Pitää sulkea nuo luukut tai hukumme. Mutta täällä tukehtuu. | Have to close those things, or we'd drown, but it's suffocating in here. |
- Mitä vaan Kun putoat luukun läpi? - Sumeilematta | I'd do anything for you, dear Anything |
En tiedä, mitä tapahtui. Näin vain luukun, jonka räjähdys oli osin avannut. | I still don't understand what happened the only thing I saw was a trap door that the projectile uncovered. |
Harkitse kuitenkin luukun rakentamista luita varten. | Okay, but consider the rib escape hatch, 'cause we're gonna need that thing. |
Hitsasin luukun kiinni. | I even welded the damn thing shut. |
Jokin ilmeisesti tukkii luukun. | Hey, something is to be blocking the hatch! |
Kukaan ei halua avata hirsipuusi luukkua, - siksi herra Julian suunnittelee erikoismenetelmän. | Nobody wants to spring the trap on you. Mr. Julian here is designing something special for us. |
Sano jotain, tai emme avaa luukkua. | Say something, asshole. Otherwise we will not open. |
Alaston nainen katosi luukusta. | Um, where the naked lady disappears through the trap door. Something like that. |
Ehkä sinne pääsee jostakin luukusta tai tikkailta | Maybe there's a... a trapdoor, a hatch, a ladder, something... - Uh, there's a booth. |
Huomaatko mitään luukusta? | You notice anything about this hatch? |
Jotakin luukusta. | Something about a hatch. |
Lupaan, etten kerro kenellekään luukusta. | I swear I won't tell anyone about the hatch thing, OK? |
Emme voi vain palvella luukulta. | We can't just bend over the counter. Let me say one thing- |
Sen takia kannattaa mennä sisälle eikä tilata drive-in-luukulta. | That`s the thing about going inside... rather than taKing the drive-through. |
Ovi, sitä sanotaan luukuksi. | Um, a lot of things went wrong. The, uh- |
- Kuuntele, Deke, ainoa asia elämän ja kuoleman välissä on se luukku. | Listen, Deke, the only thing between you living and dying is that canopy. |
- Se on vain pieni luukku. | It's nothing. It's the size of a closet. |
Avaa luukku. | Get this thing open. |
Avaa tämä luukku ennen kuin poltat mitään. Se on luukku. | You open this thing in the tap here before you light a fire... |
Olin alhaalla korjaamassa sitä, ja luukku vain sulkeutui. | I was down there... trying to fix the thing. |