Contemplar (to contemplate) conjugation

67 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to behold, behold

Conjugation of contemplar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I contemplate
you contemplate
he/she/it contemplates
we contemplate
you all contemplate
they contemplate
Present perfect tense
he contemplado
I have contemplated
has contemplado
you have contemplated
ha contemplado
he/she/it has contemplated
hemos contemplado
we have contemplated
habéis contemplado
you all have contemplated
han contemplado
they have contemplated
Past preterite tense
I contemplated
you contemplated
he/she/it contemplated
we contemplated
you all contemplated
they contemplated
Future tense
I will contemplate
you will contemplate
he/she/it will contemplate
we will contemplate
you all will contemplate
they will contemplate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would contemplate
you would contemplate
he/she/it would contemplate
we would contemplate
you all would contemplate
they would contemplate
Past imperfect tense
I used to contemplate
you used to contemplate
he/she/it used to contemplate
we used to contemplate
you all used to contemplate
they used to contemplate
Past perfect tense
había contemplado
I had contemplated
habías contemplado
you had contemplated
había contemplado
he/she/it had contemplated
habíamos contemplado
we had contemplated
habíais contemplado
you all had contemplated
habían contemplado
they had contemplated
Future perfect tense
habré contemplado
I will have contemplated
habrás contemplado
you will have contemplated
habrá contemplado
he/she/it will have contemplated
habremos contemplado
we will have contemplated
habréis contemplado
you all will have contemplated
habrán contemplado
they will have contemplated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I contemplate
(if/so that) you contemplate
(if/so that) he/she/it contemplate
(if/so that) we contemplate
(if/so that) you all contemplate
(if/so that) they contemplate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya contemplado
I have contemplated
hayas contemplado
you have contemplated
haya contemplado
he/she/it has contemplated
hayamos contemplado
we have contemplated
hayáis contemplado
you all have contemplated
hayan contemplado
they have contemplated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have contemplated
(if/so that) you have contemplated
(if/so that) he/she/it have contemplated
(if/so that) we have contemplated
(if/so that) you all have contemplated
(if/so that) they have contemplated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have contemplated
(if/so that) you have contemplated
(if/so that) he/she/it have contemplated
(if/so that) we have contemplated
(if/so that) you all have contemplated
(if/so that) they have contemplated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera contemplado
I had contemplated
hubieras contemplado
you had contemplated
hubiera contemplado
he/she/it had contemplated
hubiéramos contemplado
we had contemplated
hubierais contemplado
you all had contemplated
hubieran contemplado
they had contemplated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese contemplado
I had contemplated
hubieses contemplado
you had contemplated
hubiese contemplado
he/she/it had contemplated
hubiésemos contemplado
we had contemplated
hubieseis contemplado
you all had contemplated
hubiesen contemplado
they had contemplated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contemplated
(if/so that) you will have contemplated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have contemplated
(if/so that) we will have contemplated
(if/so that) you all will have contemplated
(if/so that) they will have contemplated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere contemplado
I will have contemplated
hubieres contemplado
you will have contemplated
hubiere contemplado
he/she/it will have contemplated
hubiéremos contemplado
we will have contemplated
hubiereis contemplado
you all will have contemplated
hubieren contemplado
they will have contemplated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's contemplate!
Imperative negative mood
no contemples
do not contemplate!
no contemple
let him/her/it contemplate!
no contemplemos
let us not contemplate!
no contempléis
do not contemplate!
no contemplen
do not contemplate!

Examples of contemplar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Por una razón, considero que puede formar parte de algo mejor,... que usted en su condición financiera actual, debiera contemplar."For one thing, I believe it's a yarn that is part of a bigger ball than you, "in your present financial straits, are able comfortably to contemplate.
