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Escoltar (to escort) conjugation

104 examples

Conjugation of escoltar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I escort
you escort
he/she/it escorts
we escort
you all escort
they escort
Present perfect tense
he escoltado
I have escorted
has escoltado
you have escorted
ha escoltado
he/she/it has escorted
hemos escoltado
we have escorted
habéis escoltado
you all have escorted
han escoltado
they have escorted
Past preterite tense
I escorted
you escorted
he/she/it escorted
we escorted
you all escorted
they escorted
Future tense
I will escort
you will escort
he/she/it will escort
we will escort
you all will escort
they will escort
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would escort
you would escort
he/she/it would escort
we would escort
you all would escort
they would escort
Past imperfect tense
I used to escort
you used to escort
he/she/it used to escort
we used to escort
you all used to escort
they used to escort
Past perfect tense
había escoltado
I had escorted
habías escoltado
you had escorted
había escoltado
he/she/it had escorted
habíamos escoltado
we had escorted
habíais escoltado
you all had escorted
habían escoltado
they had escorted
Future perfect tense
habré escoltado
I will have escorted
habrás escoltado
you will have escorted
habrá escoltado
he/she/it will have escorted
habremos escoltado
we will have escorted
habréis escoltado
you all will have escorted
habrán escoltado
they will have escorted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I escort
(if/so that) you escort
(if/so that) he/she/it escort
(if/so that) we escort
(if/so that) you all escort
(if/so that) they escort
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya escoltado
I have escorted
hayas escoltado
you have escorted
haya escoltado
he/she/it has escorted
hayamos escoltado
we have escorted
hayáis escoltado
you all have escorted
hayan escoltado
they have escorted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have escorted
(if/so that) you have escorted
(if/so that) he/she/it have escorted
(if/so that) we have escorted
(if/so that) you all have escorted
(if/so that) they have escorted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have escorted
(if/so that) you have escorted
(if/so that) he/she/it have escorted
(if/so that) we have escorted
(if/so that) you all have escorted
(if/so that) they have escorted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera escoltado
I had escorted
hubieras escoltado
you had escorted
hubiera escoltado
he/she/it had escorted
hubiéramos escoltado
we had escorted
hubierais escoltado
you all had escorted
hubieran escoltado
they had escorted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese escoltado
I had escorted
hubieses escoltado
you had escorted
hubiese escoltado
he/she/it had escorted
hubiésemos escoltado
we had escorted
hubieseis escoltado
you all had escorted
hubiesen escoltado
they had escorted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have escorted
(if/so that) you will have escorted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have escorted
(if/so that) we will have escorted
(if/so that) you all will have escorted
(if/so that) they will have escorted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere escoltado
I will have escorted
hubieres escoltado
you will have escorted
hubiere escoltado
he/she/it will have escorted
hubiéremos escoltado
we will have escorted
hubiereis escoltado
you all will have escorted
hubieren escoltado
they will have escorted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's escort!
Imperative negative mood
no escoltes
do not escort!
no escolte
let him/her/it escort!
no escoltemos
let us not escort!
no escoltéis
do not escort!
no escolten
do not escort!

Examples of escoltar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...para escoltar a vuestra hija y su madre,"" Within the week, an emissary will arrive... "to escort your daughter and her mother,
"Lamento no poder estar para escoltar... "a la Reina del Progreso elegida.I regret that I cannot be there to escort... your selected Queen of Progress.
- ¿Qué le ocurre? Nuestra misión era escoltar al Presidente.The mission was to escort the president.
-El es el primero en escoltar un ataúd.Lindo, ¿no?He's the first one to escort a coffin. Nice, right?
Ah, y usted hizo una nota al dejar la escena del crimen con el fin de escoltar a la señorita Fisher a su casa.Oh, and did you make a note about leaving the scene of the crime in order to escort Miss Fisher home?
Después te recojo por la noche en tu oficina y te escolto hasta tu casa.Then I pick you up at your office at night and escort you to your home.
No importa, yo te escolto.- Doesn't matter. I'll escort you!
Revoco esas órdenes y le escolto hasta el pueblo.It's all right, Sergeant, I'm countermanding those orders and escorting the civilian into town.
Te recojo en tu casa por la mañana y te escolto hasta la oficina.I pick you up at your home in the morning and escort you to your office.
