat has been fumigated. |
-¡Que te fumiguen! | You should be fumigated! |
Bueno, vamos a esperar a que se fumiguen antes de celebrar algo. | Well, let's wait until they've been fumigated before celebrating. |
Haré que revisen este lugar tan pronto te vayas, y también lo fumiguen, ya que viniste en persona. | I'm gonna have this place swept as soon as you leave, and fumigated, too, since you came in person. |
Olvidé que Carla se queda aquí... hasta que fumiguen su edificio. | I forgot Carla is staying with us while her building is being fumigated. |
Bien, entonces tendré el lugar fumigado. | Fine, then I'll have the place fumigated. |
Bueno, nuestro apartamento está siendo fumigado. | Well, our apartment's getting fumigated. |
El Ayuntamiento estaba siendo fumigado, y necesitábamos un lugar abierto toda la noche. | City Hall was being fumigated, and we need to pull an all-nighter. |
El exterminador tiene que fumigar el lugar, así que Penny decidió irse a Syracusa a ver a su madre, por lo que, francamente, prefiero ser fumigado que pasar 48 horas con mi suegra. | Exterminator's got to bomb the place, so Penny decided to head up to Syracuse, see her mom, which, frankly, 48 hours of my mother-in-law, I'd rather be fumigated. |
En días de asamblea, he arreglado que el resto del colegio sea fumigado. quitando el gimnasio el único sitio con aire respirable. | On assembly days, I arrange for the rest of the school to be fumigated, leaving the gymnasium the only place with breathable air. |
- Estamos fumigando. | - We're fumigating. |
- están fumigando. - Bien. | - fumigating. |
Así que no estás fumigando. | So, you're not fumigating. |
El casero está fumigando mi apartamento | Landlord's fumigating my apartment. |
En Queens fumigando la enfermería de la escuela. | - In queens fumigating a nursery school. |