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Contarsela (to chat at length) conjugation

This verb can also mean the following: have a chinwag

Conjugation of contarsela

Present tense
me la conto
I chat at length
te la conti
you chat at length
se la conta
he/she/it chats at length
ce la contiamo
we chat at length
ve la contate
you all chat at length
se la contano
they chat at length
Present perfect tense
me l'ho contata
I have chatted at length
te l'hai contata
you have chatted at length
se l'ha contata
he/she/it has chatted at length
ce l'abbiamo contata
we have chatted at length
ve l'avete contata
you all have chatted at length
se l'hanno contata
they have chatted at length
Past preterite tense
me la contai
I chatted at length
te la contasti
you chatted at length
se la contò
he/she/it chatted at length
ce la contammo
we chatted at length
ve la contaste
you all chatted at length
se la contarono
they chatted at length
Future tense
me la conterò
I will chat at length
te la conterai
you will chat at length
se la conterà
he/she/it will chat at length
ce la conteremo
we will chat at length
ve la conterete
you all will chat at length
se la conteranno
they will chat at length
Conditional mood
me la conterei
I would chat at length
te la conteresti
you would chat at length
se la conterebbe
he/she/it would chat at length
ce la conteremmo
we would chat at length
ve la contereste
you all would chat at length
se la conterebbero
they would chat at length
Past impf. tense
me la contavo
I used to chat at length
te la contavi
you used to chat at length
se la contava
he/she/it used to chat at length
ce la contavamo
we used to chat at length
ve la contavate
you all used to chat at length
se la contavano
they used to chat at length
Past perfect tense
me l'avevo contata
I had chatted at length
te l'avevi contata
you had chatted at length
se l'aveva contata
he/she/it had chatted at length
ce l'avevamo contata
we had chatted at length
ve l'avevate contata
you all had chatted at length
se l'avevano contata
they had chatted at length
Future perfect tense
me l'avrò contata
I will have chatted at length
te l'avrai contata
you will have chatted at length
se l'avrà contata
he/she/it will have chatted at length
ce l'avremo contata
we will have chatted at length
ve l'avrete contata
you all will have chatted at length
se l'avranno contata
they will have chatted at length
Present subjunctive tense
me la conti
(if/so that) I chat at length
te la conti
(if/so that) you chat at length
se la conti
(if/so that) he/she/it chat at length
ce la contiamo
(if/so that) we chat at length
ve la contiate
(if/so that) you all chat at length
se la contino
(if/so that) they chat at length
Present perf. subjunctive tense
me l'abbia contata
I have chatted at length
te l'abbia contata
you have chatted at length
se l'abbia contata
he/she/it has chatted at length
ce l'abbiamo contata
we have chatted at length
ve l'abbiate contata
you all have chatted at length
se l'abbiano contata
they have chatted at length
Imperative mood
chat at length!
se la conti
chat at length!
let's chat at length!
chat at length!
se la contino
chat at length!
Conditional perfect tense
me l'avrei contata
I would have chatted at length
te l'avresti contata
you would have chatted at length
se l'avrebbe contata
he/she/it would have chatted at length
ce l'avremmo contata
we would have chatted at length
ve l'avreste contata
you all would have chatted at length
se l'avrebbero contata
they would have chatted at length

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