Yo escolto al grupo.I am escorting the party.
- Coronel, ellos vuelan como escoltas.- Colonel, they're flying bomber escort.
- Sin escoltas, sin niñeras- No escorts, no nursemaids
- Tengo escoltas en espera.- Have escort stand by.
- Un raider pesado, sin escoltas.One Heavy Raider. - No fighter escort.
- ¿Nos quieren a como escoltas?- They want us as escorts?
(Ling-Tau escolta a Ping-Cho.)(Ling-Tau escorts Ping-Cho out.)
- Aquí viene la escolta policial. - De acuerdo, Marlowe.Here comes the police escorts.
- ¿Un escolta del Papa?- The Pope's escorts?
- ¿Usted es la escolta?- You're the escorts?
-¿Nos quieren de escolta?- They want us as escorts?
Asi que qué les parece esto: nosotros usamos nuestro 'poder de invulnereabilidad', que durará hasta que volvamos al Enano Rojo, y rodeando al Señor Rimmer, lo escoltamos hasta la escafandra de inmersión y nos metemos dentro?How about we use our powers of invulnerability which will last until we return to Red Dwarf and escort Mr Rimmer up to the obs deck and into the diving bell?
Comandante lvanova, como esta trampa fue su idea, puede irse a casa mientras los escoltamos a la colonia penal de Drazi.Commander Ivanova, since this mousetrap was your idea, you get to go home... while we escort these gentlemen to the penal colony in the Drazi Freehold.
Con gusto la escoltamos a casa, señora Archer.We'll be glad to escort you home, Mrs. Archer.
Cuando lo diga, comiencen a tocar y escoltamos al ganador al club.On my signal, begin playing, and we escort the winner to the clubhouse.
Durante dos días escoltamos el convoy sin contratiempo.The escort mission had proceeded smoothly for two days.
"Las mujeres los escoltan lejos de París"."Women escorts take them far from Paris.
- 200 euros a que nos escoltan.- 200 € that they're escorting us.
Barcos de guerra y helicópteros guardacostas escoltan a los barcos que reparten el disco a los puertos del mundo, donde ya se concentran los ansiosos fans.Artillery boats and coast guard helicopters are escorting the ships as they deliver the album to the world's ports, where rabid fans are already gathered.
Como sea, lo escoltan esposado hasta el avión en el aeropuerto internacional Da Vinci y y... ¡Boom!Anyway, so they're escorting the guy in handcuffs onto the plane at da Vinci International Airport, and,and... kaboom!
Dado el gran número de naves que los escoltan no se repetirá el incidente que ocurrió en San Diego.If we look at the ever-growing escort around the ship they're taking no chances of a repeat of the San Diego incident.
Así que lo escolté hasta la puerta.So I escorted him to the door.
Cuando se fue de la ópera, la escolté hasta la limusina.When she left the opera, I escorted her to the limo.
Les diré que te escolté de vuelta al puente.I'll tell them I escorted you back to the bridge.
Se acercó al tipo al que escolté, lo levantó, le marcó una "X" en el pecho y luego lo golpeó en el pecho.Goes over, gets the guy that I escorted down, lifts the guy up, marks an "X" on his chest, punches the guy right square in the chest.
Señor, yo la escolté afuera directamente, no cabe duda.Sir, I escorted her out directly, make no doubt about it.
"Y ahora están entre nosotros... " El ejército los escoltó. Parece que aterrizó una nave espacial.The military have escorted them down...
- Seguridad lo escoltó hasta afuera.- Security escorted him off the grounds.
Al finalizar la comida, una pareja de niños nos escoltó... hasta el Fervedouro, que era este manantial local.After the meal was over,a couple of the kids escorted us down to the fervodoro,which was this local spring.
Ayer, cuando seguridad las escoltó a la puerta del edificio... comenzaron una pelea, justo en medio de una sesión fotográfica.Well, apparently, yesterday, when Ella and Grace Were escorted out of the building by security, They literally got into a brawl,
Daniel te escoltó fuera de la casa muchas veces.Daniel had you escorted out of the house numerous times.
Cuando me escoltaron de vuelta aquí hoy, uno de los guardias nos ofreció una oportunidad para comprar nuestra libertad.As I was being escorted back inside today, One of the guards offered us a chance to buy our freedom.
