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Panen (to harvest) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah panen
Present perfect tense
sudah panen
Future perfect tense
akan sudah panen
Future recent tense
panen nanti
Future distant tense
panen kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang panen
Past distant tense
dulu panen
Past recent tense
panen tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja panen

Examples of panen

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku sedang panen Croppin untuk makan.I'm harvesting croppins for a meal.
Namanya kue saat musim panen.It's called a harvest cake.
Apa kamu tahu berapa hargameja panen di toko ?Do you know how much a harvest table would have cost you in a store?
Maksudku yang telah kita pelajari - misalnya, pada sapi kita belajar bagaimana - cara menanam, memupuk dan panen jagung menggunakan global positioning teknologi satelit, dan tak seorang pun duduk kembali dan memintaI mean we have learned-- for example, in cattle we have learned how to-- how to plant, fertilize and harvest corn using global positioning satellite technology, and nobody sits back and asks
Sejak dahulu kala, peri-peri merayakan akhir musim gugur dengan pesta pora, dan musim gugur ini bertepatan dengan datangnya bulan panen biru.Since time immemorial, fairies have celebrated the end of autumn with a revelry, and this particular autumn coincides with a blue harvest moon.

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