'Jag, Lorenzo Casamares'-... 'erkänner härmed, att trots mitt mänskliga utseende'-... 'är jag en bastard avlad av en schimpans och en orangutang.' 'Jag ska nästla mig in i kyrkan'-... 'för att skada den heliga inkvisitionen.' | "l, Lorenzo Casamares, hereby confess that, contrary to my human appearance, am, in fact, the bastard son of a chimpanzee and an orangutan and I have schemed to join the Church in order to do harm to the Holy Office." |
- De kommer att skada mig! | You don't know them! They're gonna hurt me! |
- Det ett konstigt sätt att skada oss. Om det här är andra vågen då. | --Well, if the Chinese are trying to hurt us, they sure picked a funny way to do it. |
- Han gillar kanske att skada folk. | Or he just likes to hurt people. What do you think, dex? |
- Han kommer nog inte att skada oss. | - I don't think he's gonna hurt us. |
"Använd det aldrig att göra skada i ilska | "Never use it to do harm on anger. |
"Av privata skäl och den fysiska skada jag fått av att spela musiken." | "Private and personal reasons and the physical damage that I've done to myself over the years while playing the music I love." |
"Det är bäst om jag involveras i detta och ser till att ingen kommer till skada, och att det åtminstone finns lite känslighet kring vad dessa saker verkligen handlar om." | "I better get involved in this and make sure that somebody doesn't get hurt and and at least there be some sensitivity towards what this stuff is really about." |
"Du vill väl inte skada någon?" | MAN: You don't want to hurt anyone. |
"Gör ingen skada." | "First, do no harm." |
"Akta så inte dörren skadar din vagina när du går ut." | Carlos Delgado. Excellent choice. Too bad I got him three rounds ago. |
"De visste att ett träd är känt genom sina frukter och att orättvisa skadar, att dess frukt vissnar och skrumpnar och faller till historiens mark där andra stora förhoppningar ruttnat bort, där jämlikhet och frihet ännu är enda alternativet för helhet och sundhet hos någon man eller nation." | "They knew that the tree is known by its fruit, and that injustice corrupts a tree that its fruit withers and shrivels and falls at last to that dark ground of history where other great hopes have rotted and died where equality and freedom remain still the only choice for wholeness and soundness in a man or in a nation." |
"Vad hemskt." "Nej, det skadar den inte. | I'm like, "Oh, that's awful." She goes, "No, no, it doesn't really hurt them. |
"Vi skadar inte barnen. | "We do not harm the children. " |
- Det man inte vet, det skadar inte. | What a guy doesn't know doesn't hurt him. |
- De sa inte att du var skadad. | - They didn't tell me you were hurt. |
- Du sa att han var skadad. | Why didn't you tell us he was going to leave? |
- Ingen skulle ju bli skadad. | Look, I thought I told you I didn't want anyone hurt. |
- Jag trodde inte han skulle bli skadad. | - I didn't think it would hurt him. |
- Jag är skadad i ansiktet. | I got hit in the face. - No you didn't. |
"Det är också min tro, att på grund av hans oskyldighet skadade inte varelserna som bor i skogen honom." | "It is also my belief that, because of his innocence, those creatures who reside in the woods did not harm him. " |
"Swift Nick" Nevinson var en ganska skicklig stråtrövare, men han skadade aldrig någon och var lika charmig som han var populär. | "Swift Nick" Nevinson was a rather splendid highwayman, and he never hurt people; he was charming and he was very popular. |
- Blev de också skadade? | Did they get hurt, too? Uh... yeah, yeah, they did. |
- De skadade oss inte förut, varför nu? | - They didn't hurt us before. Why now? |
- Du gjorde mig inte illa, du skadade mig. | -I hurt you. -You didn't hurt me, Charlie. |
- Elden kan ha skadat maskineriet. | One thing bugs me, though. It's hard to figure a fire that hot not having done some damage down there. |
- Han har skadat ryggen. | - He's done his back in, hasn't he. |
- Har du skadat dig? - Nej, inte än. | ¿te you hurt, you've done? |
- Jag som aldrig har skadat någon.. | On my life I gave him bad for good. I never done that to anybody in my life before. |
- Om ni har skadat henne... | If you've hurt her... If you've done anything to her... |