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Hafal (to memorize) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah hafal
Present perfect tense
sudah hafal
Future perfect tense
akan sudah hafal
Future recent tense
hafal nanti
Future distant tense
hafal kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang hafal
Past distant tense
dulu hafal
Past recent tense
hafal tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja hafal

Examples of hafal

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Well, ada bagian ini Aku hafal.Well, there's this passage I got memorized.
Muek, kau sudah hafal semua alfabet?Muek, did you memorize all your alphabets yet?
Karena aku hafal rutenya ketika aku melarikan diri dari sana.'Cause I memorized the routes when I escaped from there.
Apa kau tahu bahwa ujian ini mengharuskan hafal semuanya?Do you know that this exam requires that they all be memorized?
Kau hafal sebuah puisi?- You memorized a poem ?

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