# Volver de nuevo a mi lugar, volver a contemplar mis padres de mi amor # que a los dos quiero abrazar. # y ver que son felices ya, se quieren de verdad, igual que yo a los dos.¤ To go back home, to be able to contemplate my beloved parents,... ¤ and to see they're really happy now, they really love each other as I love both of them.
- Donde siempre va para contemplar durante una crisis.- Where she always goes to contemplate during a crisis.
- La gente viene aquí a contemplar.- People here want to contemplate.
A la mujer virtuosa le gusta contemplar el amanecer, ¿verdad?The chaste woman loves to contemplate dawn, doesn't she?
"contemplo la futilidad del hombre.""I contemplate the futility of Man. "
Cuando contemplo los cielos,... arrepiento.But when I contemplate the heavens then I regret.
Este tribunal entrará a un receso de una hora Mientras yo contemplo la sanción apropiada, en mi caja de arena.This court will recess for one hour while I contemplate the appropriate sentence in my litter box.
Involucra la predisposición a permitir que la vida me arrastre a su paso mientras contemplo su misterio infinito.It involves a willingness to let life carry me along in its wake as I contemplate its infinite mystery.
Lo que consideramos ahí es la relación individual que existe con el universo. Yo contemplo las diversas relaciones de mis diversos "yo".Where most consider their relationship to the universe I contemplate relationships of my various selves to one another.
Ataca su juego de dardos e intenta elevarla fuera de si... mientras contemplas sí es o no digna de simpatizar.Attack her dart playing and try to get a rise out of her... while you contemplate whether or not she's worth hitting on.
Bien. Mientras contemplas el momento más importante de tu vida se me hace tarde.While you contemplate the most important moment of your life I'm running late.
Sólo piensas en ello, sólo lo contemplas.You just think about it, just contemplate it.
Te lo advierto, si contemplas tal insolencia, en el futuro no serás bienvenido como mi invitado.I warn you, if you contemplate such presumption... you will not be welcome here in the future as my guest.
Y cuando tú contemplas lo que la gente hace te imaginas a ti mismo haciéndolo y eso no les gusta.And when you contemplate what people do... you think of yourself doing it... and they don't like that.
"y contempla su muerte""and contemplates killing her.
- Bueno, mientras él contempla que ,- Well, while he contemplates that,
Cuando el héroe contempla las históricas murallas de Calatrava.When the hero contemplates the historic walls of Calatrava.
Cuando su cuerpo es destruido y no queda rastro de él entonces, la misma muerte es destruida. Y él contempla el infinito.When his body is destroyed, when no trace of it remains, then death itself is destroyed, and he contemplates infinity.
El detective se sienta y contempla como su esposa no lo comprende...The detective sits there and contemplates how his wife doesn't understand him.
"Semejante guerra "como la que contemplamos ahora..."Such a war as we now contemplate..."
- En la sección china contemplamos.In the china section, we contemplate.
Con un cuchillo en manos expertas dos hombres de cada 10 sobreviven el procedimiento que contemplamos.With a knife in expert hands... two men in 10... survive the procedure we contemplate.
De manera que cuando contemplamos la naturaleza, cuando contemplamos a J£piter o a un d¡namo como la Tierra que gira por el espacio, b sicamente estamos hablando de un magneto que gira en el espacio. Y las l¡neas de flujo del magneto-- --se vierten por debajo y a trav‚s en este patr¢n toroidal del campo magn‚tico.So when we contemplate nature, when we contemplate Jupiter or we contemplate a dynamo like the earth rotating in space, we basically have a magnet, that is rotating in space the lines of flux of the magnet are pulling down and through
El problema aquí no sólo es si nos enfrentamos al obvio resultado negativo sino que, en estos casos también contemplamos grados de daño cerebral en el caso de que sobreviva.The problem here is not only are we looking at the obvious negative outcome, but in these cases we also contemplate degrees of brain damage in the event he does survive.
"Vuelven y follan un poquito más y luego contemplan la luna.'They go back and they screw a little bit more, and then they contemplate the moon.
