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Germer (to germinate) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of germer

Present tense
je germe
I germinate
tu germes
you germinate
il/elle/on germe
he/she/it germinates
nous germons
we germinate
vous germez
you all germinate
ils/elles germent
they germinate
Present perfect tense
j’ai germé
I germinated
tu as germé
you germinated
il/elle/on a germé
he/she/it germinated
nous avons germé
we germinated
vous avez germé
you all germinated
ils/elles ont germé
they germinated
Past impf. tense
je germais
I was germinating
tu germais
you were germinating
il/elle/on germait
he/she/it was germinating
nous germions
we were germinating
vous germiez
you all were germinating
ils/elles germaient
they were germinating
Future tense
je germerai
I will germinate
tu germeras
you will germinate
il/elle/on germera
he/she/it will germinate
nous germerons
we will germinate
vous germerez
you all will germinate
ils/elles germeront
they will germinate
Past perfect tense
j’avais germé
I had germinated
tu avais germé
you had germinated
il/elle/on avait germé
he/she/it had germinated
nous avions germé
we had germinated
vous aviez germé
you all had germinated
ils/elles avaient germé
they had germinated
Past preterite tense
je germai
I germinated
tu germas
you germinated
il/elle/on germa
he/she/it germinated
nous germâmes
we germinated
vous germâtes
you all germinated
ils/elles germèrent
they germinated
Past anterior tense
j’eus germé
I had germinated
tu eus germé
you had germinated
il/elle/on eut germé
he/she/it had germinated
nous eûmes germé
we had germinated
vous eûtes germé
you all had germinated
ils/elles eurent germé
they had germinated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai germé
I will have germinated
tu auras germé
you will have germinated
il/elle/on aura germé
he/she/it will have germinated
nous aurons germé
we will have germinated
vous aurez germé
you all will have germinated
ils/elles auront germé
they will have germinated
Present subjunctive tense
que je germe
that I germinate
que tu germes
that you germinate
qu’il/elle/on germe
that he/she/it germinate
que nous germions
that we germinate
que vous germiez
that you all germinate
qu’ils/elles germent
that they germinate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie germé
that I have germinated
que tu aies germé
that you have germinated
qu’il/elle/on ait germé
that he/she/it have germinated
que nous ayons germé
that we have germinated
que vous ayez germé
that you all have germinated
qu’ils/elles aient germé
that they have germinated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je germasse
that I would germinate
que tu germasses
that you would germinate
qu’il/elle/on germât
that he/she/it would germinate
que nous germassions
that we would germinate
que vous germassiez
that you all would germinate
qu’ils/elles germassent
that they would germinate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse germé
that I had germinated
que tu eusses germé
that you had germinated
qu’il/elle/on eût germé
that he/she/it had germinated
que nous eussions germé
that we had germinated
que vous eussiez germé
that you all had germinated
qu’ils/elles eussent germé
that they had germinated
Conditional mood
je germerais
I would germinate
tu germerais
you would germinate
il/elle/on germerait
he/she/it would germinate
nous germerions
we would germinate
vous germeriez
you all would germinate
ils/elles germeraient
they would germinate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais germé
I would have germinated
tu aurais germé
you would have germinated
il/elle/on aurait germé
he/she/it would have germinated
nous aurions germé
we would have germinated
vous auriez germé
you all would have germinated
ils/elles auraient germé
they would have germinated
Imperative mood
let's germinate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie germé
have germinated
ayons germé
let's have germinated
ayez germé
have germinated

Examples of germer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- pour qu'il puisse germer.- so that it can germinate.
Tu es la seule qui pourra les faire germer, et refleurir la terre.You're the one who can get them to germinate, and rebloom earth.
Vous savez combien de temps il faut à une graine de séquoia pour germer ?Do you know how long it takes a sequoia seed to germinate?
"écoute, bébé maman et papa s'aiment beaucoup, alors papa a offert à maman une petite graine qu'il avait la petite graine a germé, poussé, et 9 mois après est devenue un beau chou oû t'a déposé la cigogne qui t'a amené de Paris."Look, kid, since Mom and Dad love each other very much, Dad made Mom a present of a little seed that he had, that little seed germinated, grew, and after nine months, turned into a beautiful cabbage where you were deposited by the stork that brought you from Paris."
Sous mon règne de vice président, on a envoyé 3 matheux en finale d'État, tous les haricots des secondes ont germé...Rock the boat Don't tip the boat... So under my reign as vice president, we sent three mathletes to the state finals, all of the tenth graders' lima beans germinated... (cheering)
C'est ce qui est incroyable avec cette espèce, elle pousse sur les volcans, et elle ne germe qu'après avoir été exposée à la chaleur.Well, that is the amazing thing about buffelgrass-- it grows on volcanoes, so it only germinates after being exposed to heat.
La sombre semence qui pousse en toi germe maintenant en elle.The dark seed that grew within you now germinates within her.
Maintenant, la graine maléfique de votre action... germe au fond de vous.- Even now... the evil seed of what you have done... germinates within you.

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