Hirvensarvisuolaa, aniksen siemeniä, ruusuvettä ja keltuainen. | Strain and add spirit of hartshorn, eight drops. Oil of aniseed, five drops. Honey of roses, three drams. |
Onko teillä aniksen siemeniä? | Do you happen to have anise seed? - Have what? |
Suussani on aniksen maku. | I can taste aniseed. |
-Ripaus anista myös. | There's also a hint of anise. |
Vain sinappia ja anista. | Only mustard and aniseed. |
Se toimii paremmin anikseen sekoitettuna. | You're supposed to mix it with anise. It works better. |
- Hurtanminttu teetä aniksella. | It's horehound tea with anise. |
Hengitykseni haisee anikselta. | I think I've got aniseedy breath now. |
- Olisiko se anis- tai iiriksenjuuri? | You sure you don't mean anise or orris root? |