Lo importante es saber si hay leyes que contemplan el caso.What's important is knowing if there are laws... which contemplate the case.
Los intereses corporativos que represento contemplan invertir cientos de millones de dólares en el desarrollo de ciertos recursos en Zangaro.The corporate interests I represent contemplate investing several hundred million dollars in the development of certain resources in Zangaro.
Mientras tanto los otros contemplan su gesta, agrandada por los periódicos, lo veneran, y piensan en emularlo.Meanwhile the others contemplate his gesture magnified by the papers, they revere him and think about copying him.
Pero estas formas de evaluar no contemplan decenas de variables que influyen tanto o más en el desarrollo y son vitales para la educación.But these methods of evaluation do not contemplate dozens of variables that affect development to higher or lower degrees and are vital for education.
Durante mucho tiempo, contemplé el océano sin entenderlo.NARRATOR: For a long, long time, I contemplated the ocean without understanding it.
Mientras caminaba al salón contemplé el asombroso giro de los acontecimientos.As I made my way to the multi-purpose room I contemplated the startling turn of events.
No he visto esto desde que leí a Gramsci, y contemplé el secuestro de un industrial.I haven't seen this since I read Gramsci and contemplated kidnapping a captain of industry.
Yo contemplé esa escena... durante muchos años.I contemplated that scene... for many years.
Ahora dinos de la noche que contemplaste el suicidio. ¿El señor Chopra llamó al 911?- Now, tell us the night that you contemplated suicide, did Mr. Chopra... did he call 911?
"Los contempló... o, más bien, los reconoció, en silencio."He contemplated them, no, he recognised them silent.
"Los pícaros más que los hombres honestos encuentran refugio bajo el habeas corpus", dijo, e incluso contempló de arrestar al mismo Jefe de Justicia"more rogues than honest men find shelter under habeas corpus," he said, and even contemplated arresting the chief justice.
A partir de ahí, Betheda sufrió de un exceso de catarro, que hacía menos clara el habla y que respirara por la boca. Contaminaba la comida e irritaba su digestión, haciéndole la vida tan desdichada que a menudo contempló el suicidio.From then on Betheda suffered from an excess of catarrh that blurred her speech, forced her to breathe through her mouth, tainted her food and irritated her digestion, making her life so wretched that she often contemplated suicide.
El caso tuvo un giro sorpresivo cuando se supo que Lindenkrone hace algunos años contempló el rapto de los hijos del ex PM Hesselboe.The case took a turning when it became known that Lindenkrone some years ago contemplated abducting former PM Hesselboe's children.
Es una creencia que mantiene desde muy pequeño cuando por primera vez contempló lo que significa ser conciente.It's a belief he has held since he was very young when he first contemplated what it meant to be conscious.
Pero sabemos a ciencia cierta, que en emergencias el ejecutivo contemplará acciones sobre las que no tiene autoridad legislativa clara y podrían ser constitucionalmente dudosas.But we know for a fact that, in emergencies, the executive will contemplate actions that do not have clear legislative authority and might be constitutionally dubious.
Verán, por tradición, Ra's contemplaría la piedad a sus enemigos en la víspera de una boda.You see, by tradition, Ra's would contemplate mercy upon his enemies on the eve of a wedding.
¿Qué clase de mente diabólica contemplaría o concebiría estos siete asesinatos?What kind of a diabolical mind would contemplate or conceive these seven murders?
Bueno, yo... por supuesto que lo haré, Sr. Blazanov aunque quizá no contemple actividad alguna por ejemplo, hacerse amigo de sus empleadas requiere la aprobación personal del Sr. Swearengen.Well, l... I will, of course, Mr. Blazanov, though no activity you may contemplate, for example, the making of friends with his female employees, requires Mr. Swearengen's personal approval.
