Example in Polish | Translation in English |
Dlatego też, zamiast opisywać uwagi każdej zainteresowanej strony oddzielnie, Komisja pogrupowała je w ogólne kategorie (zob. pkt 5.1–5.7 poniżej). | For that reason, instead of describing the comments of each interested party separately, the Commission has grouped them into general categories (see points 5.1 to 5.7 below). |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Dutch | groeperen | English | group |
Esperanto | grupigi | French | grouper |
German | gruppieren | Greek | ομαδοποιώ,ομαλοποιούμαι, ομοιάζω, ομορφαίνω, ομφαλοσκοπώ, ονειδίζω |
Hungarian | csoportosít | Icelandic | hópa |
Italian | raggruppare, raggrupparsi | Norwegian | gruppere |
Spanish | agruparse | Turkish | gruplandırmak |