El círculo se cerró hoy para el multimillonario Jeff Gregg... cuando agentes del FBI lo escoltaron de su exclusivo piso de Nueva York.The law caught up with billionaire Jeff Gregg today... as fbi agents escorted him from his exclusive New York penthouse.
Hasta que un día dos oficiales de seguridad confiscaron mi computadora y me escoltaron fuera del edificio.Until the day two security officers confiscated my computer and escorted me out of the building.
La recogieron dos mensajeros de DSS que la escoltaron hasta aquí hasta que les atacaron.It was picked up by two DSS couriers who escorted it all the way here until it came under fire.
Le escoltaron fuera del estudio.They escorted you out of the studio.
Después de que el príncipe heredero de su discurso aquí, yo personalmente lo escoltaré a él y a la princesa dentro de esta habitación donde tomaremos té.After the crown prince gives his speech here, I personally will escort him and the princess inside this room where we will take tea.
Después de que el príncipe heredero de su discurso aquí, yo personalmente lo escoltaré a él y a la princesa... dentro de esta habitación donde tomaremos té.After the crown prince gives his speech here, I personally will escort him and the princess inside this room where we will take tea.
Gracias, gracias me escoltaré yo mismo.- Thank you. I will escort myself out.
La escoltaré a los depósitos de la nave.I will escort you to the ship's stores:
La escoltaré hasta la sala de transporte seis.I will escort you to transporter room six.
Hubert, escoltarás al Dr. Bishop a su laboratorio con las muestras, a las que no le perderás de vista.Hubert, you will escort dr. Bishop to his lab With samples that you will not let out of your sight.
La escoltarás allí, te asegurarás de su rápido retorno y entonces volverás con nosotros.You will escort it there, ensure its quick return and then rejoin us.
- ¿Quién escoltará a la Tía May de regreso?Who will escort Aunt May back? Me...
Allí nos reuniremos con una delegación de Maximiliano que nos escoltará hasta Ciudad de México.There we will be met by representatives of Emperor Maximilian... who will escort us to Mexico City.
Aramis os escoltará.Aramis will escort you.
Baste te escoltará hasta el lugar del cobro en Bulacan.Baste will escort you at the place of the draw at Bulacan.
Brian lo escoltará a Chicago.Brian here will escort you to Chicago.
Aeronave no identificada, la escoltaremos a la base aérea SOCCENT de EUA.Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.
Aeronave no identificada, la escoltaremos a la base aérea.Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.
Ahora, si todos suben al auto escoltaremos a la familia von Trapp al festival.Now, if you will all get into your car we will escort the von Trapp Family Singers to the festival. No escort will be necessary.
Batou, Togusa, y yo escoltaremos a la chica.Batou, Togusa, and I will escort the girl.
Cuando crucemos el río Hwangho, la escoltaremos hasta el castillo de NanjingOnce we cross the Hwangho River, we will escort you to the castle of Nanjing.
- Mis hombres la escoltarán.- My men will escort my lady.
Cuando encuentren al capitán y a la doctora, nuestros amigos les escoltarán por la frontera hasta kes.Once contact is made with Capt Picard and Dr Crusher, our friends will escort them across the border into Kes.
Después de la ceremonia, los Bartlets les escoltarán a la limo que les llevará a Andrews para su viaje a New Hampshire.After, you will escort the Bartlets to the limo that will take them to Andrews for their trip.
Después de vuestra coronación las Fuerzas Unidas os escoltarán hasta Ba Sing Se.After your coronation the united forces will escort you to ba sing se. Right, about that.
Dos agentes escoltarán a Rane hasta la escalera de embarque.Two agents will escort Rane up the boarding stairs.
Aaron decidió que me escoltaríaAaron decided he would escort me
Gabriel, ¿escoltaría a nuestra invitada... a la sala de interrogatorio uno?And, sergeant Gabriel, if you would escort... our guest here, into interview room 1?
Jem dijo que me escoltaría al auditorio de la escuela.Jem said he would escort me to the school auditorium.
"Se mantiene como rehén, exigiendo Que se escolte y proteja a él""He is holding it hostage, demanding that we escort and protect him"
- Alguien que por favor lo escolte afuera.- Someone please escort him out of here.
- Asignaré a un guardia - para que te escolte cuando él llegue.I'll organise an officer to escort you when he arrives.
- Permite que te escolte hasta el auto.Let me escort you to the car.