Desde luego, no hay legislación que contemple este tipo de situación debido, quizás, a que la existencia misma del carnet laboral, es muy reciente.Of course, there is no legislation contemplate this type of situation perhaps because the existence labor license, is very recent.
Los de su clase... ni siquiera permitirían que nadie contemple como otro hace un trato para él.His type--they wouldn't even allow anybody to contemplate making a deal for him.
Me quede adentro y casi contemple mi Universo a través de los agujeros en mis calcetines.Stayed inside and pretty much contemplated my universe... through the holes in my socks.
No, es más probable, Srta. Isringhausen, que Ud. contemple cambiar su promesa antes de que yo la mía.No, more likely, Miss Isringhausen, I think you'd contemplate... changing your allegiance before I would mine.
Durante los próximos días, quiero que contemples lo que viene... una muerte solitaria, sin sentido, y la oscuridad que le sigue.Over the next few days, I want you to contemplate what's to come... A meaningless, lonely death and the darkness to follow.
y que contemples tu propia make you contemplate your own mortality.
Enviando un mensaje, quizás para que todos nosotros contemplemos esta noche que nuestras ideas no importa que tan buenas sean, son peligrosas.Sending a message, perhaps. One for all of us to contemplate this evening. That our ideas, no matter how pleasing are dangerous.
Ha llegado el momento de que todos nosotros contemplemos nuestra historia.The time has come for all of us to contemplate our history.
No contemplemos la alternativa.Let us not contemplate the alternative.
¿Cómo es posible que contemplemos unas columnas de seis metros de alto, perfectamente esculpidas, con entre 11.000 y 12.000 años, y sin haber herramientas?How in the world can you contemplate 19-foot-tall, perfectly sculpted columns that are 11,000 to 12,000 years old, and no tools.
Ahora les rogamos que contemplen todo el horror del segundo asesinato a sangre fría, perversamente planeado y llevado a cabo en una cálida tarde en Hunterbury.We ask you now to contemplate the full horror of the second cold-blooded murder, wickedly planned and executed on a hot afternoon at Hunterbury.
Bueno, contemplen...Well, contemplate...
Senadores, les suplico que contemplen el espectáculo que estamos dando.I beseech senators to contemplate the spectacle we are making of ourselves.
A menudo he contemplado la similitud del miedo y el deseo.I've often contemplated the similarity of fear and desire.
Alguien, de hecho, ha contemplado el matarla, si es que no lo ha intentado abiertamente.Someone has, in fact, contemplated killing you, if not attempted it outright.
Bajo las modas aparentes que se anulan y recomponen en la superficie sutil del pseudotiempo cíclico contemplado, el gran estilo de la época es siempre lo que está orientado por la necesidad evidente y secreta de la revolución.Under the fashions... which cancel themselves and are recomposed on the frivolous... surface of contemplated pseudo-cyclical time, the grand style of the epoch is... always to be found in what is oriented by the obvious... and secret necessity of revolution.
Cuando zarpé de Inglaterra, nunca hubiera contemplado algo como esto.When I sailed from England I could never have even contemplated something like this.
Durante milenios, los humanos han observado los cielos... y contemplado lo divino.For thousands of years, humans have gazed up at the heavens and contemplated the divine.
"Wilfred estaba contemplando su muerte definitiva, pero su mejor amigo insolidario lo estaba ignorando completamente"."Wilfred was contemplating his ultimate demise, but his non-caring best friend was completely ignoring him."
- Estaba contemplando ...- Was contemplating...
-He estado contemplando Ia vida.I've been contemplating life.
-Pasamos muchas noches contemplando un Caravaggio, discutiendo sobre su trazado, contenido y forma.Many's the night we while away the wee hours contemplating a Caravaggio's themes and form.
Ademas me dará la oportunidad de sentarme aquí solo contemplando donde mi vida se convirtió tan horriblemente mal.Plus it will give me the opportunity to sit here alone, contemplating where my life went so horribly wrong.

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