Ja sa ei saa eriti midagi teha, sest kui vaiad on niisugused, siis nad jäävadki selliseks ja sina oled omadega ämbris. | And you really can't do much about it because once they get like that, they just stay kind of bent in and you're screwed and all that. |
Kiirte suhtes eri nurga all olevad vaiad põhjustavad erineva pikkusega varju. | Sticks at different angles to the sun will cast shadows at different lengths. |
Kui kujutlete vaiad nii palju pikemaks, et need ulatuvad kaugele alla Maa keskmesse, siis kohtuvad need seal 7-kraadise nurga all. | By that, I mean, if you would imagine these sticks extending... ...all the way down to the center of the Earth... ...they would there intersect at an angle of seven degrees. |
"Kapten Ameerika?" Tead, ma tahaksin su nagu vaia maa sisse tampida, kuid paistab, et keegi jõudis minust ette. | "Captain America"? You know, I'd like to take you down a peg but it looks like somebody beat me to it. |
- Hõbekuulid ei tapa vampiiri, need löövad ta vaid pikali, et saaks temast vaia läbi lüüa. | - Silver bullets won't kill a vampire, they'll just bring him down so he can be staked. |
- Mulle pint viina, tðuktð, ja veidike vaia! | But we're all doing it together. |
21. juunil võivad templisammaste või ka lihtsalt püstise vaia varjud keskpäeva lähenedes lüheneda. | On June 21st... ...the shadows of a temple column, or a vertical stick... ...would grow shorter as noon approached. |