- Sí, señor. - Señor Porter, baje a la cubierta "R" y escolte al grupo que aborda hasta el puente.Mr. Porter, go down to "R" Deck and escort the boarding party to the bridge.
Anders, quiero que les escoltes fuera del edificio.- Anders, I want you to escort them out the building.
Ben, quiero que escoltes a Beth a casa.Vicky: Ben, I want you to escort Beth home.
Escuchame bien lo que te voy a decir, yo te agradezco mucho... todo lo que hiciste pero no me escoltes, ¿está claro?Listen, here, carefully, I appreciate what you did... but don't escort me, is that clear?
Eso significa que Marissa, probablemente ya tenga alguna triste y solitaria... chica toda preparada para que la escoltes. Así que no puedes simplemente llamarla y cancelarlo en el último minutoThat means Marissa probably already has some sad, lonely girl lined up for you to escort, so you can't cancel at the last minute.
Espero que escoltes estos jóvenes a casa, de manera segura y que tú y yo, podamos reanudar nuestra relación.Now, I certainly hope you'll escort these nice, young people home, safely, and that you and I can resume our relationship.
Quieren que escoltemos la heroína de esta dirección en dos horas.They want us to escort the heroin from this address - in two hours
Señor, nos pidieron que lo escoltemos hasta que salga del Ala Oeste.Sir, we've been asked to escort you out of the West Wing.
Transmitimos a Guatemala, y nos pidieron que escoltemos al bote al puerto para el arresto.We radioed Guatemala, who asked us to escort the boat into port for arrest.
caminar por el restaurante desnuda cuando la escoltemos afuera.walk through the restaurant naked when we escort her out.
¿es ese cofre lo que quiere que escoltemos?Is it this chest you wish for us to escort?
- Hulk, escolten al autobús.Get a few men, escort the bus beyond the gate.
- Oficiales escolten al Sr. Ramos fuera.- Officers, escort mr. Ramos out.
- Por favor, escolten al alguacil a la cámara.- Please, escort the one officer to the camera.
Ahora deseo que me escolten a Kintaling.I shall want an escort to Kintaling.
Al menos tendríamos la oportunidad de luchar contra esta idea idiota de que necesitamos hombres que nos escolten a todas partes.At least we'd stand a chance of fighting this idiotic idea that we need men to escort us everywhere.
Agentes, escoltad al prisionero fuera.Deputies, escort the prisoner out.
Aiden, tú y Oliver escoltad a los chicos.Aiden, you and Oliver escort the children.
Guardias, escoltad al canciller hasta su habitación.Guards, escort the Chancellor to his room.
Halbaron, escoltad a Lady Gilraen de vuelta a la aldea.Halbaron, escort the Lady Gilraen back to the village.
"A las 10:00, Dr. Kan será escoltado por la CDI a la base aérea de la policía.""At 10:00, Dr. Kan will be escorted by the IDC to the Police Air Base."
# Fue escoltado a su silla #♪ He was escorted to his chair
- Que sea escoltado, y que no contacte con nada salvo su investigación.- He should be escorted, and have no contact with anything save his research.
A las 4:30, un grupo de prisioneros de guerra está siendo escoltado desde el Astillero Naval, hasta la Avenida Pennsylvania. cuando Booth encuentra a su amigo el actor John Mathews.At 4:30, a group of Confederate prisoners of war is being escorted from the Navy Yard and up Pennsylvania Avenue when Booth encounters his friend, the actor, John Matthews.
Ahora, la trascripción del juicio dijo que Cliff fue escoltado fuera de la corte por un arrebato.Now, the trial transcript said Cliff was escorted out of the courtroom for an outburst.
- Están escoltando a los heridos.- They're escorting the injured.
- Iré escoltando un caprice azul.- I'm going to be escorting a blue caprice.
- ¡Los soldados escoltando el oro!The soldiers, the ones who were escorting the gold...
Acabamos siguiéndolo por un edificio oficial, donde la gente le está escoltando, llevándole al tejado, mientras nosotros luchamos e intentamos averiguar qué pasa.Ashmore: We end up following him through an office building, where people are escorting him through, taking him to the roof, all while we're scrambling, and the two of us are trying to find out what's going on.
Aparecisteis escoltando al tipo que disparó.You guys showed up escorting the man who got shot. -Us guys?

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