Jeigu aš klystu, prašau atleisti. | If I am wrong, I ask your pardon. |
Jei aš klystu, atleisi mane. | If I am wrong, if I'm wrong, you fire me. |
Trečia, Komisija klysta, vertindama grynąjį poveikį mokėtojui ir gavėjui kartu ir darydama išvadą, kad grynasis poveikis nacionalinėms grupėms, kai ir mokėtojas, ir gavėjas įsteigti Nyderlanduose, tikriausiai yra neutralus, o grynąjį pranašumą įgyja tarptautinės grupės, kai mokėtojas yra užsienyje įsteigta grupės įmonė, o gavėjas įsteigtas šalyje. | Thirdly, the Commission is wrong when it looks at the net effect on the payer and recipient together, and concludes that the net effect is probably neutral for national groups when both the payer and the recipient are established in the Netherlands, while a net advantage arises for multinational groups when the payer is a foreign group company and the recipient is a domestic one. |
„Alcoa“ ir Italija tvirtina, kad Komisija klysta siūlydama remtis vidutinėmis IPEX kainomis vietoj rinkos kainos, kurią stambūs pramonės vartotojai paprastai mokėtų atitinkamuose regionuose (žr. 83 konstatuojamąją dalį). | Alcoa and Italy contend that the Commission is wrong in proposing to use average IPEX prices as a proxy for the market price that large industrial customers would normally pay in the regions concerned (see recital 83). |
Ieškovė, remdamasi samprotavimais dėl pirmojo ieškinio pagrindo priimtinumo, mano, kad Komisija klysta teigdama, jog šie kaltinimai nepriimtini. | Referring to its arguments regarding the admissibility of the first plea, the applicant submits that the Commission is wrong to plead that those heads of claim are inadmissible. |
Įrodyk, kad Elvis klysta. | Prove Elvis wrong. |
Jeigu vadovėlis klysta... | Because if the textbook is wrong... |
Tu buvai teisus ir aš klydau. | You were right and l was wrong. |
Tu klysti dabar, aš klydau tada. | You're wrong now, I was wrong then. |
Maniau, kad ąsotyje yra brangenybės, bet klydau. Jie jo neišmestų. | I thought the jar contained a treasure, but I was wrong. |
Aš klydau. | I was wrong. |
Maniau, kad pries menesi, bet klydau. | I thought it was one month initially, but I was wrong. |
Sužinai, kur klydai | Learning you were wrong |
Frenkai, tu klydai. | Frank, you were wrong. |
-Tu klydai. | - You were wrong. |
Tu klydai dėl jo. | You were wrong about him. |
Tu klydai dėl mano tėvo. | You were wrong about my father. |
Visų pirma, ji manė, kad Komisija klydo kartais pateikdama visos Sąjungos pramonės duomenis, o kartais – tik iš atrinktų gamintojų gautus patikrintus duomenis. | In particular, it considered that the Commission was wrong in sometimes providing data from the entire Union industry whereas on other occasions use had been made from the verified data from the sampled producers only. |
Tačiau savo balandžio 29 d. sprendimu dėl „Kvaerner Warnow Wer “ Teisingumo Teismas nutarė, kad Komisija klydo, pajėgumo apribojimą aiškindama kaip faktinės gamybos apribojimą. Remiantis 1993–1995 m. | However, in its judgment of 29 April concerning Kvaerner Warnow Werthe Court of Justice ruled that the Commission was wrong in interpreting the capacity limitation as a limitation of actual production. e capacity limitation, in the light of the Commission decisions adopted between 1993 and 1995 authorising the aid, had to be understood as a technical limitation of the production facilities. |
Džeris klydo. | Jerry was wrong. |
Aristotelis klydo dėl jų. | Aristotle was wrong about them. |
Džuliana klydo! | Julian was wrong! |
Mes galvojome, kad baisiausia po žeme, bet mes klydome. | We thought we'd survived the horror. But we were wrong. |
Mes klydome. | We were wrong. |
Bet galbūt mes klydome dėl to. | But perhaps we were wrong in that. |
Tačiau klydome. | But we were wrong. |
Komisija klystų teigdama, kad priemone suteikiamas atrankinis pranašumas. | The Commission would be wrong in saying that the measure confers a selective advantage. |